Birdie's Return To Life

So, since I was about to hang the light in my home made grow box/tent, maybe I shouldn't bother since new tent is going to be shipped (within a week?!?) soon.
I can manage with a cfl I found in the flee market for when they are ready to pop up.
This grow has to be soil and not hempy..
That is what I have around.
Also I read that White widow is a little picky and prefers soil or hydro.
She is also a very hungry girl, and should be able to take whatever nutrients you throw at her, and happily ask for more.
:thanks: I read that too, especially N... So I have lots of coffee grounds for her at first :)
Your cal mag is in the start lines, got the shells and the vinegar, frying and mixing tomorrow.
Two Fermented bananas on the go and one is drying as we speak... For top feed in bloom....
So, since I was about to hang the light in my home made grow box/tent, maybe I shouldn't bother since new tent is going to be shipped (within a week?!?) soon.
I can manage with a cfl I found in the flee market for when they are ready to pop up.
This grow has to be soil and not hempy..
That is what I have around.
Also I read that White widow is a little picky and prefers soil or hydro.

The CFL will be more than enough! :thumb:
It will likely be another 4-5 days, or so, before they even show above soil! ;)
So excited you have your seeds and light Birdie, congradulations. I am really interested in seeing your organic methods. Should be very interesting and fun following along....:thanks:
And I am going to fill two socks with soil instead of solo ups.
The socks help me water outside, so roots can form better and I can feel the cold and /or moistness so I know when they need water.
So excited you have your seeds and light Birdie, congradulations. I am really interested in seeing your organic methods. Should be very interesting and fun following along....:thanks:
Seed dropping party has begun!!
And I am going to fill two socks with soil instead of solo ups.
The socks help me water outside, so roots can form better and I can feel the cold and /or moistness so I know when they need water.

You may have problems transplanting if the roots grow into the sock, unless, of course, the plan is to plant the whole sock! :)
:thanks: I read that too, especially N... So I have lots of coffee grounds for her at first :)
Your cal mag is in the start lines, got the shells and the vinegar, frying and mixing tomorrow.
Two Fermented bananas on the go and one is drying as we speak... For top feed in bloom....
I am going to try your bananas too... I have some peels that I am going to subject to the lacto and see how fast they can be broken down that way too. Fermenting seems to make them quite alcoholic and I need to get rid of some of that.
I am going to try your bananas too... I have some peels that I am going to subject to the lacto and see how fast they can be broken down that way too. Fermenting seems to make them quite alcoholic and I need to get rid of some of that.
Lacto is a good idea.
The Fermented ones, you use the water, and if you want you make the peels into a puree and blend in the soil. Otherwise they could go in a compost mix and sit for a month or so
Didn't think of that part...
Never happened before, but you are right... Need to figure out how I can do it differently

You can start in the solo cup or any small container, as long as it drains well. The weight of the container is really a good indication and, if you have a scale, you can actually weigh the containers to tell when to water.

When those seedlings pop, it will be quite a while before they can uptake all the water in moist soil and you really want them to go through the wet/dry cycles to encourage the roots to search for water. The top of the soil will usually dry out first. When that happens, you can lightly spray the top of the soil, or water a small diameter around the plant, to help the container dry out more evenly.
You may have problems transplanting if the roots grow into the sock, unless, of course, the plan is to plant the whole sock! :)
This was supposed to answer Krip:
Didn't think of that part...
Never happened before, but you are right... Need to figure out how I can do it differently
I feel slightly panic with solo cups...
Wasn't working first time around... Or maybe because we were two ppl and bad communication?

Did you have holes in the bottoms of the solo cups so they drained well??? Key is the soil needs to drain. Young plants can't deal with wet roots and old plants can deal with them better, but don't like them much better! :laugh:
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