Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Happy Munchday Alex:)
Well hope you are enjoying this Munchday cause on our side it,s a holiday:headbanger:so plenty of:bongrip:&:blunt:Well my daughter went to Notting hill carnival an left us with the grandson (from hell) he,s upset an angry cause Mummy left him at home:idea:May be some medicine to calm him down a bit AW Gad,s I cant do that either the Mrs would kill me:hmmmm:only if she new though I wouldnt live to regret it :rip: Supose we will have to take the tyke to the park if Padma can get the strength up:surrender:yesterday I was in the park on my own with him(normal) but he just dont listen to anything! ,,,,,,,,,,actually wish I was him sometime,s Ah well got to get the dinner on the go a good ol curry or to be precise Sukta with Puri an Basmati Rice That help,s me feel a little better,,,,,at least hopefully you can enjoy your day a little more quietly:grinjoint:
spare the rod spoil the child
spare the rod spoil the child

Just you wait for them terrible two,s man they grow horn,s an do thing,s like punch you in the crown jewles an scratch bite spit But then they say somthing or give a look that get,s you all gooey inside then the big punch in the jewels with bite You gotta love em :love::rofl::grinjoint:
It,s a fact well with boy,s I heard the girl,s are tougher:laughtwo::laughtwo::rofl::rofl::laughtwo::)they drain the wallet like it,s water in a dessert an some:rollit::smokin:
Then again in that very same moment they givve you a flower or smile an your done again:straightface: But it,s fun an there,s more reward,s than I could have ever have imagined:grinjoint::goodluck:
spare the rod spoil the child

Exact-a-mundo Fish Cake.
I love being at the store and seeing kids acting like idots screaming yelling throwing stuff and the mom say, "Huxtable, you wont get to play your Play station 4 when we get home if you dont behave".. :rofl::rofl::rofl: I call these kids, doomed. :)
Fish jaga spimp med and all my 420 budys hello :) and good weed

Jaga sir it's also been a bank holiday here on Sirius .... But iv been working 11-9 just got in and ate my meal.
It will be bed soon as soon as I smoke this pipe filled with folded hash dust. I'm expecting to be baked to oblivion :)

Huxtable.... Hahaha
have some reps my friend, them reflectors are the exact same thing i used for my cfls, got a pack of 5 for £1 for the £1 shop, makes great reflectors.

you know that scrog you showed me the other day, well that grower who produced that monster had his scrog running above the scrog, if you remember he let the stem of the plant grow through the scrog then he tied the branches down on top of the scrog instead of keep pushing them under neath, then at the end of flower he undid the ties and let the plant stretch and totally removed the scrog,

the reason i mention this is i think that would be a nice idea, it worked well for that grower and the results spoke or themselves, ive seen growers want to remove their screen as the buds kept rubbing against them or they wanted to remove it at the end of flower to let them light cover the whole plant, so wasnt sure which method you was going to go with, i know most go with the plant under the scrog but when i seen that moster plant i noticed his plants was grown through the screen then he tied the plant to the screen and totally removed the screen for the last week or 2 of flower, it looked a good idea so wondered if you was going with that or taking the regular option.

im sure you know this all ready but with cfls they give off the most light from the sides of the bulb and very little from the end, so it might be worth hanging the bulbs so their running at the same angle as the sides of the scrog, that way you can have the side of each bulb facing the side of the scrog, just thinking that might give you more light as the end of the bulb gives off very little light compared with the sides,

looking good though mate, nice scrog ill see how you get on with yours then after my next round of plants i wont plant anymore and ill give a 3ft by 3ft scrog a try with 2 plants and see how i get on, well i say ill give it a try but i just cant stop buying seeds and planting them,
oh ok,

i always thought it was best to keep the plant below the screen and keep tucking the leaves and stems under, but this plant alex showed me a while back was totally the opposite, this grower had the stem grow through the scrog then everything was actually tied down, i thought that it looked like a good idea as you are still using the scrog idea but without having the scrog getting in the way,

i think if i do a scrog ill let the stem grow through then gently tie the plant and branches to the scrog, for some reason im thinking that it might work better as nothing is restricted by the screen,

just wasnt sure what method alex was going to go with, i will have a scrog in my future at some point and hoping that this next round of plants will produce something i can use for a scrog, im hoping the ken estes gdp cross with purple cheese turns out well and also the big budda cheese, might do a scrog with them 2 if the gpd cross turns out well, if not ill possibly just go with the cheese
Thankyou donP
Yes sir I grow similar to the link I gave.... Just as well as him lol
As spimp said that how I went with the last journal but I stopped training 10 days into stretch an everything exploded 1ft so my Scrog looked more like a bush lol them reflective plates are working great don p.
Thanks again for the reps sir
Exact-a-mundo Fish Cake.
I love being at the store and seeing kids acting like idots screaming yelling throwing stuff and the mom say, "Huxtable, you wont get to play your Play station 4 when we get home if you dont behave".. :rofl::rofl::rofl: I call these kids, doomed. :)

Yep Huxtable is alway,s well a naughty boy when I get to the sweetie counter he will kick off like :straightface: MMmm like he is tripping mate this guy can take tantrum to a new level, I have been in need of at least a couple more arm,s to hold the basket keep him away from the sweeties hold the shopping basket. Plus I find you kind of feel like (for them 5min,s or so waiting for the checkout to free up) for other,s a calm exterior on the outside. But on the inside im thinking this time im gonna kill the shit :loopy:we get through an my blood has risen to an all time high, then next thing we are out of the shop an he will say something real cool that melt,s the heart like butter:dreamy:we got him a wii for Xmas (but to be honest didnt want to I dont like any of this wireless stuff cause of the radiation an stuff that fly,s through the air)thing is he played on it over the holiday then he hardly play,s on it now! He is very shy so I play with him a lot I strongly believe that play will enhance the imagination an intelligence, so this holiday I have been playing ball bow an arrow,s pulling him out of tree,s Huxtable though has become very intelligent thing is he use,s it for his greater need,s like sweeties an going to the park SO THERE YOU HAVE IT I AM A SELF CONFESSED GRANDPARENT OF A LITTLE HUXTABLE :grinjoint:
an it,s all true:goodluck:
High? Alex:)
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