Akisunni Outdoor NorCal Winter/Spring 2015 Grow

You've been awfully quiet aki. Hoping all's well with you. :love:

Sorry for the silence, sometimes life gets in the way of doing the fun things. I killed one of the three newer clones. Its bucket needed a max water line, and it drowned. The Twins are doing great. Extremely sticky, small, and dense. I estimate another month for them.

Jerry & Baggy: Well, she doesnt appear to have made seeds, I am close to pulling her. I have pinched a couple of buds and have zero feeling of seeds.

We have an 80's seed growing, but its so small I am not sure if its healthy or not. Mr Baggy was already a weed by this stage.

I will return with pictures later, I promise.

Looking forward to them aki. The changes will be shocking. They grow so fast.
Bud Porn Update Time

Saddly, I just realized I shot all of these with my camera facing up, verses sideways, which is what I have to do to share properly aligned photos. I apologize in advance for not resetting these.

Hey guys, sorry for the silence. The girls have been in an area where they only get about 5 hours of daylight a day, the rest is semi to dark shaded. This is slowed down their growth curves, and well lets be honest, I am growing outdoors in winter. Its not exactly like I can complain too much.

Here is the Twins

They are extremely healthy, minus a couple of leaves with holes. The plants smelled of middle eastern spices when the nights were still cold. Now that we are getting into a much warmer environment, they are smelling more fruity. I love their smell.


New Clones

I managed to drown one of the three new clones. She appears to have been the Skywalker. The other two started to show signs of nitrogen deficiency. I had given them nothing but tap water for a couple of waterings. Since these photos were taken a couple of days ago, I have given them about 1 gallon of warm tap water with 5-1-1 and 10-10-0 fish emulished mixed together with a drop of M.G. liquid all in one combo. As of tonight the new girls have responsed to the nutrients with new bud growth on their primary spots. Things are moving along nicely now.


Jerry the Door Girl
I thought I had pictures of, but dont see them here.

My personal garden space


oh and for Sweet Sue a worm infested grass and dirt and barkmulch pile... mulch I think you call it... :)


As you can see, the garden for other things is in a nicely productive period considering its only March. We are harvesting winter plantings now. I have spent a bunch of time here lately. My daughter who is pregnant with my 1st grandchild has moved away and is extremely sick with the morning curse. She had 4 x IV bottles put into her today, for context. I have also had my developer move on from my ag project, due to his own kids health issues and time. We are still extremely friendly.

Finally, with out details, I have been cleaning up some past issues, and I am going to probably have to put my Grow Coop on hold until Fall/Next year. There is only so much you can do in X amount of time/money by yourself, as key person. I have pushed myself and my project list to much lately and have found the need to slow down. Ergo my silence here was due to self imposed concentrate on X+y+z only time. My parents are 90+ and my sister will now be stepping up to help with their daily care too. Something I have been shoulder for a couple of years while she took a much needed break.

I kind of snapped today... and she completely understands the context.

Finally, there is a new seed growing. Out of probably 30 beans form the 80's, I now have 1 semi viable tiny seedling growing. I wasnt giving it enough red light, so it didnt stretch at all. Basically micro leaves on leaves.
Everything is looking good, Aki. Keep up the good work. With so much going on, don't forget to treat yourself to some good times. ;)
I understand the problem of family and time constraints, ya have my empathy. On some days there is just not enough time in the day to try and make everyone happy. Take care of yourself, because it really sucks when the caregiver goes down.
Speaking as a caregiver still trying to fight off my own cold so I can still be there for him, listen to Bangabong's advice aki. That's a lot of family issues at one time. Take the time to breathe and relax. It all goes in cycles and smoother times are always ahead.

Sorry to hear about your daughter. Early pregnancy sickness sucks big time! I speak from experience.

Big hug aki. :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Hey guys, quick update. I spent the weekend building a 10x12 gazebo and making a living space out of a large concrete deck area we have. You will see it in tomorrows pictures.

The twins are stinky in a good way, the new clones are unhappy currently. I think their organic soil isn't providing enough nutrients compared to say soil that has had a while to cook and provide the nutrients in micro format.

On a personal note, my daughter has gone from morning sickness to endless hunger and is very happy with life again.
Quick Follow up, plants are doing great. I gave them a 0-10-10 boost and they have started to flower up nicely. I have taken photos over and over and over, but they are always a few days old by the time, I can sit down this week. My kids have been on Spring Break, so its been daddy day care over here this week.

I pulled Jerry the door Girl, she has dried for a week now. So far I havent found any seeds in her flowers. I am starting to think Baggy may have dropped some outside covering with out actually spreading his DNA.

Twins are doing good. Really short and sturdy. Not really bud looking. Its odd in a way. They might just keep growing in their places through the Summer if they dont get harvestable soon.

New plants show total signs of buds now. Small but very active growing spaces. they will be harvestable in a few weeks.

Best to everyone,

Good news all around aki. I'll be watching for pictures. It's nice you're surrounded by love this week. :love:
Bud Porn

Hopefully these photos are turned the right way this time. The outdoor garden area is exploding with vibrant life. I will be posting some pictures here and some at the Garden Thread going currently.


First our Twins:

They havent changed that much since Mid January when I put them outside. They just added few new leaves and then put a coat of sugar them but never really went and built buds or got crazy. I am honestly not sure what to do here. They both have the big containers, they are healthy and they have had months to grow roots.

I am thinking I might leave them unharvested and see if they don't explode with growth this summer with some 5-1-1 in each feeding.


New Clones:

Are really putting on bud weight now. They have really responded to the 0,10,10 treatment of last week. I believe I will give them water and 5-1-1 for a round of watering or two. Make sure they know they still grow leaves too.


Todays Seedlings:

I bought two new plants and strains today. These were grown from seed, and are unsexed. If one of them turns out to be a boy, I will probably keep it anyway, and try my hand at growing a hybrid strain of my own for fun. Today's seedlings will go back into my garage veg space and get a nice 24H light cycle with a CO2 bath for a month or so.


Which brings up...

Jerry the Door girl:

Has been harvested and dried for the last week. I have started to smoke her driest budlets from the bottom. It is nothing like her mom but since she grew up outside, unknown if that is the reason itself. Weather too could be huge. Mom was indoor, warm and had lots of CO2.


Baby 80's Plant (Future Sweet Sue? strain)


and finally

Here is some pictures from my backyard I promised a while ago.




My inbox here is basically private convos with Sweet Sue, Tech Q's and Mods informing me I found a new way to get into trouble at what is a hippy growing website. oh the irony. Yet again I screwed up.

They won't shoot you for it aki. You can always post off-topic stuff on my off-topic thread. That's what it's there for. If you want to post them here they must - absolutely must- contain cannabis somewhere in that photo. You're a creative man. You'll figure it out.

Edit: I choose to believe the twins are getting ready to explode in growth now that the weather is warmed up and spring is in full swing. Give them lots of time and love. Let them surprise you.
New Update

Hey Guys here is some pictures of the Twins and their New Clone friends.

Ironically, I am both out of home grown (ok, not completely, Jerry the Door Girl is providing last rations. I have actually returned to buying a bit from the dispensary again. Its so odd, now that I grow, I think of them as my black market, break down source. So, ironically, I could harvest any or all of my plants currently, but I am unsure if I want too.

Please check these pic's out and tell me if you would. Here is the situation. The twins are all stems, leaves and sticky smelly sugar, but with out proper bud structures. World class leaves here. The much younger new clones are harvestable now, and would probably have that perfect head rush buzz... While the twin are going to be pure pain relief sleep aid I am sure at this point.

Do I wack them all? do I harvest the new clones and let the Twins Veg for the Summer?


I have three new plants in the indoor space to be updated after this. They are all from seeds. 2 modern, one from the 80s seed bank


They "the new clones" are small and almost all sun leaves are dead already. otherwise I would ponder keeping them. I am not sure I could save them. While the Twins show no sign of dying off.
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