600W LED Grow

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

i dont think it would get clogged provided you kept it running constantly 24/7. its main objective would be to circulate air under a lid. if you were really worried about it clogging you could put the medium/perlite mix in first ... pack it to one side of the bucket leaving enough room to put the air-stone in long ways (up and down in the bucket) and backfill around the airstone with perlite...or do the same with one of the H shaped diffusers on the bottom of the bucket.

thanks for the rep.

good advice. it seems i couldn't give you the rep because i need to spreed some but i will get you once i can. thanks for the feedback:thumb:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

sorry for all this pic guys, i just love showing off these girls.lol.. here are some pics i took to show the girls there is no flash on with the camera with these pics. i just wanted to show the true look of these girls. sorry the pic quality suffers since i dont have the flash on and dont really have any side lighting expect for a celling light in the room, my camera sucks at taking these pics. but here you go the real deal.

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

hey irish back to your soil mediums you might consider hemp hurd in a future mix im using it now in place of perlite in a container vegtable garden and will add it to my next mj grow. i hate perlite dust yuck, i bought it from hemptraders.com.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow


I have been wondering if ya know or someone else may chime in here, I see you got 4 plants if one was to use say a 600 watt HID wd. one be able to have say more plants with more of a foot print of light using the HID over the leds

IN that sense one could or could NOT grow more with HID over the LEDs hope ya get my drift here...

Thanks alot...!
re: GLH 600W LED Grow


I have been wondering if ya know or someone else may chime in here, I see you got 4 plants if one was to use say a 600 watt HID wd. one be able to have say more plants with more of a foot print of light using the HID over the leds

IN that sense one could or could NOT grow more with HID over the LEDs hope ya get my drift here...

Thanks alot...!

yes a 600w HID has a bigger foot print then a 600w led panel. but if you used smaller led panels like a 180w you would match the 600w HID foot print IMO. the led company's claim that you can match the yield of a 600w hid with a 600w led panel core saturation even though it has less foot print, i dont know how true this is? but i will find out real soon. IMO more little leds will come close to a 600w hid foot print then using one big led light. but then we dont know if having the light broken up is better or worse? there needs to be more testing to see if the bigger units are better or the smaller units are?
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Right On Irish...
I appreciate that you tell it as ya see it... Plus reps to ya for that alone...:thumb::thumb:

Maybe 3 or so 200 watt units there abouts would give the same foot print or better....Interesting .
re: GLH 600W LED Grow


congratulations on winning plant of the month, you deserve the win with the great grow you produced. :bravo:

I know this Sat. is the harvest party but when do you figure you'll be starting the next grow. Have you already made arraignments for delivery of the new lights and if so when do you expect their arrival. I won't be able to make the party this time as I haven't been feeling that well lately but thanks for the invite. :rollit:

Can hardly wait for the pics this Sat. may you and your guests have a good time and may all your fingers get so sticky you are unable to get them clean for a week. :welldone:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow


congratulations on winning plant of the month, you deserve the win with the great grow you produced. :bravo:

I know this Sat. is the harvest party but when do you figure you'll be starting the next grow. Have you already made arraignments for delivery of the new lights and if so when do you expect their arrival. I won't be able to make the party this time as I haven't been feeling that well lately but thanks for the invite. :rollit:

Can hardly wait for the pics this Sat. may you and your guests have a good time and may all your fingers get so sticky you are unable to get them clean for a week. :welldone:

thanks man. i am not to sure when the next grow will start i have to wait for the lights since they are on back order. no expected arrival. i plan to start my next grow asap. i will veg under this 600w if i have to, and if time runs out and i have to flower i will have to dust off the 1000w hps and hook up all the vent hoses and BS. because i like to do my plants big and i think the foot print would be an issue with this 600w light and 6 big lst plants like i have now. so i will just play it by ear. i understand mike's hands are tied and theirs nothing he can do to get the lights here faster and it not his fault. so we will play it by ear.

i expect this next grow to kick ass and make my buds now look small and weak. i learned a few good things this grow about these leds and how i want to set them up. and we all now 1000W is the magic number to grow some huge buds. the only thing i will have going against me on this next grow will be the heat from summer, but i think we all will learn some great info about leds and how they grow plants in high temps. so this should be a good one.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Irish, thanks for your efforts, man. You and Mike (as well as some of the contributors here) really are paving the way for the future of LEDS and proving their legitimacy whether you know it or not.
Your next grow will be several 180's? I'm sorry if I missed it but could you repeat what the next LED set-up will be? I know there is hold-up on them and you may go HID for flower. I appreciate all of your work and will continue to follow your experiments. So thanks again, Mike and Irishboy! Oh and congrats on POTM!
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Irish, thanks for your efforts, man. You and Mike (as well as some of the contributors here) really are paving the way for the future of LEDS and proving their legitimacy whether you know it or not.
Your next grow will be several 180's? I'm sorry if I missed it but could you repeat what the next set-up will be? I appreciate all of your work and will continue to follow your experiments. So thanks again, Mike and Irishboy! Oh and congrats on POTM!

thank you! i was going to do several 180's but after thinking about it allot i decided to go with three 300w's lights. i think the more intense light will be better then 180's although it will have less foot print. i will have 6 plants and every two plants will have a 300w unit over them.
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