1st Time Grow For My Beautiful Broken Brain

Dear Ninja my brother from across the pond...:love:

I have been blessed with the opportunity to have my next grow sponsored by one of our 420 Mag Sponsors, "Seedsman." I will be testing one of their strains they recommend to aid in the treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Would you do me the honour to grace me with your presence during this trailblazing experiment?
Much love Lady G

Lady G - Seedsman Sponsored Grow - Sweet Coffee Ryder - Good to the last drop! hahahaha

Lady G - Seedsman Sponsored Grow - Sweet Coffee Ryder

I'm all comfy over at your place my soul sista
Hi everyone, my very kind and sharing children have decided that daddy should have the cold/flu virus that they have all got. ❤️.
I have taught them well lol.

This is the 1st time I've contracted these types of viruses since I became ill with meningitis 2.5 years ago.

I'm not sure why, could be the body on full defensive mode all that time. This could be a strange indicator of healing that my body can allow other pathogens into the system.

I'm on a bit of a go slow mode but I will try to reply and update later today folks.

Love you all .

Let's hope it is not Australian flu you hage got. It is a nasty strain and doesnt shift easy. Hopefully it is nothing more than just a bad cold and you can just take cold/flu remedies. Not much fun smoking stuff while loaded but if you're medicating with edibles or any other way then that is cool, perhaps take a wee bit more to help. While there are many therapeutic remedies from cannabis and even cures for some things the common cold and flu is not one of them. Shame that, lol.
I do hope you'll rest that brain of yours too. Ninja, if this is your first cold since your MG, just take it really easy. We don't want a reoccurrence. Focus on your growing future which has already arrived. You're so close my friend, this is just a minor speed bump to remind you you're human, in inhumane ways. :(
I bet you get better faster because you know the plants need you. This is how the symbiotic relationship starts with our plants. Now those plants will grow for you because you are sick. Much love from your sister across the flu pond. Sorry to ramble. I just care...:love:
looking nice and compact. : )

Given that..if it was mine i would top it fer sure, but i'd let it go to a proper 4th node with a good start on some stem above that. Then top it.

Then LST into a nice flat and spreading plant.

A really good current example is on this thread.

Katins's 2nd Micro Grow - White Widow Fem - 1 Square Foot Under LED

I reckon Katin will get a pretty good yield out of that one, and the journal has lots of photos so its easy to track progressively how that plant got to where it is.

I liked (and have copied) how Katin drilled a load of holes around the pot rim for LST. Did that for my current grow and while my plants are nowhere near as nicely formed it made the whole LST thing much easier.

Sorry for the delay in my reply philthegeek, I'm a bit like the tortoise at times in my race of life lol.

Thanks so much for your guidance, all help is greatly appreciated.

I've done my 1st topping ever on a plant today, I'll drop the update pics in ASAP .

I couldn't access the link before but I will try to remember to check it out later.

I'm thinking that some big paper clips could work as anchor points on the fabric pots, maybe try that next time I'm up there.

And a hearty good evening kind sir and 420 peeps.
Loving the look of medical mass and blueberry. Nice and tight node spacing judging by the pics. May your brain rest easy and positive thoughts and influences upon waking.

Have you tried using lemon grass, lavender and rosemary infused tea with a bag of red bush tea ( don't know if you can get it at the supermarket ) but you can find it online South African shops state side. Really wonderful as it detoxes the body and provides natural energy and stimulation for the brain. 3 cups a day does wonders.... Busy growing out those 3 at the moment, but buying Rosemary at the mo due to my Rosemary still being on the small side.......

Hi Smeegol, how's everything over your end?
I've not been having much cognitive capacity for reading just now and not paid you a visit in a few days. I will catch up today hopefully ..

I've not tried that tea before, but I will definitely add those herbs to my list to be growing outside.

I'll check out if I can source it online bud.

I've got a sage plant growing in the loft too that I plan to be using for tea. Everything that adds plant nutrients and terpenes to system is always a good idea my friend ..

I read earlier that you were thinking of topping? That can be a good idea and plenty of pics and info to find out how to do it. There is a pic on my grow of how i did it and it turned out fine for my first time, however, some plants prefer not to be topped. If you have 2 of the same strain then it may be an idea to top 1 and not the other and see how they go. That way you can do a side by side comparison to see if it was beneficial for that particular strain. Both will have the same light and similar feeding schedule so the end result will tell you if it was worth it or not. Genetics should be the same, smoke and strength should be the same or very similar but the final weight will be a determining factor.

Hi bud .

Fantastic info and advice as always Glasgrow.

Once I get a chance to try some cloning that will definitely be an experiment I will be trying.

Medical Mass will definitely be getting a few cuttings taken for sure.
Yeh, I will try topping them all, once you pop you just can't stop lol

Hello fellow brainiac, how grows it...lol.

Topping? Yes, 3rd or 4th node

Now since you are pulling away at the leaves and planning on doing some LST, I highly recommend some kinda stake or corkscrew to give your girl some stability. I'm not sure how that goes when you're using cloth pots especially if they are bing moved. But it's really important to give her soon to be trunk some support if you're going to be "hands on" so you never have to worry about pulling her stalk different directions.

I use a long garden spike, very thin like a toothpick, but long enough to give her support. Do you need a pic?

Other than that, you're ladies look grow-tastic!:circle-of-love:

Thank you so much my soul sista.

It's growing fantastically well I think so far.

My aim is always to be able to grow my wonderful medicine with as little complications as possible. Let's see how that works out lol.

I've picked up some handy thick rubber coated garden wire from the £/$ shop a while back during my very lengthy preparations lol.

That should work for a support and to also pin the branches over a bit if needed.

Huge love n hugs from your ninjas .

My best yield with Med Mass was with an "uncle ben's" topping, topped 3 times with 2 stems from each cut for total of 8 very neatly arranged heads and level canopy that was easy to maintain. I think I made first topping above 5th node (i.e. I removed 6th set of leaves.) I know a lot of people top sooner, but I like to wait until top growth starts to take off, which means root system is well established and plant is better able to handle stress of topping.

BTW - I really like how compact your plants are.:thumb:

Thank you so much KR ..

I think that it's staying compact is down to me very gently opening up the leaves when I see the new leaf tips starting to show in the early growth stage.

I think this calls for an comparison experiment after taking some clones. I'll do that just before flipping hopefully.

Do you still have any pics of your MM uncle ben's topping Kingston? My brain isn't the most effective at thinking this week.

Do you mean that after the 1st topping, the 2 new main stems of new growth then both get topped and then repeat on the other new growth tops? .

Let's hope it is not Australian flu you hage got. It is a nasty strain and doesnt shift easy. Hopefully it is nothing more than just a bad cold and you can just take cold/flu remedies. Not much fun smoking stuff while loaded but if you're medicating with edibles or any other way then that is cool, perhaps take a wee bit more to help. While there are many therapeutic remedies from cannabis and even cures for some things the common cold and flu is not one of them. Shame that, lol.

I've no idea what kind it is my friend but I can tell you it's been kicking my ass.

I suppose it had to happen at some point .lol.
I now know how my brain and body respond to fighting off other infections apart from my other health issues.

I have been set back considerably but I will not stop moving forward bud.

My family needs their auld dad to be as well as possible, and that's exactly what I will be doing, resting, healing and pushing myself as far as I can.

It's a fine line but that's life for you .

How's things in your world bud?

Afternoon there mr. Ginganinja, I had bacterial meningitis Nov 2016, was kindly attended by laviscious nurses ( joking ) it sucked. And I only live 5 min by car, almost a month in hospital, hope the girls are doing well and the day finds you in happy health...:Namaste:

It's a testing journey we are on my friend.
I'm so glad you recovered and are here to continue growing in life and in your garden.

I can't praise the nursing staff enough for looking after me, they are under so much strain with limited resources but always there to help us ..

I do hope you'll rest that brain of yours too. Ninja, if this is your first cold since your MG, just take it really easy. We don't want a reoccurrence. Focus on your growing future which has already arrived. You're so close my friend, this is just a minor speed bump to remind you you're human, in inhumane ways. :(
I bet you get better faster because you know the plants need you. This is how the symbiotic relationship starts with our plants. Now those plants will grow for you because you are sick. Much love from your sister across the flu pond. Sorry to ramble. I just care...:love:

I'm resting lots my soul sista, can't have you flying over here to kick my ass for not behaving now lol.

You are spot on about the plants knowing I need them, lots of growing been happening while I've been tucked up in bed.

I'm doing an update on a minute ..

Good morning Mr Ninja, I hope you are feeling better, flu is the worst, really debilitates a persons energy reserves. As stated above the girls need you and you need them and a perfect harmony shall develop. Hope this finds you well this morning......

You just know shits taken care of when chuck shows up .

Okay then, that's all the reply's caught up with and the brain is still ticking away slowly here so let's get updating.

Temps took a dip there, the weather has taken on more snow overnight and today so I think it's just been 1 day on the low side.

Not to worry, that's what happens outside everyday so my girls will handle it.

Heater has been adjusted to my sweet spot of mid 20's Celsius

Medical Mass
Day: 23

Day: 21

White Widow
Day: 13

Finola Hemp
Day: 16
Technique: Topped

Finola has had a big growth spurt, could be due to the lower temps as its bred for growing outside in northern cooler climates, or, it's a male, or, it's both. Let's wait and see ..

Ok folks, the brain is slowing down now so time to sign off.

Love you all my amazing 420 family .

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