Canada Guy's Medical Fusion Grow


I moved the light closer, to a blinding 9 inches from the canopy. I think that was the answer.

Morning temps are way better now. Yay!

Looks like the girls love the light closer. They look much more perky now...reaching for the light.
I think they do. Funny thing is, there was a lot of root growth in the cup even though there was not much growth above ground. I think in the new pots they will explode with growth.
I think they do. Funny thing is, there was a lot of root growth in the cup even though there was not much growth above ground. I think in the new pots they will explode with growth.

The girls in their new homes.


You might have to wait a bit for them to explode with new growth - - you just gave them more space to grow more roots. They may spend a few days exploring that soil before they take off.

That's probably a good thing.

A girl with big roots tends to grow into a girl with big buds :)
Id also guess you wont see much for 2-3 days and then one morning youll wake up and go have a look and think a CannaFairy swapped your plants for small trees. For me once the roots filled out the plant really took off!

Another thing to consider with your heat situation (not trying to beat a dead horse just trying to help) is that your extraction or active output is running as efficiently as possible, meaning youre pulling cool air from outside the tent over the 600w and back out again. I initially set up the same way, but it worked too well. I was way under desired temps. I switched to freemounting the light, letting its warm glow heat the tent. My active output is a 6" fan (same one you have) dialed down to the slowest setting on the speed control. It pulls from the ceiling. My passive intake is a hose up high draped over a humidifier as shown before. Long story short, I know youre getting dialed back in now, but as we get into colder months again next fall consider pulling the extraction hose from your light if you need the heat. I know I did and it helped a lot. Peace out bro!
Glad you got'er dial in.
I'm curious though.....are you not concerned about heat in the coming months, or are you planning to add some A/C to the tent?
Won't it get very hot in there with the inline fax exhausting into the tent?
LOL. That seriously made me laugh... it does not get that hot here. It was like 24 the other day and in the garage it's still pretty cool. If it gets ridiculously hot I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Right now with temps down to -1 over night I have the light down to 8 inches. I don't think I'll go lower that that. The fan exhausts out the side of the tent on the left.
Yo CG another little hack for the winter...

A little fan blowing the warmth from the MH down onto the plants. Like the others I got a couple deg C out of this.

That won't work for me, my light is so damn low... lol its about as far as I'd usually put my cfl's. Im actually wondering how low i can go before experiencing bleaching. I like your power bar I have the exact same one.
Day 19

Today after work I checked on the girls and they were bone dry, took about 6 liters to satisfy all of them. Just plain water this time. I've been taught to feed every second watering so that's what I've always done. I'm thinking around the one month mark I'll do a slide show of the grow if I can figure out how to do it.

They are for sure getting bigger!

Day 20

Another day in paradise for the ladies. LSD #1 is really taking off she may get topped soon. LSD #3 isn't far behind either. Diesels 1, 2, and maybe even 4 could probably go for a topping soon too. I came home from work to the smell of burned electronics, my air circulation fan gave up the ghost. Handily I have a backup, the wife has a very fancy dancy fan that I borrowed for the next 3 months lol.

The ladies.


The right side of the tent.

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