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In my experience(which is limited) it's pretty hard to over water in those smart pots, I use them as well, water every Mon, Wed, Fri with plenty of run off(use almost 2 gal/plant x3 and get about 1 gal total run off) and they've never showed signs of being overwatered(medium is peat moss, perlite and vermiculite, so plenty of drainage)
DE is great stuff. I used it to eradicate roaches from a Brooklyn apartment when i moved in (that and i siliconed every single little crack and hole in the place; baseboards, cabinets, outlets). They get coated in it so when they die they're powdery white. Touch them and they poof away into dust.

Apparently you can mix it with water and mist it on the leaves so it doesn't blow around. When the water evaporates the DE is left behind.
I'm not putting it on my leaves though. Just sprinkled over the soil. You can put it over wet soil. It will look wet and won't work but it will dry and then be the fossilized bug killing dust we love. If you water after putting it down it will wash away into the soil and will need to be reapplied.

Non toxic and because it's a physical pest killer, they can't develop an immunity so long as they are forced to pass through it; which they all do eventually.

Good luck to you.

Just in theory its probably the best method for pest control. Scoping the mite infested plants I can see they dont like it. I need to get some sticky traps too (not for mites). Ive never had thirps yet or root aphids and I plan a monthly Aza max drench also. Im planting a bunch of Peppermint plants and some Chrysanthemums around the edge of the yard garden area. As parts of these plants die I will put in in a bucket and have the dried remains to maybe crush and sprinkle. I have watched these Russets lay an egg while dying many times. Theyre half dead and laying eggs!! Fuck these Russets and but have me good with my scope. A year ago i could barely focus for Trics but now Im an expert with my scope.
Its been 90 deg outside and what I harvested 3 days ago is already ready for the finish cure. Between groweed easy and the grow shop Ive come up with this.......
Chop and wash
Hang till the lil branches break but thick ones still bend
Put in a turkey bag with a cheap Pet Smart humidity reader.
Burp and shake the bag daily till the meter reads a steady 60% then jar
I did this method my last harvest and its great. Perfect bud. Much easier to shake a pound in a turkey bag than burping a case of jars. The humidity reader from Pet smart is the shit. I need to get my dechlorinator from them next time too.
Also, whoever said to put a fan in with your indoor grow is mandatory is correct. I have a rotating one in the tent and need one for the laundry room veg area. Replace the stationary one for a rotating one because it matters greatly. its why i got spider mites out there before.
I appreciate the knowledge Phototropic. Great Day!
please somebody throw me some advice on how to get these babies back?
3 weeks old
was using wrong ph pen
flushed them out more than 5 times in last 2 weeks
flushed last night with new ph pen and at 6.0
then after flush feed them half nutes at 5.9
cant seem to get the ph back to 5.8-6.2 range
i have no pen to check the soil
should i wait it out and in a week the ph will come back?
please help me!
what can i do?
Mix equal parts medium(say 15ml) + equal parts distilled/deionized water ph7.0(say 15ml) mix together, let sit 15-30 min, mix again then proceed to measure PH. You can stick electrode directly into mix or use a spoon to "squish" the mix against the side of your container and let the water run to the other side and put electrode in that, reading is your PH
Try this munsta, do it for each plant, get an accurate reading of where each one is at, then proceed from there
thats an unconventional way of feeding your plants ... i mean it implies that they get to sit in stale water, i always believed that was not ideal against rootrot ...?

It's a proper way to water bonsais. I imagine since cannabis grows deep it would work ok. The soil would presumably be soaking the water up before it goes stagnant as the soil dries.
Does anyone here use stone at the bottom of their pots? I've always done this with house plants so the roots don't sit in water and rot. I only use 1-2"
I got this bag for free at the hydro store and my plants doing fine.


Does anyone here use stone at the bottom of their pots? I've always done this with house plants so the roots don't sit in water and rot. I only use 1-2"
I got this bag for free at the hydro store and my plants doing fine.



Hi Squid,

Yep - I've seen it mentioned time and again during my extensive reading hours on this forum. Unfortunately that was after I had NOT put anything at the bottom of my pot!! It's fabric tho so might not be so bad, and I try to keep it out of any pooling in the dish.

Your instincts are perfect. Don't want a pool at the bottom of our pots! Must let plant dry out completely between watering, during veg especially. Not familiar with that rock, but it looks to be fine. Many use perlite as well.

Happy growing!

It's some sort of recycled glass. Very very light weight. I also have them sitting up out of the saucer on a disc thingy. Lol Easier to suck up the run off.
I'm not using the fabric pots, just plastic. Just sticking with what I know.
Based on the size I would suggest the next street over:) All kidding aside there are some do it yourself boxes with sound deadening foam that would be a good choice. I have a buddy that used sound insulation from a stereo store and it helped him but you could still hear it some. Hopefully you can get some build pics from the guys and gals here.
Does anyone here use stone at the bottom of their pots? I've always done this with house plants so the roots don't sit in water and rot. I only use 1-2"
I got this bag for free at the hydro store and my plants doing fine.


Ive used coral on the bottom last 2 grows
thats an unconventional way of feeding your plants ... i mean it implies that they get to sit in stale water, i always believed that was not ideal against rootrot ...?
# hempy :) but I would never only bottom feed lol seems odd
UPS just showed up. I feel like it's Christmas already lol

What's the best way to mount or hang this so I don't hear it through the whole house??

I plan on mounting mine with a piece of foam between to absorb vibrations
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