Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Good weed sir. :) I have a question about the Flying Vee.
Are you going to have to start the middle flowering earlier to control height vs the side plants?

That show is a trip. Mrs Spimp is into it but every time I have watched it im completly baked and end up saying the same phrase... "what the f*ck is going on??" :rofl:
Thats why I stick with Rocky and Bullwinkle! No surprises even if I'm ripped....Maybe :)
Haha I was like that last night.
No I won't be doing out like that sir. Middle plant will be placed in centre of its pot to grow up through its screen and trained
The left and right plants will be placed on the inside of the pots nearer the middle square then il train them up "v" like climbing Ivey

Do you no what I'm saying spimp dude?
Like this......

Good weed sir. :) I have a question about the Flying Vee.
Are you going to have to start the middle flowering earlier to control height vs the side plants?

That show is a trip. Mrs Spimp is into it but every time I have watched it im completly baked and end up saying the same phrase... "what the f*ck is going on??" :rofl:

You sound like my wife she was the one that hooped onto that show. Between the recaps and me she got up to speed
Fish cake sir is this another of your tv program's that I should research as iv never seen it?
Spimp I new u would appriciate the quick sketch sir. :)
Stealth grow...... U would like to see that grow? I aim to please... Look no further.... It's happening here :)

Spimp what's ms paint thread sir?
Fish cake sir is this another of your tv program's that I should research as iv never seen it?
Spimp I new u would appriciate the quick sketch sir. :)
Stealth grow...... U would like to see that grow? I aim to please... Look no further.... It's happening here :)

Spimp what's ms paint thread sir?

Look in Spimps sig he has link there it's just like Fish's off topic tread. That way the mods don't get upset with our off topic banner too much
a Stellar Two-Tokeday Alex
Happy Weednesday Alex:):circle-of-love:
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