At The Foot Of Mount Washmore

Hope that you don't mind if I tag along for this. A nice back to the basic's grow....

I'd love to have you along the for the ride! Thanks for joining in. This is a very basic grow, and you are right on time as we flipped to flower yesterday. Welcome aboard, PTSD! :welcome:
Alrighty, we are officially in flower! I am running with an 11/13 light schedule. Toni with an 'I' got her dose of colloidal silver as a foliar spray last night before lights out. She will be sprayed each night until Toni with an 'I' becomes Tony with a 'y'. Sweetleef will wait a week or two and then put the other HarleSin clone into flower,and when the nanners that form on Tony begin to ripen he will bring up the other clone and I will pollinate her as we go. I think I will try and pollinate a branch of Sammy as well, then we'll have a HarleSin back crossed with a Harlequin. Sammy is looking real good. We found some pre-flowers so I think she is more than ready to get moving. This is a medical grow so the majority of the harvest will be used for my RSO, and so pulling apart buds to harvest seeds is not a problem. Sweetleef and I will need a little something for sampling :blunt: And pass on a bit to my bestie... then it's all for RSO! :rofl:

We got the seeds potted up as well yesterday. 1 Nirvana Sky super-auto from Flash seeds and 1 Sweet Coffee Ryder feminized from World of Seeds. Sure hope they come up! 2 seeds soaked, 2 seeds cracked, 2 seeds planted, and 2 fingers crossed! I'd sure like to put up some baby pictures!

Here is a couple pics of Toni, she is soaked with her silver spray.


And Sammy, a couple quick pics from last night.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope everyone has an excellent week! :circle-of-love:
Moving right along Magic. :bravo:
Woo-Hoo!!! We have babies! I am so happy that they both came up! They are stretchie! Well, one is in particular, but we will have to adjust the light Sunday or early next week. In the mean time... babies!

Sweet Coffee Ryder! She showed up on Tuesday...


Nirvana Sky, (or Francis Bean) She arrived yesterday!


Light adjustment is needed but the small closet is currently inaccessible to me personally. In a few days we'll get that taken care of and snap a couple of better pictures. Sweet Coffee is in a small nursery pot. She is a feminized photo so she will be potted up as needed. Francis Bean, the Nirvana Sky is a feminized super-auto. She is in a much larger pot. I'll just she how she does and if she needs to go up to an even bigger pot then she will. It's hard to know with autos! Sunday night we'll pull all the girls out and update everybody. I can say now that Sammy has really started to drink. I will have to watch her so I can try and get a rhythm down. I wish I could lift her. That would be helpful to know how it feels fully wet and dry.

That's all for now. Hope you are all well and happy! Smoke 'em if ya got 'em! :green_heart::blunt:
<<<.....I wish I could lift her. That would be helpful to know how it feels fully wet and dry......>>>

Congratulationd MagicMediWanna, they look great.

When I read your post (above), my thoughts went to "why not put a scale under your girl (covered with plastic) just turn it on when you want to check the weight? Good thought or bad thought???? :thedoubletake:
Let me know if you try this. :smokin:
That is a cool idea, RSOiler! I don't have a scale to use, but that is really quite creative! Well done!
That was brilliant enough for reps. I'm not sure a digital scale could take the abuse, but the idea is brilliant, which means we're close to the answer. It's right in front of us. Primitive scales work off of balance points. Maybe that's where we should be going. Something more mechanical in nature.
That's a great idea RSOiler!

There wouldn't be much abuse at Magics. But an analog scale should work just fine. It wouldn't even need to be accurate, as long as we figured out the difference between a dry and or watered plant.

What a stupid way to be smart, RSOiler.
That's a great idea RSOiler!

There wouldn't be much abuse at Magics. But an analog scale should work just fine. It wouldn't even need to be accurate, as long as we figured out the difference between a dry and or watered plant.

What a stupid way to be smart, RSOiler.

Thanks SweetLeef, if you figure this out for Magic please post some pictures for us newbies. :adore:

High MagicMediWanna :surf::love:
Great to be here MagicMediwana, looking forward to the day you turn into a "Oil Head". :thedoubletake:

The best strains are Sativa high in THC, Sativa high in CBD (day time oil) and a pure as possible Indica for night time dose, these are a good starter. :love:

Nobody can find a "Oil Head" smiley. :drool:

Can't find a "suppository" smiley either!

High Magic, hope it's OK to follow along your journal. I have a lot to learn from you guys and gals.:thanks:
Thanks SweetLeef, if you figure this out for Magic please post some pictures for us newbies. :adore:

High MagicMediWanna :surf::love:

Hi RS!!! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Can't find a "suppository" smiley either!

High Magic, hope it's OK to follow along your journal. I have a lot to learn from you guys and gals.:thanks:

I am very happy to have you along! Thanks for joining us. You can keep us updated about the big things you've got going in the Emerald Triangle! I believe soil and water are on site?

Update tonight! We'll pull the girls out and get some good pictures, I hope. I don't particularly care for my new, inexpensive, little camera... but we'll get something! See y'all tonight! :circle-of-love:
Howdie Magic, good Sunday evening to you and yours. Thanks for letting me crash er bomb...whatever you kids's slang...I'm so chubby to be anywhere right now it's all extra play time...chubby? Chubed No spell check....?..just a red dotted underline? Big help! Chubbed to meet chya, I'm sewer.

Dirt 2 1/2 pallets O.F.
water tank 3k gal
65g smart pots
25 6ft top shelf nubiles
greenhouse fence



fence for 25 huge smart pots
energy of the Gods
Buck & Woody my imaginary friends. They're old but tuff.
and the best...your wonderful encouragement Magic.

:thanks: for your guiding hand through this thread.:love: My dirt really needs it...

Waiting on those pics. BTW I was going to buy a camera or get an IPhone. What did you get?
Well, I didn't make it before midnight, but I haven't been to bed yet so I still consider it today. So, here is today's update! We are through day 8 of flower. Toni is showing some girly bits and continues to get c.s. every night before lights out. She will keep getting it until she/he starts to put out nanners. She has a ways to go but should get rolling pretty soon. Sammy is moving right along! She had some brown, dried up leaves at the bottom. Don't know why, they were just there, so I pulled them off. I'm sure she'll be just fine... Okay, a few pictures.

Toni is up first.


Then Sammy.

Looks good Sis,

Looks like the PM is trying to move in on the Harlequin. We'll get some neem oil on her soon. Should wipe it right out.

bottom leaves die sometimes. As long as it doesn't move up we're all good!
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