420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: June 2023

420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: June 2023

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  • Poll closed .
You guys know I do love my contest's lol but I do agree.. rules have been set and made.. if my nug was beat by a nug that didn't meet the guidelines I would probably throw in the towel instead of speak up.. it would bring my views on the comp to a low and I'd probably drift out of them.. but if someone came to me and said sorry mate your bud doesn't look like it's fully dried or cured so doesn't meet the rules then I'd said fair does and come more prepared next time.. it doesn't have to be deemed negative at all..

When it comes to voting you vote your heart out!! As long as every bud meets the comps rules then that's what it's their for. If you see a dank strain that you know is killer but to the eye isn't the most appealing vote for it man! nothing against that at all. a member had been proud enough to get involved and take a shot he deserves the vote..

For me sometimes I look at buds that aren't even fully trimmed and I'm like mmm yh I fancy that lol but when I enter my own nugs I do my best to trim them up as I think it would be more appealing to you guys..

Rules should be enforced but voting.. vote for what you love..

Ps I still have one more nug in the artillery so when I return you better bring your A game 🤣🤣🤣 fighting talk 🥊
You guys know I do love my contest's lol but I do agree.. rules have been set and made.. if my nug was beat by a nug that didn't meet the guidelines I would probably throw in the towel instead of speak up.. it would bring my views on the comp to a low and I'd probably drift out of them.. but if someone came to me and said sorry mate your bud doesn't look like it's fully dried or cured so doesn't meet the rules then I'd said fair does and come more prepared next time.. it doesn't have to be deemed negative at all..

When it comes to voting you vote your heart out!! As long as every bud meets the comps rules then that's what it's their for. If you see a dank strain that you know is killer but to the eye isn't the most appealing vote for it man! nothing against that at all. a member had been proud enough to get involved and take a shot he deserves the vote..

For me sometimes I look at buds that aren't even fully trimmed and I'm like mmm yh I fancy that lol but when I enter my own nugs I do my best to trim them up as I think it would be more appealing to you guys..

Rules should be enforced but voting.. vote for what you love..

Ps I still have one more nug in the artillery so when I return you better bring your A game 🤣🤣🤣 fighting talk 🥊
Oh I’m be bringing you a Panamanian in the future that’s gonna be a competition killer☠️. CL🍀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
I figure a bud @ 58 - 62% is dry.

Maybe not much of a cure but meets the requirements ;)

I wasn’t specifically referring to you or anyone else but just wanted to voice my 2 cents. lol I’m completely cool with everyone’s entries if 420 is. CL🍀
It's such a sensitive time bomb to have to confront too.

Sometimes it's really dry but the way it was shot with some light reflection makes it look wet.

Some people get extremely offended and tell us to go fuck ourselves and leave the site.

Some straight up lie and pretend it's not wet, putting up a fake fight and creating a ton of drama.

Some get all jacked up from the news and their life drama and unleash all that energy on us.

It's like playing Russian roulette, literally, and it's beyond stressful.

Weed love for you all to work together as a community to help us keep things fair and not always rely on us for everything.
I think you guys should simply send me all the entries. I’ll smoke them all and let y’all know which are properly cured.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I'll sign up too bro, we'll meet up every 14th and go through them 🤣🤣🤣 I'll definitely give the contest promo everything I got! 🤣🤣🤣
Call me out if I'm wrong, please!

You’re wrong.

I fridge dry and for the most part my stems stay green.

There are many reasons people make mistakes. Most times it’s just an honest mistake ie not reading the rules.

There are also many ways we can respond, when we feel someone has made a mistake. One way is publicly announce it then have a public pile on. The other way is to privately point out the error. Personally I much prefer someone point my mistake out privately.

And a big thanks to @420 for even giving us the opportunity to showcase our wares and win prizes. While I’m not an entering contest kinda gal, I nominate and vote every month.

You’re wrong.

I fridge dry and for the most part my stems stay green.

There are many reasons people make mistakes. Most times it’s just an honest mistake ie not reading the rules.

There are many ways we can respond, when we feel someone has made a mistake. One way is publicly announce it then have a public pile on. The other way is to privately point out the error. Personally I much prefer someone point my mistake out privately.

And a big thanks to @420 for even giving us the opportunity to showcase our wares and win prizes. While I’m not an entering contest kinda gal, I nominate and vote every month.

I agree with everything you said, and I think there's a lot of truth to it. The term "smokeable" is pretty relative. Green stems in a photo don't define things very well. For instance, I absolutely love fresh weed - right off the strings. You don't get a lot of color change in 5 days. Others insist on a "cure" before smoking it. And I don't think there's much difference in how gorgeous a nug is after 2 weeks or a month or a week. They're gorgeous when they're gorgeous. Sometimes a purple or red will fade after a month, etc. Sometimes a month makes them more attractive looking.

The voting community has policed things well over the years. Sometimes it's worth piping up, keeping entries in compliance, reminding the rest of us. I agree that one of the entries looks undried, but it's also one of my favorites with all that glistening trich coverage. I just know that I'd love to taste it. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And also notice that it's not a leading vote getter. Self-policing in action. If it becomes one of the leading contenders, then the issue would need to be dealt with. But the votes are the judgement, after all.


You’re wrong.

I fridge dry and for the most part my stems stay green.

There are many reasons people make mistakes. Most times it’s just an honest mistake ie not reading the rules.

There are also many ways we can respond, when we feel someone has made a mistake. One way is publicly announce it then have a public pile on. The other way is to privately point out the error. Personally I much prefer someone point my mistake out privately.

And a big thanks to @420 for even giving us the opportunity to showcase our wares and win prizes. While I’m not an entering contest kinda gal, I nominate and vote every month.
Well then why didn’t you practice what you preach and PM him instead of calling him out publicly? CL🍀

You’re wrong.

I fridge dry and for the most part my stems stay green.

There are many reasons people make mistakes. Most times it’s just an honest mistake ie not reading the rules.

There are also many ways we can respond, when we feel someone has made a mistake. One way is publicly announce it then have a public pile on. The other way is to privately point out the error. Personally I much prefer someone point my mistake out privately.

And a big thanks to @420 for even giving us the opportunity to showcase our wares and win prizes. While I’m not an entering contest kinda gal, I nominate and vote every month.
You're wrong, Period!
I didn't call anyone out if you read the above..why didn't you send me a PM.. unbelievable..
You're wrong, Period!
I didn't call anyone out if you read the above..why didn't you send me a PM.. unbelievable..
For pete's sake, now I'm all confused n stuff. :hmmmm:

Public or private? Whaddya want here? You started this, no? Publicly? I thought your initial post was fine. Just a headsup, keep-it-real-folks thing. People don't get to respond?

We all get it now - watch those live healthy green leaves on your entry. Dat's a little too fresh. :laughtwo:
For pete's sake, now I'm all confused n stuff. :hmmmm:

Public or private? Whaddya want here? You started this, no? Publicly? I thought your initial post was fine. Just a headsup, keep-it-real-folks thing. People don't get to respond?

We all get it now - watch those live healthy green leaves on your entry. Dat's a little too fresh. :laughtwo:
I call it the way I see it and if it offends anyone then that’s on them because I didn’t intend to! CL🍀
You're wrong, Period!
OMG G Gizzal, I’m mortified! First let me start by saying I’m so sorry you’ve taken my words as a personal reply.

Effective communication is about your words being received in the manner they were intended. And my communication in this instant has not been effective. The only part of my reply that was directly aimed at you was the green stem comment. I fridge dry and my stems remain green. That is what I meant.
I didn't call anyone out if you read the above..why didn't you send me a PM.. unbelievable..
I’m really sorry you felt that is what I was saying. The second part of my comment was a general observation to point out how I don’t think it would feel nice to be publicly pointed at in what can feel like a negative manner. Your response demonstrates my point. You thought I was doing that to you, and you understandably didn’t like it and that’s because it doesn't feel nice. Without tone and body language the written word often gets misconstrued because we often invent tone and assume intent.

Again I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings. That wasn't my intention. And the mistake is mine. I see how you've taken the second part of my message personally. I should have made two separate posts. I was a bit time poor this morning and just put all my words in one post.

I also call it how I see it, but if I unintentionally offend, I try to explain. My intention is to do my best not to hurt people. That's not to say I don't accidentally fuck up, I do - as you have seen here lol. That said, I do stand by my opinion in this instance tho. We never know what others are going through. Sometimes having people point directly at you in an unkind manner in a public place can be enough to shake a persons day. That's all I was meaning. It was just an observation on how I would feel if a few people were talking about me in a public manner.
I call it the way I see it and if it offends anyone then that’s on them because I didn’t intend to! CL🍀
Well I think that's a bit sad.

While I too call it how I see it, I don’t disregard how I’ve made someone feel just because that wasn’t my intention. Just because I didn’t intend to hurt someone, doesn’t mean they can’t be hurt by me. It’s how we respond to moments like that that define us. Well I think it is.
“if I could add a rule”;

Buds have to be from a journal grown and harvested with proof on the site… otherwise anyone can buy a very expensive bud, picture it and win.

The contest has lots of layers to it; if we really wanted to audit the entries more rules need to be set and met by all nominated candidates.

Soooo many buds can be store bought. I give that 0 merit. Sorry don’t get my vote if you didn’t grow the nug, or the plant. I’m always on the fence when it comes to voting… I know some members here just vote between each other it’s now obvious when we can view who votes for who… seen way too many of you vote for your buddy just because… contest sometimes have nothing to do with the entry and all to do with the member posting it. Am I right or not? Call me out.

what I do enjoy is seeing over and over some of the same members win 100 contests that clearly they could not have grown plants and buds in one season.

Come on guys… vote for the newbie doing an excellent job at it, why give it again to the member that has 100 contests won??

Normally I don’t care about these things I only care about my game and raising the level on my turf (organic outdoors) but,
I’m trying hard to not be an outcast and putting some time in the community giving my honest opinion.

“if I could add a rule”;

Buds have to be from a journal grown and harvested with proof on the site… otherwise anyone can buy a very expensive bud, picture it and win.

The contest has lots of layers to it; if we really wanted to audit the entries more rules need to be set and met by all nominated candidates.

Soooo many buds can be store bought. I give that 0 merit. Sorry don’t get my vote if you didn’t grow the nug, or the plant. I’m always on the fence when it comes to voting… I know some members here just vote between each other it’s now obvious when we can view who votes for who… seen way too many of you vote for your buddy just because… contest sometimes have nothing to do with the entry and all to do with the member posting it. Am I right or not? Call me out.

what I do enjoy is seeing over and over some of the same members win 100 contests that clearly they could not have grown plants and buds in one season.

Come on guys… vote for the newbie doing an excellent job at it, why give it again to the member that has 100 contests won??

Normally I don’t care about these things I only care about my game and raising the level on my turf (organic outdoors) but,
I’m trying hard to not be an outcast and putting some time in the community giving my honest opinion.

I think you have something there.
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