Beginning With Single 26 Watt CFL 2 Bagseed Grow - Feedback Please!


meant to.add this pic with the other one. this is the fucked up part complete false advertising lol

Baby Six was getting a little crispy on this tips of her leaves today the temps are up to 90 today in yhe closet, oops. this is about the age venus started getting yellowish tips, hereditary? lol

gave them an ice tray to cool it down and raise humidity, highdea lol
just in the past few hrs Venus has started yellowing and in a small area turning tan-sh
sorry for the shitty phone pic

i have managed to get the heat to about 82
but idk if this is a heat problem, shock problem from the transplant about 24 hrs ago, or if its nute burn. any ideas?
i was wiping a peice of dust off Venus after watching it fall on her leaf and when i touched the plant she felt very dry, so as kind of a man of action i put the prev clear solo cups over the plants after watering around the base of the stems and misting the insides of the cups, they both have a vent made in the top. and the bottom is not air tight so they can get some fresh air.

does this seem like a reasonable way in a pinch to gain some humidity? another highdea, ah i love a good day off after a long weekend haha.

dangerous! where are ya when i need you! haha jk
get back to me please


oh yeah and playing them some sublime for good measure haha
just in the past few hrs Venus has started yellowing and in a small area turning tan-sh
sorry for the shitty phone pic

i have managed to get the heat to about 82
but idk if this is a heat problem, shock problem from the transplant about 24 hrs ago, or if its nute burn. any ideas?

i'm two weeks in and haven't used nutes. could be nutes or is your soil dry? from what ive read usually one of those or ph.
yeah i only put a little nute in right after transplanting. oh and forgot to mention i did todays watering with some rain water i collected today so that might help or again maybe not
i needto get a ph tester and humidity reader
you need to adjust your pH to 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless, pH 6.5 for soil.
seedlings do not need any fertilizer yet. back those lights off to at least 6 inches, seedlings do not require much light to grow. if you mist your plants or when you feed nutrients splash some on the leaves stop doing this, it will cause your leaves damage.

here is a pH nutrient availability chart

hell yeah sublime is the beat. thanks for the chart, thats nice. and i dont mist the.leavrs, learned that from reading other journals. i think its the nutes or transplant. i wont fert them anymore till needed. i hope they are doing okay, im at work right now. if it has changed i will get pics up in the next few hrs
hell yeah sublime is the beat. thanks for the chart, thats nice. and i dont mist the.leavrs, learned that from reading other journals. i think its the nutes or transplant. i wont fert them anymore till needed. i hope they are doing okay, im at work right now. if it has changed i will get pics up in the next few hrs
they kind of looked young for nutes they should be 3+weeks old before getting fed and sure there is going to be some shock from transplant so give them a chance to settle in. I think you will be ok. the next time you do feed them, go with 1/4 to 1/2 strength.
yeah i only put a little nute in right after transplanting. oh and forgot to mention i did todays watering with some rain water i collected today so that might help or again maybe not
i needto get a ph tester and humidity reader

here is one you might like shopping Hanna Instruments Hi 98103

here are a few searches for you for pH meters search digital ph meter search digital ph tester

here is a search for a humidity meter search humidity meter
hey everyone sorry about the long wait, been busy with personal life and honestly i thought the plant were goners, after that last pic i posted they started yellowing more and more every day. but i decided to trim off the dead shit and now they are looking a hell of a lot better.

here venus for now at 20 days old

more pivs soon gotta go
hey everyone sorry about the long wait, been busy with personal life and honestly i thought the plant were goners, after that last pic i posted they started yellowing more and more every day. but i decided to trim off the dead shit and now they are looking a hell of a lot better.

here venus for now at 20 days old

more pivs soon gotta go

looked like your grow was back up n running. any progress?
Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
Holy shit has it been a long time. I totally forgot about this site.

Got an email today for some reason from 420 Magazine and was like wtf is this? Did someone make an account with my email?

Entirely forgot that I had this whole thread going.

Not that it matters much anymore I guess, but if anyone is still around from this thread and wants a nostalgia hit like I got seeing this here's the closure:

I got arrested and put on probation (long story, but basically got caught with bud and was living in a state where it was still very illegal). I got off on pretty much all charges but was put on probation, and didn't want to push my luck so I killed the plants.

Not sure why I didn't give an update at the time to explain this, but I can imagine it was likely because I was young and scared and wanted to cut all possible ties that could put me back in jail lol.

Really cool to see my plants again, especially that late one, makes me want to get back at it - but unfortunately I'm still in an illegal state.

Also wild to see the ipod touch in that one pic.

Still love sublime.

Gonna roll 2 joints for those babies that didn't get a chance lol.

Peace and love brothers and sisters.
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