Blue Dream & Lemon Amnesia Haze - CFL & LED - Organic Soil

I went ahead and flushed for now. Looking at going dark in 6, harvest in 7.

I used my noggin for a change and did things different.

I flushed with ice water, which melted immediately. I have warm tap water. But with the ice, it should have been the coolest water the plants have ever felt.

I lowered the AC from 68 to 66, and I put the lights on 11/13 to push the flowers to finish off (cold rain, shorter days, cooler temps).

I also left the water @ 8.5 ph, actually hoping for nute lock out.

I only ended up with a gallon of runoff per plant, but that is better that nothing!

If I get an eye piece and see some amber, I may chop or do a partial harvest.

Or I might just take a couple stalks from each plant to compare with next weeks harvest. Hopefully the plants won't mind too much.

Also considering taking off most of the lower water leaves to force the plants to use the water faster (plain water, thus force the plants to use their available nutes, hopefully get some yellow leaves!). Again, hoping not to stress the plants too much.

End goal to get some really high THC % and quality with limited sleepiness.

Any experience is welcome. Thanks for your thoughts.
I went ahead and took off half the water leaves.

Almost filled a 5 gal bucket!

Plan to chop one main cola and a few smaller ones from both plants tomorrow at dawn.

Will compare those with the others that should finish off next week.

My double magnifying glasses trick works a little when I look at the trics, but only so they look cool.

I still have no idea how people see the actual color of the heads.

I need an electron microscope or something.

The double lence did not help the camera....

And the trimmed plants look much less impressive... Like a molting chicken...

I'm still apprehensive about the stress effects on both plants after the samples were taken this morning.

One stem from Lem, which had a main cola and about 8 side shoots. The main cola was 70g wet.

2 stems from Blu. One main cola and one smaller, lower piece. The main cola was also 70g wet.

A little less weight than what I was hoping for. But once it dries, who knows? And I certainly don't "need" a full pound...

Blue Dream. Same cola, one up close.


Amnesia Lemon. Same cola, multiple shots.


All the small stuff, too.

Blu n Lem, or What is left of them... I have to change my original estimates of... I think I expected some rediculous amount, like just over half a pound from blu and just under from lem... Now I'm lookin at 3 - 4 oz of great quality bud from each!


So I have my samples drying, but the trim starting whispering to me...

So here it is!

Fry pan with oil


Meet trim. I'll admit, this is only a tiny bit of trim. Most of the leaves I just trashed... They had such little crystals on them...


After a couple minutes with just the oil on low, fresh trim goes in the fry pan.


Stirred occasionally for 10 min. Yes, I know it should be 30 min, but it was such a tiny bit...

Now the fresh leaves are dry and crispy and breaking into small pieces.

Time to strain them in the cheese cloth.


Simply spoon it into a few layers of cloth. and let it come back to the sauce pan.

Not much came out. Have to let it cool a little, squeeze a little, and rub it in the soup bowl, too!


Now just add the soup and let it cook on low for 10 min!


I feel a lot of pressure round my ears and back of head again... but a clear high so far!
Wow, I'm just crawling out of a hole... OD'd on that, for sure...

First 2 hours were a nice high, they sleepy. Then when I woke up today I was all disoriented and had a upset stomach.

Felt that way till noon. Way too much!

That was all my trim from the first samples. Plenty of sleeping power!

I can see part of the real beauty of cannabis is that is can replace narcotic pain killers and sleep aids with this very natural, yet powerful and non-addictive substance. But I feel like a single plant has so many medicinal values... Maybe they need to be separated professionally...

I hope to have a better smoke report in the weeks to come!
Early harvested are pretty dry. They were just jarred and I will open and close as necessary. Bovida 62 in the jar.

I vaped a little piece and felt good this morning, but that has been it.

So the 70+ wet weights are looking like 12 grams dry, but I won't be sure until the correct humidity is reached and I remove all the stem.

So that is 24g. Then I had another 20 g from Lem (all the small stuff) and maybe a couple more from the small piece from Blu. So 45 grams so far. Looking good.

I am using 2 quart jars to keep the colas as long as possible, just for show and fun.

Both plants chopped early this morning. I'll trim them up tomorrow.

Lem's cream top ended up drying smaller that I thought. Too bad, I was going to enter it in the nug of the month contest.


Here is Blu.

Blu n Lem

Final Weigh In



5 2 quart glass jars totaling 157 grams containing about 20% popcorn / airy bud.

The big buds dried light / airy, too.

Prob could fit in 4 jars fine, just keeping the early harvest separate.

Plus 12 grams of bagged, super dry trim, ready for cooking.

On to Lem


179 grams in 4 jars, maybe 12% popcorn / airy.

Tighter buds, and so far, a much stronger, heavier, but clear headed stone.

And 10g of bagged super dry trim.

All together: 358 g of product using approx 700 watts of LEDs... So 0.5g per watt.

So that is over 12.5 oz. More bud and more product using less plants / seeds than my first grow :)

I have made improvements, but still have a long way to go.

The claims that 700 watts of LED equate to however many watts of HID, from my experience with LEDs, appears to to 100% marketing BS. But I do feel safer with these running all day...

High quality smoke report still to come!
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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