Cannafan's Variety Grow - Blueberry Gum/Delicious CC/Hawaiian Skunk Haze/THC Bomb

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I totally understand why you did it Canna.

On the browser warning:

For the last week or so each time I come to the site my anti-virus has been blocking something call Nuclear 4 Exploit kit. I never worried about it because it gets blocked. It's one of those things that messes with google smart searching. I expect that is the reason why google flagged the site. Any decent antivirus blocks it.

Web Attack: Nuclear Exploit Kit Download 4: Attack Signature - Symantec Corp.

I don't know for sure if that is the reason for the site getting flagged, but it's a good guess.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Oh! For the last day or so, the exploit kit has not been detected or blocked when I come here. I assume that the nasty code has been purged.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Good info Peejay. :)

I'm still getting blocked site and galleries, and even the emoticons with the "proceed at your own risk" warning. Usually these things get resolved quickly.
I'm not worried, it's just a pain in da buttski.

I'm heading out for a much needed walk this morning, we'll see what kind of pics I come up with for the spring and summer thread.

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

When you planted the stem deeper did you use any rooting hormone or slice the outlayer off so the hormones would trigger faster? Also if you make a vertical cut in the middle it gives the roots more area to grow from. Just thought id ask. I see you use clay pellets in soil for water retention but did you know it also allows roots to grow closer to the surface? Im sure you did though. Hope the transplant takes for you.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

No, I wasn't aware of the rooting hormone or slicing. I will try that next time I decide a transplant is needed.


The clay pebbles aren't for retention as much as they are to keep from making holes in the soil in one spot when I water and it spreads out more. It works well for me.

When I harvested my last plants, I didn't notice any root system close to the top. I'll take notice of that in particular when I harvest these.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Oh cool Im glad to have taught you something. Yeah I dont like when the soil compacts from watering in my mind that can only be bad for the roots by giving them less oxygen. I make my own watering cans and so I experiment with different speed and more or less flow from the cap according to how big or small the holes or the pattern is. I want to put clay beads on the top of my soil after rinsing the salts off but when its time to discard the soil do you just collect the beads to be used again? Can they be reused Im guessing they can but since it is more a hydroponic medium I never really looked into it.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Hi Joe, yes I use them again. I just sort of roll them off the top for the majority of them. Then when I'm ready to discard the soil I pour it into an old wide gold panning screen that I have. The soil drops out mostly and just leaves the pebbles.

I rinse them very well fresh out of the bag because they have a lot of dust on them.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Hmm dont I will just have to use a garden shovel then. They arent to expensive I take it.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Got just the place. Thanks again.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I have planted two of the popped seeds, (WW x MK) and have a time lapse set up. The third seed is rather tiny, so I'm going to let that tap root go another day.
Let's hope they sprout as quickly as the current plants did.
Not sure how much is going to be seen using the LED though, might be a bit dark due to the color cast.

I shall hope for the best.

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I've got a great tip for watering in soil, use a bio-wetting agent in your nutrient mix. Yukka plant is the best, it breaks the surface tension of the water so it soaks right through instead of finding the easiest way through. :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Yeah I use a drop of dishsoap for water tension. Dont want to end up spending more per grow then the grow is worth. Well that wont ever happen but my gf keeps a close eye on how much I spend so she can find somewhere to say I told you so but she has been sadly disappointed so far.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Hey Joe,
Sierra Natural Science (SNS) is a sponsor here....last I knew. I could not find them on the sponsor list this morning though.
They award part of the prize package for MOTM and the other contests.

Sierra Natural Science is a 420 Magazine sponsor

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Sierra Natural Science is a 420 Magazine sponsor

Yeah John, I knew they were. I looked several times the day I posted some information on them and they weren't in the sponsor list. Now there's two of them. Yey! Must have been a glitch that day, or maybe I caught it on the day the banners were being updated? Who knows....

Your GF should be happy with you. I do spend less on growing than I thought I would at first. People scare you at first saying you're going to have thousands invested. I have not spent anywhere near even $1000.00 since I began this activity. I do a lot of DIY, but even with the equipment I have bought, it's been relatively inexpensive.
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