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The moist smell could be just still air do you grow in a basement and how many cfms do you move in the room is the room vented for new air and co2

Hello!! I'm no expert but looks like a phosphorous deficiency, in my humble opinion!! Hope they recover soon!
So I went ahead n just turned on my lights n fans in the tent yesterday to see what temp range I get in the daytime. I was around 26-30 degrees C and my RH was stuck at 40% give or take 1 % should I be worried for veg cycle where I need more RH in there or will having the plants in there with wet soil going to compensate. Not sure if I should buy a cheap little portable humidifier or just chill.
So I went ahead n just turned on my lights n fans in the tent yesterday to see what temp range I get in the daytime. I was around 26-30 degrees C and my RH was stuck at 40% give or take 1 % should I be worried for veg cycle where I need more RH in there or will having the plants in there with wet soil going to compensate. Not sure if I should buy a cheap little portable humidifier or just chill.

I say you're totally fine. It'll fluctuate a bit when you have some plants in there
I say you're totally fine. It'll fluctuate a bit when you have some plants in there
Ok. I'm just worried I won't be able to make it jump up enough for veg conditions. For seedlings I have a little dome so I'm not too worried about that stage. Just in case tho I left it in my cart. 60 bucks or so for one with a humidistat. I'll wait for now then.
Ok. I'm just worried I won't be able to make it jump up enough for veg conditions. For seedlings I have a little dome so I'm not too worried about that stage. Just in case tho I left it in my cart. 60 bucks or so for one with a humidistat. I'll wait for now then.
Just use little domes or something until they get big. My seed tent with only a few brand new seedlings in it my humidity is at 40% and they do fine. 50 to 60% is more ideal though.
best 1000 w led grow lights?
Are viparspectra lights any good?
Heard they are one of the best for sure. As far as cheap Amazon lights go. I'm gonna buy the higrow 600 w. Next week. It has higher par and better full spectrum coverage w. 3 year warranty. Vipar spectra have a good reputation for their cost effectiveness yet are weak on the red side of you ask me.
best 1000 w led grow lights?
Are viparspectra lights any good?
If I could suggest 2 600w. Units over one 1000 w. Galaxy hydro offers a stronger red spectrum maybe start veg w. A vipar 600 and add a galaxy 600 for flower? That's going to be more or less my approach but w. Hi grow in place of the vipar spectra. But you do you hope this helps a little anyways... think of a vipar like a MH bulb and the galaxyhydro as a HPS both can be used to grow from sewd to flower, yet MH is better.for veg and HPS for flower respectively. Best of luck with your grow. Just remember the more you know the more you grow!

Sounds like you got herms. at this point either let them grow or toss out the plant and restart with legit genetics. There isn't much you cam do once the pollen sacs open and spread it throughout your grow area. It doesn't take a lot either to fuck up an entire garden.
Really sorry to hear. Tyler me say up front I have no suggestion for you other than finish your grow. We've all smoked buds with seeds and while they aren't the best smome they do the trick. If all of your plants are effected I would personally ride it out. At least you have something to smoke and didn't waste months of hard work. NOTE: this is why bag seed is risky to grow with. And do not use any seeds that come out of the harvest as they will also most likely be hermaphrodite. I'd check out sees banks online now so you can order and have them ready when this crop finishes.... much stronger genetics and shouldn't hermie. BE SURE TO CLEAN YOUR GROW SPACE BEFORE YOU PUT ANY PLANTS BACK INTO THE SPACE! sorry but you risk pollinating future crops with these crummy hermaphrodite genetics when old pollen. Is blown around the grow area. Just was reading about a poor dude who this happened to. Seed in hermie plants fine, seeds in quality plants with strong genetics is too easy to be avoided. Sorry for my rant and again these are all my personal opinions/ recommendations. But hole they do you to make a decision on what to do. Grow on and grow strong!

Sounds like you got herms. at this point either let them grow or toss out the plant and restart with legit genetics. There isn't much you cam do once the pollen sacs open and spread it throughout your grow area. It doesn't take a lot either to fuck up an entire garden.
Sorry meant to reply to person asking question but totally agree! Solid advice:)
Thank you for that response Dabber never thought about mixing up the two lights like that maybe I'll do a little bit more research... Trying to come up with at least a good thousand watts of light without breaking my bank
If I could suggest 2 600w. Units over one 1000 w. Galaxy hydro offers a stronger red spectrum maybe start veg w. A vipar 600 and add a galaxy 600 for flower? That's going to be more or less my approach but w. Hi grow in place of the vipar spectra. But you do you hope this helps a little anyways... think of a vipar like a MH bulb and the galaxyhydro as a HPS both can be used to grow from sewd to flower, yet MH is better.for veg and HPS for flower respectively. Best of luck with your grow. Just remember the more you know the more you grow!

Never got my ? Answered but how do I make a signature? Trying to get journal followers
Hey guys I have my sprout finally growing would you recommend that I keep the light on 24 hr a day as opposed to when I wake up I turn it on and when I go to bed I turn it off
Get a light timer so you don't have to stay on top of it yourself, Jdub. You can find them at Home Depot and the like, they're pretty cheap. Some people use 24/0 but most folks recommend 18/6 for veg.
Hey guys I have my sprout finally growing would you recommend that I keep the light on 24 hr a day as opposed to when I wake up I turn it on and when I go to bed I turn it off
All preference. I don't believe personally in 24 hour light. The lighta need a break and the plants should be allowed to dark cycle, imo. But it's not neccisarry. I mean the only place that gets 24 hours of sunlight is... well where I live... alaska! I'm a firm believer in replicating the sun as close as possible. Which would be 18/6 veg. Some so more some do less. I like a smoother transition in flowering, 3 week 13/11 then 4 weeks 12/12. 3 weeks 11/13 and last 2 or 3 weeks . And 48 hours complete dark before harvest. Trichromes are produced as a result of many things uvb, cooler air, and darkness :) everyone has their opinion this is mine.

Check out my bathtub grow in a hempy bucket!
Themaddabber's Hempy Bucket Bathtub Grow 2017

The more you know the more you'll grow

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