Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Hey Canna,

That is a beautiful background that she gets to enjoy at least! She may like the sun even better than that LED anyhow. You should be given a job doing tech writing for a cannabis industry mag anyway, and maybe an organic farming one too. Then you could just do what you kick a$$ at! I would read a Cannafan byline for sure :thumb: That would be one subscription sold to this household.

Hold your head up high. Your great and it will get better!
Bob ;)
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Well, unfortunately the electric bill has become a problem. Last months' usage was out of sight between running the furnace and all these lights, timers and fans. I still haven't caught up from the previous month. The lay off is pretty bad news, I've recently found out this could be a year or more. Survival mode has arrived. Not looking for sympathy folks, just telling it like it is.....not good.


I put one of the Fast N Vast autos outside in the planter by the pond. It will be great to see how it does, the other one will go outside somewhere today too, and that will cut one LED out of use for awhile to save some money.
It's raining today, so she'll get good fresh air soaking:


I'll work on the rest of it today. The plant that the graft experiment worked on will go outside somewhere too. Now that I know the grafting works, in the future I can give a go at a major project. I've collected a LOT of pollen off it too.

The other male plant will be destroyed today, the grafted branches on that one did not survive. The wilting got worse and they browned up on the grafted points. Pretty much died there in that area.
One worked completely though, that's something! :)

Hope everyone has a great day today.


I can't "like" your post because I don't. I hate hearing what sounds like bad news for you. But I understand the money side of it and all that may entail. If there is anything I can do, let me know. I don't have money, but I'd help in any other way.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Plants are a natural feel let's update.

Here's the kids in flower:


Two Clones of Custard cream, both doing well with their training:



A Blue Dream clone 1, getting ready for a bigger pot soon:


Blue dream showing her pistils:


And Blue Blood showing hers:


Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

I am so sorry to hear that Canna. May the sun shine brightly over your beautiful pond, and girls! :circle-of-love:
I'll keep you in my thoughts.
On a brighter note, your girls look fantastic!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Hi Canna, how unfortunate we have to pay for electricity. Here's to hoping it's a blessing in disguise. Technology can't compete with the sun.
Breathtaking yard. So lucky.

Did I miss the DP harvest? I thought I have kept up to date. I am absolutely loving what mine is looking like now, eu naturel.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Hi Canna, how unfortunate we have to pay for electricity. Here's to hoping it's a blessing in disguise. Technology can't compete with the sun.
Breathtaking yard. So lucky.

Did I miss the DP harvest? I thought I have kept up to date. I am absolutely loving what mine is looking like now, eu naturel.

No, I started her on 4/20 and got about halfway through by the end of the night. Here's what I had on the beginning of it:




Unfortunately the rest took a back seat with some chit that happened here yesterday.
Hopefully will finish up today.

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Cannafan, Here is a couple of my babies that were germed on 04-01-2016. They got up-potted to 1 gal. pot on 04-18-2016.

This is my girl that peaked out on 04-20-2016.

This is due all to you and my other friend Dennis and the great people at 420 forum. Of course I was led to PJ's soil and I am really pleased. Nothing but water. Even I can't screw that up,..... I hope. Thank you all. Dan
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

And for a little good news....with all of this crapola going on here, my faith in human beings got an uplift again today.

I had to call a mechanic to help me with brake lines on my old truck that I am foreseeing I will need road worthy soon, I wasn't strong enough to break the rusted bolts. (It's old... 1995)
I have used him a few years ago, when there was something I knew I couldn't do, and decided to take a chance on reasonable costs.

We were at work on that thing for a total of 5 hours, it was not an easy line to get to by any means. He went home and got some spare break lines, came back and finished it up. I hesitantly asked, "Okay, what do I owe you?" and cringed.....

He said "How about $20.00?"

I almost fainted. LOL

I did try to pay him more and he wouldn't take it.

Thank you for the good karma you folks are sending, it's helping!!!

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

That's great Sista, it's cool to know there are still nice people out there. You are in our prayers until you get your life back on track, and the you will still be in our prayer, because you are awesomely sweet person.

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Thanks D! Just being here wishing good thoughts is helping tremendously!

You know I've always wondered if the word "Poor" should go in my bad four letter word category or good category.
Personally, I think if I weren't poor I would never have learned to do the things I can do. Rich is definitely in the bad 4 letter category. I want no part of it. Makes ya lazy and bored. LOL

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring weather. Thunderboomers last night here were pretty awesome....and scary. Kitty hid for hours. :laugh:

I will try to get some pics up today or tomorrow.

Love ya all

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