600W LED Grow

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Irish, you know how I feel Bro. CONGRATULATIONS MAN!!
S.S. Good job with the guess, looking forward to seeing your future test.
Mike, good luck in the millionare's club, you've earned it Sir.
Much respect to all. .V. :bravo::bravo:

think you bro. get ready for another one. a big thanks to you for being in all my threads since day one. its been a long time, but a fun one. but damn its about time i get a good yield from leds.:grinjoint:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I appreciate your humility irishboy, but you rocked this grow from beginning to end and did a great job running this journal.

you deserve every bit of praise.

Now, go roll a fatty and rest up for the next one! :ganjamon:

thank you that means allot to me. i am glade i did get that hay smell, just burp the jars and my house reeks now:grinjoint:

about to smoke one right now:bong:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Hell of a haul there Irish, it's great to see LED pulling some awesome nuggets. I've had both the strains you grew and there both wonderful in there own respect. I love that peppery spiciness of the Jack and the citrus taste of the HS. Double thumbs up friend, now turn that shake into some BubbleH. :nicethread:

yes ur right, you cant compare the two. both very lovely in their own way.

no bubble but their will be some butter:slide:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

This was a successful grow! Period. Great yields and lots of it.

I am continuously struck by LED manufacturers who think growing ONE plant is some kind of test. Or a comparison of TWO grows is enough evidence of anything.

On the first point - it is a shit ton more difficult to get 16oz+ from 4 plants than 180g from one or two. LED manufacturers block this from their minds and advertising spin. This is by far the most successful demonstration of any decent quantity and quality I've seen of LEDs. Setting Sun's was great as well, but different.

On the second point - there are are so many variables in each grow that to try to pin down empirical evidence from a few plants in a few grows is crazy. If the LED manufacturers want the convos to stop - then do a commercial grow! Show us one time that LED's can indeed grow 2lbs of cannabis a month for the same price as HID. And do it for a year. Until then - STFU! Irish produced more from less than any manufacturer I've seen. Whatever his gut reactions to the lights - there is something there. For whatever reason - growing is about finding the combination that works for an individual grower.

This grow was a win!

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

see i could have been like 98% of all the other led growers and just said a weight with no pics, but know i took the time to take pics of my buds on a scale all my buds in a jar a pic of my stem snapping, and yet you try to call bs on me. i got a pic for you HGL

ya higher gram per watt of shit small bud.
you want the truth!



And this is why i use mikes light





umm i know what light i chose and why. this is why G/W is bull shit. what buds would you chose
re: GLH 600W LED Grow


This thread degenerated quickly by feeding the troll.

Irish - you got any plans for the next grow? And/or kooky experiments with the trim?



you are right, cant get rid of a stray if you keep feeding it.

but :focus: i am going to grow some of those Hindu skunks again, nice solid smoke. doing some Hempy Buckets with three 300w GHL lights.

i am going to make some Butter from my trim and get medicated.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

here are some pics to show that they are dry. anyone should know what .7 looks like and for sure what an 1/8th looks like.

also i wanted to show off my grade A+. enjoy














oh ya and i forgot the most important way to tell if your buds are dry. stems breaking. this is why i love cameras, and why i took very detail pics threw my whole grow. never hid anything. always had water bottle or beer bottles to show the results, had a friend hold my plants while i took a pic. got pics for day to back up my work. most led grows barely have any detail pics! but mine do.

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

hey could you guys tell me what i should call a good harvest with a 600w hps with 4 plants? the thing is i have that 600w led light and i never grew with a 600w hps before so i dont know what to call a good yield per plant or from 4 plants to see if this light is comparable to HID. rep points for whoever helps me.

about a yeild off a 600... I think 10 oz would be respectable. I wouldn't be happy with less than 12 oz. I'd be very content with 14 oz. With a good strain I think I could push 18 oz. Superman Heath Robinson pulled over 2 pounds off a 600, but that's not your average grow.

Originally Posted by irishboy
is this yield respectable for a 600w light from 4 plants? i would love to here ur feedback since this is my 1st 600w grow.


Irish, great harvest in my book. What's important, are you happy with it? That's all that matters.

as long as you can not see light threw the bud,its a good grow by me............i mean,
as long as it makes you happy.........and it was worth your time.then grow on.......

Originally Posted by irishboy
others on different sites are telling me i didnt even come close to matching a 600w hps, i dont know what to think? should i be happy or disappointed? its nice to get advice from some real 600w growers on a 600w thread.

4.8 oz average per plant is a great harvest in my book. Those other guys are BSing you only because you use Led. I bet they cant grow plants that put out 4 and a half ounces Lol

Amazing harvest... my 600 hps pulled about 15 oz off 4 plants....your 600 LED wins lol

Originally Posted by jigfresh
EDIT: Forgot to mention Irishboy those buds are just beautiful. LED or HPS whatever that's some dank. Just looks so proper. I love me some Hindu Skunk too.

Fantastic bro. They look damn damn good, great job again.

Nice bud irish, looks like a good harvest.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Weird, justlooking, cammie or not, isn't helping hgl push any lights.

I was ready to pull the trigger on a couple of 205s, til cammie started running her mouth. Coupled with justlooking's frothing... I've haven't seen a better example of what not to do in marketing<G>

A company's attitude means a lot to me. I don't like giving money to assholes... I'll find another place to spend it, and there's plenty.

Hell, let her rant here, it's only going to rightfully turn more people off her lights. I don't see anything wrong with feeding this troll, it'll just fizzle and die at it's own hand.

Irish, I respect your knowledge of good bud, and you seem damn proud of what you grew... that's more than enough for me:bravo:

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Weird, justlooking, cammie or not, isn't helping hgl push any lights.

I was ready to pull the trigger on a couple of 205s, til cammie started running her mouth. Coupled with justlooking's frothing... I've haven't seen a better example of what not to do in marketing<G>

A company's attitude means a lot to me. I don't like giving money to assholes... I'll find another place to spend it, and there's plenty.

Hell, let her rant here, it's only going to rightfully turn more people off her lights. I don't see anything wrong with feeding this troll, it'll just fizzle and die at it's own hand.

Irish, I respect your knowledge of good bud, and you seem damn proud of what you grew... that's more than enough for me:bravo:


thank you i am very proud of my bud. i wish you guys could enjoy this weed with me. very very tasty. and strong.

much love and respect!

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