1st Time Grow White Widow & Seedmakers Autoblue

hi mate, managed to find your journal now its in your sig, ive had a quick look through but ill have a good read when i get home, but everything looks good by the looks of it mate.

these white hairs you are seing is the plant showing you what sex it is, the white hairs show us its a fem, now some autos will continue to flower as soon as you see these white pistils, but some autos grow a while longer before going into full flower, now the only problem with autos is the yield, some growers get less than 1/8th per plant but their are growers that get over 4oz per auto, ive managed to get around 1oz per auto, but ive got 2 blueberrys growing at the minute and both where started on the same day, the one is in flower and is not that big so i will be lucky to get 1/4oz off it, but the other is growing a bit slower and has not shown sex yet so im hoping this will get bigger before starting to flower.

i have also got some 2ltr dwc hempies growing as well, and these are 12-12 from seed which works out the same as an auto,
now regular or fem seeds 12-12 from seed seem to yield more than an auto would and take the same amount of time to grow, these hempies im growing are done in 8 weeks from start to finish and they go 12-12 from seed, both are over 3ft tall, yet my autos are lucky if they go over 1ft tall, so clearly the autos are not stable yet,

but ill keep growing autos in between my regular and hempie plants, the last auto i grew was an auto bomb and it was the best bud i have had so far,

so instead of autos you could buy femenised seeds and stick them strait under 12-12 from seed, they will still end up big plants even 12-12 from seed, id say they even yield more than some autos, so thats something to think about, but if you wanted to go 12-12 from seed then id suggest giving just 7 days under 24-0 then flip to 12-12 this should give you around 25% extra yield.
I've asked this question before but I am not getting the whole ph level thing I tried vinegar in water and watched it drop but it is 100% safe to do this for my plant right?

just keep the pH around 6.5-7 soy and it will be just fine
Here is the one that i said had some hairs or something.
no, no hairs. still too soon soy. wait for the branches to alternate nodes. see how they are symmetrical still? let them get unsymmetrical
Re: 1st time grow White Widow and Seedmakers Autoblue

Right now im keeping them at 24/0 light because i heard its okay for autoflower or something but i also heard 18/6 or 20/4 if anyone knows what is the best please tell me . If you see where my room could use improvments just reply to this.

I have been told that 20/4 is best. The general consensus seems to be autos need some darkness. Nice beginning I will continue to watch your journal!!
Re: 1st time grow White Widow and Seedmakers Autoblue

I have been told that 20/4 is best. The general consensus seems to be autos need some darkness. Nice beginning I will continue to watch your journal!!

is there timers i can buy a a local hydroponics store or a hardware store that can rotate lights 20/4?

i see timers online and stuff but it says 15 minute or something like that im confused -edit
Re: 1st time grow White Widow and Seedmakers Autoblue

is there timers i can buy a a local hydroponics store or a hardware store that can rotate lights 20/4?

i see timers online and stuff but it says 15 minute or something like that im confused -edit

I have not used timers before. The few that I have looked at will do what you need. Its all in a given 24 hour period. I think when it gets confusing is when others like to do alternating lighting. In other words different light cycles in a given day. Go to the top of the page and use the search engine. It is under the Forums tab. Believe me when I say that the answer is in there! You have some very good folks watching your grow. Donpaul is one of them. You seem to be doing fine and I am excited for you!
Re: 1st time grow White Widow and Seedmakers Autoblue

is there timers i can buy a a local hydroponics store or a hardware store that can rotate lights 20/4?

i see timers online and stuff but it says 15 minute or something like that im confused -edit

What they mean by 15 minutes is that it is a 24 hour timer that has tabs that will turn off or on in 15 minute Increments so you can move all the tabs for the 20 hours to the on position and the other 4 hours to the off position.:thumb:I use on of these in my veg room set at 18/6, and in my flower room I set it for 12/12. I do not have Autos so I do not know what is best for them, Ive read somewhere that 24 was good all the way thru to the end of flower, but again I am not sure if this is good.:peace:
I actually saw some really neat timers at the pet store the other day. It's a power strip that pivots between plugs, so you can plug in items with lil transformer boxes on the plugs and they won't hit, so you can actually use all your spots. And the neatest thing is, the last two plugs are on a built in timer! So you can plugs your lights into the timer spots, or whole other power strip in your case sauce if your going to the multiple strips of cfl's. And plug fans, heat pads, water pumps, whatever into the remaining spots that would receive constant power. It's for reptile tanks. Idk if it will work for your specific application or not, but I had never seen them and thought they were pretty cool. Good luck. My autos are 1 week in and iv never done them before, so I'm watching your pics closely to see what my future holds! I hope mine look as good as yours!
I read TONS of stuff about LSTing before I did and thought I totally was gonna have this down, WRONG! It's harder than it looks, I broke some stuff too. Its part of learning. Now when I look at a pic of a awsome plant I don't think, "wow, what a plant!". I think "Wow, what a grower!"

Your doing great man. More pics!
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