CA215 Indoor #3

How did I miss you in the multi quote! Thanks much for the kind words mrbub!! Water is definitely going to become more of an issue around here the further into summer we get. We had some rain the other day and I set out multiple bins and got quite abit of water, around 11~ gallons or so, I still need to check the ppm and pH of It, little skeptical about using it on the indoor girls. Feel like I would be introducing hastiness into the rootzone so we will stick with the ro. Figure I will flood the small hog plant that has been outside for the past month, still alive believe it or not! Definitely stunted.. haven't seen much growth on her, the white flies seem to love her. I will have to give it a go, definitely will start pricing at the shop and online. Although I don't use soap in my waterings through the root zone I do use a little soap in my sprayings foliar wise to keep the sprays sticking to the leaves a little better instead of just dripping and running right off the surface. I will have to give the soap in the feed a try :thumb: Thanks for droppin in buddy, hope you are doing well :Namaste: Long time no see OG! Thanks for the kind words brotha, definitely letting these girls suck up all those potential goodies prior chop. CA has learned his lesson with premie buds :laugh: Hope you are doing well OG, cant wait to see a little update on your crew :Namaste:

No problem I know you could never forget me! :)

Have you considered buying the 5gal water at Walmart? I know it's not the best economically but if your worried about your landlord it could be a temporary fix.

I know rain water in our area is really good but not sure about your area. Acid rain and pollutants def freak me out. I'm sure your ppm meter will give you a good idea or you could buy a cheap water testing kit.

Thought I'd heard you mention adding soap before. Must've been another journal lol. Never tried it myself but heard it works really well for soil penetration. After seeing the sledgehammer work I can def see the benefit of the bubbles for flushing out the nutrients.

I wish I didn't know what you mean about premi buds. I hate pulling early know in yield and quality would be so much better but when your out your out. I'll take my premi buds over the crappy stuff around here any day lol. Just gotta grow more more more! :)
Man I got to try the port a scrog.I have been kicking myself for not doing with my Greensun grow,but no more bullshittin around.I got to do it after continuously looking at those sage's.Thank's again CA.I would like to thank PeeJay for bringing it to our attention.:thumb:

I second the Porta scrogs. I'm loving them on my grow. Makes training and supporting buds so much easier.

I found it also makes it a lot easier to run a large plant perpetual. I'm able to keep my tops fairly even with plants that are 4 weeks apart.

Ca is right about space underneath the SCROG. I had to learn that the hard way too lol
Fingers crossed for ya skunk :high-five:

You sound like you have the right idea & under control. I have the ro running right now, & am using the runoff outside on the lawn instead of going right back down the dang sink, except for this I am using the Rubbermaid and shutting the filter off to drag it out there to pour it LOL :laugh: Wish I lived out on some land, the possibilities are endless! I have a bunch of containers set up outside, the rainfall seems enough for me to get a decent bit of water. Cant wait to see what it tests like pH & ppm wise! Thanks for the kind words skunk! Seems I have been doing something right, right? :laugh: I like the simplicity of "super soil".

HMG, thanks for that I wouldn't have thought otherwise. Seems everything needs to be researched thoroughly prior to proceeding, more reinforcement for the ol' noggin :Namaste: some reps being sent your way!

Thanks b :thumb:

Here are some shots of the screened sage during flush, got her down to 54~ppm.

Also, I seem to be so scatter brained with doing this, 9 weeks 5 days flower, think I will let the sages hit 10 weeks then start back into harvest mode!


Thanks for droppin' by my page as always, Respect!! :thanks:

Amazing pics and nugs bro....can't argue with that kind of success :bravo:
Aw yea J6k! I am really digging the porta scrogs, since I have all the equipment I think I will keep growing this way, even with the extra weeks of veg time to fill the screens in the simplicity is amazing, no stakes later on in flower as the screens are already holding them in place. Only thing.. Make sure you have enough room to access the bottom sides of your plants if you are using the reg black plastic grow containers, I got lucky with the fabric pots being able to push them down :thumb: Can't wait to see your porta scrogs Jim! No problem at all, I would also like to thank PeeJay again! I think I have found my set in stone training methods, now just time to master either nutes... or super soil.. :laugh:

The porta-scrog has many advantages, for sure, and you had great results CA. I only have one plant in flower right now. It's not ports scroged. I'm doing what I term a mini-flux on the Darkstar. It reduces the footprint of the plant compared to a full-on flux like LA does. I like it. You don't get as many colas as with the porta scrog, but the colas are bigger. I'll be doing porta-scrog again, for sure. One advantage to mini-fluxing is it reduces the stress associated with all the handling, manipulation, and tucking in a porta-scrog. The veg growth is more robust, I think. Combined with solid seedling management practices it results in a nice, compact shrubbery. I'm aware that the next porta-scrog I do will be less stressful on the plant because I learned a lot the first time. I won't be messing around with it as much since I have more understanding when to tuck and when not to, etc.

As far as nutes or super soil are concerned, I think that complete soils requiring little or no nutrients are the wave of the future for soil growers. It is a trend that is growing like a snowball rolling downhill. A complete organic soil eliminates the guesswork about what and how much to feed - something that frequently results in difficult to diagnose and treat deficiencies and lockouts. These soil growing mediums are closing the quality and yield gap between soil and fussy hydroponic systems by leaps and bounds. A grower can go broke and endlessly confuzzled experimenting with the vast array of bottled nutrients. At best you make an educated guess when applying them. At the worst it is a crap-shoot. For a thinking-man like CA, creating a primo soil growing medium is the way to go. For those who don't want to do the work, the results from Doc's kit speak volumes. Just my two cents. :peace:
yea I agree complete soil is the way to go why worry about adding nutrients when you can just water it
Happy Thurweed day CA :thumb:
Replies post date 2-6/7 LOL, I have been very busy 420mag fam :bong: :laugh:

Girls are looking freeking sweet! Hope you haven't missed the sweet spot on those sages buddy, you did a good job of pulling this one off, especially with the early nutrient issues! Looking forward to some harvest shots, and a smoke report on those meds.

Stay safe CA

Thanks mono :Namaste: I really doubt it at the moment as I just put her in the closet to start some darkness, but I have read that you can actually let a plant go past its prime. I noticed this is possible with my outdoor betsy last season, Letting her go damn near 130 days flower had left the resins stickiness affected and her all around healthy, the buds were feelings very airy like they were drying out, you could flick them and the trichs would create a nice sized cloud through the wind. I would conclude saying if you can let the plant go as long as possible before the resin starts to "dry out", it is going to make for a med that will be very sedative couchlock feel, of course im sure you know this ;) I think I am becoming a big fan of flushing a plant and letting her suck up all the nutrients left in the leaves thoroughly, let her start to look absolutely tore up, nice and yellow. Feel like this will aide in attempts in growing some mighty potent herb :thumb: Thanks for the kind words buddy :joint:

Nice grow, what was your #2 final weight, some very nice nuggs

Don't have a for sure number on the saved for smoke jar, I would guesstimate about a half oz over the fh#1 weight, being conservative of course. I have smoked #2 down considerably. But she was definitely in the 3oz range if you trim Like I do and use the small nugs into hash, if not she was easily in the 4 oz range :thumb: hope that helps!

Amazing pics and nugs bro....can't argue with that kind of success :bravo:

Thanks for the kind words there Heady! Definitely that time again, enjoying the fruits of our labor!
Getting real psyched for some fullmelt :cheer: Hope you are staying warm buddy!!

Happy Weednsday CA :thumb:

Happy, I think its, Thurweed day!? :high-five: Hope the island life isn't too rough for ya Cronhog :Namaste:

No problem I know you could never forget me! :)

Have you considered buying the 5gal water at Walmart? I know it's not the best economically but if your worried about your landlord it could be a temporary fix.

I know rain water in our area is really good but not sure about your area. Acid rain and pollutants def freak me out. I'm sure your ppm meter will give you a good idea or you could buy a cheap water testing kit.

Thought I'd heard you mention adding soap before. Must've been another journal lol. Never tried it myself but heard it works really well for soil penetration. After seeing the sledgehammer work I can def see the benefit of the bubbles for flushing out the nutrients.

I wish I didn't know what you mean about premi buds. I hate pulling early know in yield and quality would be so much better but when your out your out. I'll take my premi buds over the crappy stuff around here any day lol. Just gotta grow more more more! :)

I pretty much have stopped the ro for the past couple days as the water hasn't been needed finally! I am loving the smaller plants, they only need water every 5-6 days, and as the sages are getting runoff under 50 ppm or around there, I say we conserve the water and chop em down! ;) I am going to need that filtered water for my bud cleaning after chop. I have thought about it and have done it a couple times on grows prior, I guess a buck a gallon isn't too shabby if only done a couple times :Namaste: I will get some shots of the ppm and pH of the rain water here in abit, its been raining all night and morning, much needed! I am getting a good amount of water and earth worms! Think I will place those worms out at betsys old spot :) I will also give sledge hammer a check too need to peep the mix. Premie buds are no bueno, but it really is strain dependent I would say. I usually use them all for edibles, really hard for me to smoke a few of my first plants, thinking they were ready, saying ok lets pull this.. NOPE! haha I look back at it now and laugh my butt off, Live and learn! :laugh: I have pulled plants that I didn't think were done like my outdoor sourboggle, turned out to be some very very decent smoke, its really risky but I am feeling more confident with the taste testing my plant and current knowledge to guess when a plant is at its beginning points of harvest and ends. I am feeling the need to germ some new sprouts!! :joint:

The porta-scrog has many advantages, for sure, and you had great results CA. I only have one plant in flower right now. It's not ports scroged. I'm doing what I term a mini-flux on the Darkstar. It reduces the footprint of the plant compared to a full-on flux like LA does. I like it. You don't get as many colas as with the porta scrog, but the colas are bigger. I'll be doing porta-scrog again, for sure. One advantage to mini-fluxing is it reduces the stress associated with all the handling, manipulation, and tucking in a porta-scrog. The veg growth is more robust, I think. Combined with solid seedling management practices it results in a nice, compact shrubbery. I'm aware that the next porta-scrog I do will be less stressful on the plant because I learned a lot the first time. I won't be messing around with it as much since I have more understanding when to tuck and when not to, etc.

As far as nutes or super soil are concerned, I think that complete soils requiring little or no nutrients are the wave of the future for soil growers. It is a trend that is growing like a snowball rolling downhill. A complete organic soil eliminates the guesswork about what and how much to feed - something that frequently results in difficult to diagnose and treat deficiencies and lockouts. These soil growing mediums are closing the quality and yield gap between soil and fussy hydroponic systems by leaps and bounds. A grower can go broke and endlessly confuzzled experimenting with the vast array of bottled nutrients. At best you make an educated guess when applying them. At the worst it is a crap-shoot. For a thinking-man like CA, creating a primo soil growing medium is the way to go. For those who don't want to do the work, the results from Doc's kit speak volumes. Just my two cents. :peace:

Thanks PeeJay, I think you are spot on with your thoughts, organics soils results if done right produce amazing quality, I will get some pictures of an OG that is responding very well to the minimal treatment here on the picture update, she will be some knock you on your ass indica :Namaste:
I'm glad I went for the porta scrog and got adjusted to the aspect.. Now I am ready to go at it with some new sprouts + proper transplanting(timing) with supersoil. I will have to give the fluxing some more looking into, I have seen LAs journal and am subbed just a little fast paced for me to keep up with most of the time. Really going to start getting into the organic soil, as I still have a nice 3 bale 50+~ gals of cooking soil its needed :laugh: I also have a bale of promix hp I am anticipating to experiment with as the base. Fingers crossed that the outdoor season can be pulled through, beans are going to be sprouted here shortly :Namaste:

Ok my turn, Happy Freeweed day to ya J! :passitleft:

:) I think Cron needs to looks into trademarking these greetings!
Happy Shatterday to ya Les! I hope your girls are indoors away from this cold soppy weather! But hey... we need it!
I have collected over 30 gallons of rain water so far... Idk wtf to do with it all!! :laugh:

Yea What Relaxed said and also a Chronic Weekend to ya :high-five:

:laugh: Happy Shatterday to ya Cron! I read you have been getting pelted by the rain also, hope you are making the best out of it :thumb:

Love that scrog screen going to have to steal that one from you for my new journal that is up

Bodhi Testers GodHead, SSH xTemple & A Couple More From OG

Heck yea OG, good to see ya around! Thanks for dropping that by the page buddy, im subbed of course! Haha, I don't think that small screen can contain the beast plants you are going to be fathering.. I think you are going to need a construction rental fence as a scrog screen :laugh:

So, I am going to post these replies after literally working on them for 2 days... Yes, CA made fullmelt and has been so stoned his productivity is in the shitter :laugh: :party: But, today is Saturday! PICTURESSSSSSSS!
Small hash run, Could not find my pressing screen so I had to improvise with the 25 micron bag. Ended up being a run more on the quality side than quantity, I think this was due to the bigger pieces of ice used, make sure you are using smaller manageable sized pieces.
Used the same method posted earlier on in this thread. Combination of the outdoor season nugs and shake, plus I added a small portion of fh#2 fresh fan leaves to add to the combination, oh did it help :joint: Here are some shots with brief intermissions, tried to take the pictures in a fashion as to where everything needed to be seen was in the shot, so, we will see how I did, keeping in mind the complete process earlier in the thread. Any questions welcome as always;










Left over ice out of a full big bag

After 7-8~ minutes decent mixing







This is where we begin the smoking!






I wont be smoking the closest to thumb, all the rest possibly.

Check out the 25 micron! Looks pretty cool.

And the improvised method... Hah, I had to think on my feet so, cloth beneath on the 5 gallon bucket, and I placed the hash on one side, created a taco and pressed! I am thinking the 45+73 combined oh well!! It worked well!

Into the freezer

And pull out piece by piece, smeller the better to make sure they keep their freeze and wont warm up & gum up on your fingers!

Let this sit in a cool cabinet/closet for a couple days (depending on your location and rH) and there you go, a nice kick in the A to get your mornings started off in a blurr :loopy:
Beautiful Break down Ca.I caught it buddy.:headbanger:lol.You are a

Thanks Jimmy :thanks: I will likely do another breakdown like this with the big batch of fresh frozen after the last sage comes down, that is going to produce some very nice meds. I cannot and will not take a hash master title although that is very nice of ya ;) Although I hope to improve on the method, it is a damn solid method. The fullmelt (if you are into the heating of a ti nail and smoking dabs) puts most waxes and budders I get from dispensaries in the trash! Truly satisfying making such a wonderful piece of medicine that absolutely gets you trashed!!! I take a dab of this stuff and zone the hell out into la la land.. Smallest thing makes you laugh.. Brings on a sense of tingling ticklishness from the toes to the top of your head.. Wonderful stuff! I have been working on smoke repots on the meds literally trying to get as in depth as I can, stay tuned for that also :laugh:

Next we have the one responsible for all the stench.. Stinky sagensour!
Shots are during smaller bud management, and big bud pre trim prior bud cleaning, Ill include some narration :laugh:
















After trim, ready for a bath!!








All the small stuff being used for fresh frozen :yummy:

And there you go, de stemmed, small portions, ready to be frozen!

Some stanky clean buds

:joint: That might be it for now.. I will continue to go through pictures and see if there is anything I missed ;)
In the meantime, smoke up! oh wow.. That literally just jogged my memory lol.. I have a funny little picture segment coming here in the next hour :laugh:


Thanks jonny :thanks: some follow up shots of fh#2 below :Namaste:

Da Master.

I love it. great pics detailed and descriptive. Better than I can do. It takes time and patience to put together informative posts like that. Thank you bro.

Thanks for the kind words + reps shotta :Namaste:

I feel like good pictures & shorter posts that get to the point are much more effective after seeing a few journals that are pure business (posts can get lengthy and timely). Definitely going to start slimming down my posts with less personal stuff to keep the clutter out. I would like my next journals to be consistent (I like stealthgrows set up every time he updates picture wise), and descriptive with everything I am doing with the plants. I have left out a few things on the smaller super soil plants that would have been good to know like liquid karma and ca/mag feedings, some bud candy, stuff like that.

Well.. seeing as this isn't a new journal yet.. MORE CLUTTER!!!! :laugh:

Joint Rolling with CA215

First, we start out with a fresh king size, smothering the inside of the joint in fresh sage resin.. Yum!

Then we let the fh#2 out for a little air, and give a lucky nug the chance for a (some 90 and 73) 120 micron hash bath and to be rolled up

Plus some extra goodies.. ;)

:peace: CA215
gimme that joint!

do you think those hues are from lockout or from flushing? I've only seen colorful plants like that due to lockout.
OMG @ that joint! That a killer right there.

I really love how this grow turned out for you man, I have been looking for some more strains, where your Sage and Sour's from Th Seeds? I may go for their Bubblegum next seed purchase.

+reps for the great grow!
gimme that joint!

do you think those hues are from lockout or from flushing? I've only seen colorful plants like that due to lockout.

I'll tie it to a pigeon & send it north to ya b that joint was a fine tribute to the 420 gods definitely had me lifted!
I think the crazy coloration on the top is mainly due to a lock out and/or deficiency earlier on, and the prolonged effects equal what you see. It didn't make its way to the nugs just the fan leaves/nug leaves which I trim down and will use for bubble, so I am still thinking this stuff should make for some awesome medication. I started flushing around 7 weeks, but a bit before that I started seeing some purpling and then yellowing. This plant also went longer then what was given by the breeder so we will take that into account with the major yellowing.

All in all, the plant did have complications and could have been twice as better imho, twice as better would have been absolutely chrondoggy...

OMG @ that joint! That a killer right there.

I really love how this grow turned out for you man, I have been looking for some more strains, where your Sage and Sour's from Th Seeds? I may go for their Bubblegum next seed purchase.

+reps for the great grow!

Thanks Craw!! Man did that thing make for a nice evening! Tasty smoke.
TH Seeds was the breeder yes sir, they were free seeds also figure that, as well was the freedom haze
Pretty awesome stuff, I was able to keep my hands off of the paid for beans to save for the outdoor season.
The 3 underdawg og I have going from seed are absolutely frosty! the hog is a little iffy the three I popped were all weird, one was a mutant one was a runt, and the third was a decent sized plant that is the biggest out of everything at the moment. Would be nice to see some of their bubblegum gornw out, but if you want a nice frosty indica go for that underdawg, it seems to grow with ease in the heavy nuted vermifire soil plus my super soil at the bottom portion of the pot.

:byebye: :thanks: :ganjamon: :yahoo: :slide: :blalol: :woohoo: Those are in a particular order.. lol
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