Be IRIE #2 Black Death, LA Confidential, and Bubble gum..

Thank you guys for the kinds words, they are much appreciated..the ladies are thirsty are are drinking like mad. They are being watered about everyother day now. I have no idea what the yield will be.My last Indica gave me four ozs. All the info on the LA is making my mouth water, I just can't wait to give her a try.
Shaggy, I think we have over 50 named peaks over 14,000 ft.
Thought I would throw up a pic update...
The Black Death (lights were out) Day 25 of flowering.

The two of them day 25.

The black death looks so evil its awesome.
Ok in honor of Boss Man's return I think I will post a few more pics.. :grinjoint: Glad you are back Boss..Thanks to all you guys for all the good words. Ok, Day 28 kinda close up pics..I am still trying to figure out this macro and super macro setting on the camera..
Black Death


La Confidential-

Anyone sees any funny business going on let me know....:ganjamon::peace:
There's going to be lot of funny business when you put all of those trichs to use. LA's buds win the contest in my book at this stage. So exotic; just oozing her sensuality.
Black Death! Black Death! Black Death!

That is such a gorgeous plant!
Great grow IRIE. I'm very excited to see how the ladies end up!
IRIE Im sorry to tell you this but I know I have to. The black death doesnt look like its going to make it. All kinds of defficincies, maybe even fungus gnats and spider mites? Theres only one way to save her. And thats for me to come take her from you and nurse her back to health....

But in all seriousness your plants are looking great man. Keep up the good work. Who is the breeder of this Black death? Got any idea on origin?

Once again thank you all for the good words, and SG, you got a chuckle outta me.. The only thing I really know about it is from the description.
Black Death from Celtic Stone. The smoke is as the name states, a sure stone that ends the night. We crossed a Black Widow female with our powerhouse, Bjorn, and came up with a perfect crossing. Expect the buds to be a very light green, with contrasting colors once mulled. The image of Lime and Black Pepper comes to mind after mulling, with a very smooth, sweet tasting smoke.

Allow this to go 8-10 weeks for the ultimate resin, and cure well for the optimum taste and stone. Some phenos will show a dark purple/black coloring to the buds, especially after 10 weeks
I am partial to Indicas and the name caught my eye, then the description hooked me. I knew I had to grow one and check it out. :peace::ganjamon:
OK, time for some porn... Everything going well with the Black Death.. The LA has some spots showing up on two leaves, kinda has me stumped..Not sure if I splashed it or what..

Black Death day 32

Underneath her skirt-

The LA Confidential day 32

Here are the spots..


Any ideas on what the spots might be?
do you spray your plants with a water bottle? that might be water drop burns from the drops just chilling on the leaves and the lights burning the plants.
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