AKGrowBig - Grow Big Journal

things are really starting to look diferant. things are really starting to chunk up now .

wonder woman




subbed. hi I am doing kush with LED in RDWC. Three weeks into bud and ph is dropping so I add silica or res change but still drops fast every day. res temps around 76 F during lights on. Does your ph drop in bud cycle? I am trying some organic bud mix, cal mag, silica, pond enzimes, molasses.

thanks for the sub gudyul! no I haven't had any issue with ph dropping. I did a while ago in veg and it was due to ocerfeeding with boosters. what is your system made of do you have any pics?
I have a very small submersible pump that pumps to tow 30 gallon totes from a 20gallon res. The returns are 2 ea3/4 inch black tubes. Two hydro pumps with 4ea 4 inch x 1 inch stones. one dedicated mars 1200 per plant , one plant per tote. THe submersible may be the culprit?. I have changed out air pump diaphragms recently. res temps 76F. day temps 86 night 75F, humidity 40-60 .
Ok here is day 13 Guys! man it is flying by! I'm really starting to see flower forming across the whole canipy! I've had to cut back on the EC of solution to about 1.0 to 1.2 they are just not as hungry for nutriants but are still eating a ton!

Flowers forming?


Groop shot Day 13

Day 13 Wonder Woman

Day 13 Crystal
To find your way home cuz you will get lost in there. LOL
Maybe I should try the bread crumbs thing. I think I do get lost in there lol. I'm always in there just watching them grow petting them like they are a cat lol.
Qapla I can get that for you when lights turn on here. I won't be able to get you pics of exact white light but I'll get you some that are a whole lot better!. thanks for all the reply and request for info people! I won't hold back on any info so keep the questions coming! and I'll get thoes pics up for you in the next couple hours Qapla thanks again!
Nice Hansel & Gretal reference Any chance of getting a pic with white/natual light? They look great from what I can tell. That really is beginning to be a nice little jungle in there. Gonna have to get you a pair of coveralls so you don't stain your clothes with resin.

Here ya go Qapla as you requested!



Wonder Woman

Thanks Lexort! I just checked on them and the bud size has almost doubled in size. you can see the bud starting to come together! I can tell there is still verticle growth left but I'm unsure how much. I can also tell that there is resin starting to form! all so exciting!
Did you stop grow food, slight yellow on new growth looks like M def. I do not see any PH wrinkles so it's most likely not lock out. I gave grow food till stretching stopped. Once they are done reaching for the roof I'll drop the N ferts.

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