420's First Soil Indoor Medical LED: Mostarda Grow Journal 2017

Weekly update.



For now,
all is going ok.
Only water,
next time i plan to give them some algae kelp!
They have to reach the sixth node yet for topping process.
is still too early.
I hope my companions of thread,
will give me some advice,
because the space is what you see,
i don't know if i have to do some training,
like LST,
after the topping.
Could i do it in this small place?
For now,
is all.
Happy Easter to all,
have a good Sunday.
See ya soon!


Thanks for "Tesoro" @CannaKitty ahahahahahah
Buona Pasqua italiana,
spero che qualcuno ti regali un bell'uovo!

So it's time to topping...
More or less all of them have the 3rd node.

In my mind i would have liked to arrive at the 6th node then topping so the plants have more energy to recover,
specially if i top from 6th to the 3rd,
like people do when make Mainling.
I never done a topping,
so i am a bit concerned.
So it's time to topping...
More or less all of them have the 3rd node.

In my mind i would have liked to arrive at the 6th node then topping so the plants have more energy to recover,
specially if i top from 6th to the 3rd,
like people do when make Mainling.
I never done a topping,
so i am a bit concerned.

I like to take a pinch, just 1/4" (0.5cm) or so of new growth, 1/8" (0.3cm) or so above a pair of leaves - not much to recover from.
The last time I cloned from 6 down to 3 was to slow down the girl so she wouldn't grow as fast.
Chop chop!
Oh well,
i am a man that do what needs to be done, lol.
Hope is a decent topping...
It's a little spicy the apical of the plants,
gnam gnam.





Yep, you are right, the others three have some wings left LOL
Now i need all your knowledge and help to do a good job if they have to be trained and defoliated in future.
With lights on, it is usually best to spray the underside of leaves. The water droplets on the top can focus intense light and create little pinprick burns or just generally stress the leaves. No light intensity problems on the undersides of leaves.

I always water on the pm side of the schedule. Cool air getting warm + water = water vapor : RH+. No fans possible mold. Don't think they are equipped to absorb water on the underside of the leaves either....

::Scratches Head::

What's is with all the aluminum foil around here someone needs to sticky that!
For foliar feeding, spray on the underside of leaves. Spraying in the first half of the day (the lights on period) is the most effective.[/QUOTE]

Again I spray at night and agree 100% target the pest where they are comfortable. In the shade of the canopy under leaves.

I feel that spraying at night in the pests residence can be more effective as there are more than 1 active ingredients in most repellents unless of course all natural essential oils are used.

Here's one how about no bugs in the first place!
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