9th day from sprout
Here are the updates and changes for today

Both girls look pretty good, no more purpling occuring but there's that Browning in the center. Is this a possibility for nutes deficiency?

Also, hard to make out but the first set of true leaves is starting to grow

This girls leaves straightened out considerably

RH and temps ranging a bit but still acceptable for now

Here's a size comparison shot, kind of small for being 9 days old, probably should have started nutes sooner but that's a lesson learned.

And here are some changes made to grow environment

I raised the light a bit, it's currently at about 17" above the medium. If my calculations are close then it should be about 250-300 PAR per plant, but will need to get a meter soon to be sure. Hoping the girls stretch out a bit as they're so small.

Hoisted the fan up so that it lightly blows on the plants. (set on lowest setting) also diffuses hot air centering right on the top of the medium

Here is the medium. Had to go down about 2.5" for moisture so I gave a light watering after taking this

Here is the post watering picture, used maybe 100ml of nutes water per plant

Any suggestions or input is appreciated
Here's an update on the girls after those changes, about 12 hours later and noticeable improvements

Girl #1 looks better, first time her leaves have started to pray up, a bit bigger from today's earlier post.


Girl #2's mutation is almost rectified, both leaves praying as well.

Both girls after a pH 5.8 watering with 255 ppm of nutes

As both girls seem small for day#9 (to me at least) I've listened to their improvements and lifted the light an additional 2.5" to try and promote a little stretching. These nodes are coming in right on top of each other it looks like
Hello there barillaro! Mind if I tag along?

Also, the size appears ok. I have a Northern Lights autoflower that's 14 days old and not much bigger. I also accidentally fed the seedling my full strength nute mix that I use for my other two plants that are much older. Almost killed the seedling but she's coming back strong. It may seem like it takes ages for changes, but a watched pot never boils

Best of luck!! I'll be following along :goodluck:
Hello there barillaro! Mind if I tag along?

Also, the size appears ok. I have a Northern Lights autoflower that's 14 days old and not much bigger. I also accidentally fed the seedling my full strength nute mix that I use for my other two plants that are much older. Almost killed the seedling but she's coming back strong. It may seem like it takes ages for changes, but a watched pot never boils

Best of luck!! I'll be following along :goodluck:
Welcome in shark, good to have you! Was starting to get lonely here :welcome:

Where did you get your northern lights seeds?
:ganjamon:Here is the best advice any one can give you " let them do their thing " some times trying too hard will cause you misery , when i first started i was never out of the tent lol , i was expecting more growth that what was going on . ever hear the saying " a watched kettle never boils " .. trust me let these babies get on with it , just make sure they are warm , theres a nice fan blowing across the tops , the humidity is good , and you dont over water or over feed . the close ups of the seedling can be deceiving with colours shapes etc , :goodjob:
@Emilya hey sorry to drag you into another thread, but I've seen you around a lot helping people out, any chance you can shoot some more pointers?
Hi! Glad to help, but I think the guys have been steering you correctly so far. I see that you are learning that with young seedlings, even 250 par can be a bit much. You have distinct burning on your leaves and I would back that powerful light out a bit more for now... later they will be able to handle this a lot better.
Don't be afraid to adjust that pH down into the 5.6 - 5.8 range and keep in mind that nutes are needed every time in coco. I will also concur that 2 weeds in the same container is usually not going to work well. Unless you get lucky, one of them is going to become dominant over the other... it is what weeds do. I am also not sure about mixing up such a large amount of nutes beforehand. Nutes in gallon jugs like that tend to settle out and they tend to go rancid if left sitting around. If you open it up and it smells bad, don't use it.
Welcome in shark, good to have you! Was starting to get lonely here :welcome:

Where did you get your northern lights seeds?

I used seed supreme. Can't link due to forum rules. Not sure what bank my NL seeds came from. They were the free seeds included in my order.
Ah ok gotcha, I'm using pyramid seeds so it will be interesting to compare breeders
I used seed supreme. Can't link due to forum rules. Not sure what bank my NL seeds came from. They were the free seeds included in my order.

I like this idea professor, will definitely be doing something like this
Ps , take a weekly pictuer of your plants then upload weekly you will be pleasantly surprised:snowboating:
It makes all the difference :D

Ah ok that's really helpful, didn't know they could go bad so quick. Will also be adjusting around pH for sure. I also saw some stuff you said previously about aerating the water for Coco so I might try that

Hi! Glad to help, but I think the guys have been steering you correctly so far. I see that you are learning that with young seedlings, even 250 par can be a bit much. You have distinct burning on your leaves and I would back that powerful light out a bit more for now... later they will be able to handle this a lot better.
Don't be afraid to adjust that pH down into the 5.6 - 5.8 range and keep in mind that nutes are needed every time in coco. I will also concur that 2 weeds in the same container is usually not going to work well. Unless you get lucky, one of them is going to become dominant over the other... it is what weeds do. I am also not sure about mixing up such a large amount of nutes beforehand. Nutes in gallon jugs like that tend to settle out and they tend to go rancid if left sitting around. If you open it up and it smells bad, don't use it.
Hello there barillaro! Mind if I tag along?

Also, the size appears ok. I have a Northern Lights autoflower that's 14 days old and not much bigger. I also accidentally fed the seedling my full strength nute mix that I use for my other two plants that are much older. Almost killed the seedling but she's coming back strong. It may seem like it takes ages for changes, but a watched pot never boils

Best of luck!! I'll be following along :goodluck:
BTW, do you have a journal going for your northern lights girls PlastekShark?
Ok so I took @TheNuttyProfessor advice and tried staying away from the tent for a while, and was surprised with some noticeable growth.

Stem was pretty thin so I just braced the week side against some twist tie

Plants reacted well to raising the light and growth sped up, but now she has some leaf curling

The mutant is almost completely normal now. A lot more stout than her sister.

With minimal tip burn.

10 days old and catching up quick


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9th day from sprout
Here are the updates and changes for today

Both girls look pretty good, no more purpling occuring but there's that Browning in the center. Is this a possibility for nutes deficiency?

Also, hard to make out but the first set of true leaves is starting to grow

This girls leaves straightened out considerably

RH and temps ranging a bit but still acceptable for now

Here's a size comparison shot, kind of small for being 9 days old, probably should have started nutes sooner but that's a lesson learned.


Thanks for the size comparison. I came across your post at an opportune time as my autos sprouted 3/8 and I wanted to get an idea if I'm on track. Quarter is 15/16th of an inch or 31 mm by the bye. Good growing to you
Ok so heres day number 12

The first girls true leaves are out and another set is starting. From raising the light she stretched a little bit so I brought it back down. I have the fan blowing slightly more on her now as she's getting spindly.

The mutant girl might actually be the better off one.
She's really stout and springy for being so small. More stunted than her sister but catching up faster it seems.

They received a good feeding shortly after this photo.
Interestingly, while seeing how dry the Coco was I felt the side of a pretty dense root ball from the mutant., Maybe 3 inches down and much larger than expected. Hopefully the excessive roots cause massive growth
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