Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Hope your having a Stellar Munchyday Alex
A little wet @ my location today .... but still a good one so far :peace:
got most of my stuff back today, guy was getting unpatient so went to see him a few hour ago, took a few good mates, guy clearly wasnt all there, asked him where he got it and he told me in his own words he had done a few houses in my area, all in all a good day... will wait a few weeks to see if anything else goes down then maybe get growing again, if he has any sense he wont be back around my area
got most of my stuff back today, guy was getting unpatient so went to see him a few hour ago, took a few good mates, guy clearly wasnt all there, asked him where he got it and he told me in his own words he had done a few houses in my area, all in all a good day... will wait a few weeks to see if anything else goes down then maybe get growing again, if he has any sense he wont be back around my area

Shit so sorry to read about what happened bro, I hate that kind of stuff its happened to me before at least no one got hurt an you got your stuff back thats a result at least. I think it makes you think very differently about the surroundings:straightface:
I hope yhat you can get your grow back going again :grinjoint:
Crap that is very hurtful stuff
I had around 7 plants taken from my garden pots as well, I havent been able to grow outside now since around 1996, its only because of room grow technologies that I can grow again and that only started last year. These thing,s can have some lasting repercussions.
So make sure every thing is sorted most important when you have kids around:grinjoint:
Shoulda been 14 fingers n toes one for each oz lol

Wow I'm watching a new tv series that is tripping me out?! "Under the dome" u Americans have probably had the first series

Na new series for us I watch first 4 or 5 episodes. Pretty tripy story me being high probably makes it better than it is. I need to catch back up
Agreed those types are better whilst medicated. Thing that pisses me off is I get into all these American series then they get canceled at end of season.... Flash forward & the event..... To name two. We got episode one last night Karl it's got something to do with that propane lol

Anyway moving on :)
Seedlings looking good

Did I say Happy Tokesday Alex?:bitingnails::bitingnails::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::hug:Happy Tokesday Alex
Good weed sir. :) I have a question about the Flying Vee.
Are you going to have to start the middle flowering earlier to control height vs the side plants?

That show is a trip. Mrs Spimp is into it but every time I have watched it im completly baked and end up saying the same phrase... "what the f*ck is going on??" :rofl:
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