Carnival: A Community Grow Experience

Thanks, have just uploaded some pic's to 420 can't seem to find them maybe there is a waiting time!.
I flipped them on the 7th I think, I wrote it down somewhere must get around to doing a diary. The barren Bubble gum is at the rear LH also a Carnival clone left front experimental.
Got to get this lot finished then I am done with it, got busted by my Son he is not happy at all (Shame and scandal in the family) if things go wrong so I promised him 12 or so weeks I will be a good Dad again...then I hope to see him again :circle-of-love:

I don't know anything about the non-web interface software - I just click on "My Photos" at the bottom the the box where I type comments
Thanks for your help Sue,
Re: my Son's attitude I can see where its coming from with Cannabis being illegal to grow here in Australia.
I guess being a Professional in Mental Health he is of the old mindset, although he does agree that there are benefits from its use he is confronted daily with its over use by some, what he is objecting to (ashamed) is that I am breaking the law and risking all that I was.
If I was selling I could understand I just make infused oil for health, It is quite upsetting really :Namaste: ...cheers
Thanks for your help Sue,
Re: my Son's attitude I can see where its coming from with Cannabis being illegal to grow here in Australia.
I guess being a Professional in Mental Health he is of the old mindset, although he does agree that there are benefits from its use he is confronted daily with its over use by some, what he is objecting to (ashamed) is that I am breaking the law and risking all that I was.
If I was selling I could understand I just make infused oil for health, It is quite upsetting really :Namaste: ...cheers

re: "confronted with it's over use by some"

I'm not suggesting you have this discussion with your son, but this is one of those phrases that is full of propoganda and potentially lean on data.

"confronted" - why? Because of a legal system? Was there an actual problem situation with use?

"over use" - This is a hard one to define. With an LD50 approaching infiinity, it is really hard to determine what constitutes over use. Sleeping too many hours in a day? Driving too carefully on city streets? - - There could obviously be job attendance issues, but as a mental health professional, root causes take rooting out.

"by some" - And what percentage is this "some"? 4% 2% I'm willing to bet the number is lower than alcohol, opiods, and probably even caffeine.

Again, I'm not suggesting you get into battle with him, but you should recognize he is on really shaky ground in criticizing cannabis use. I've found that when pressed, medical professionals almost always backpedal to a statement similar to "But what about the kids?" - A question that says nothing but triggers adult instincts to protect children from an ill defined boogie man.

Cheers -

Sorry if I went off on you. I still find it amazing that a plant that is as important to health as Vitamin D or B3 is banned instead of studied to determine a minimum daily requirement for health.
Thanks for your help Sue,
Re: my Son's attitude I can see where its coming from with Cannabis being illegal to grow here in Australia.
I guess being a Professional in Mental Health he is of the old mindset, although he does agree that there are benefits from its use he is confronted daily with its over use by some, what he is objecting to (ashamed) is that I am breaking the law and risking all that I was.
If I was selling I could understand I just make infused oil for health, It is quite upsetting really :Namaste: ...cheers

My best advice would be to gently educate him about the endocannabinoid system. As a trained medical professional I can't see how this awareness won't shift his perspective. Some things are too important to hold on to, and I believe cannabis is one of those things. The Prohibitionist policies and brainwashing propaganda are almost criminal actions against the human race as a whole.

This plant evolved with us, and there's not another plant species we know of on the entire planet that can rival it as a healing modality, assisting and supporting the most primary system in our bodies, the system that modifies all other systems in the striving to achieve homeostasis.

No one abuses cannabis. I'm sorry, but I'll hold to that until I drop. You can become dependant on cannabis, but what are we saying in the end, other than you're hooked on the feeling of wellbeing? The problem people come up against with cannabis dependency is often not the patient at all, but some third party determining that this person has overstepped a line the observer isn't comfortable with. No one can become addicted to cannabis, no one can die from consuming copious quantities, and everyone who consumes cannabis gains a health benefit unavailable from any other source.

Your son has allowed himself to be brainwashed. Someday he'll be embarrassed by that reality. When that happens remind him we were all duped while the pharmaceutical companies racked up their profits at our expense.
G'day Sue, he already knows that since starting a capsule at night I no longer use prescription sleeping pills and awake almost a human again as for other bonus effects I have yet to find to this.
Brainwashed I agree but not stupid either, my feelings are that when confronted with drug related problems on a daily basis cannabis gets painted with the same tar brush.
Many thanks for your input...cheers

ps At the moment I have about a years worth of White Widow oil, 8 to 10 weeks time I should have happy Carnival oil to keep my heels clicking during the day. :thanks:
G'day Sue, he already knows that since starting a capsule at night I no longer use prescription sleeping pills and awake almost a human again as for other bonus effects I have yet to find to this.
Brainwashed I agree but not stupid either, my feelings are that when confronted with drug related problems on a daily basis cannabis gets painted with the same tar brush.
Many thanks for your input...cheers

ps At the moment I have about a years worth of White Widow oil, 8 to 10 weeks time I should have happy Carnival oil to keep my heels clicking during the day. :thanks:

Well, that made me smile qaza. You'll be well-stocked. By the time you're ready to start growing again you'll be able to benefit from all the advancements that'll happen between now and then.

What son of yours wouldn't be intelligent? It was assumed like father like son. The future ahead of us shows such promise it sometimes give me shivers. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Carnival 3. Dried enough to be jarred up, after 30 days in the fridge. I'm figuring with what we'd already smoked I got 50 grams dry. I'm happy with that. :cheesygrinsmiley:



Enjoying the harvest. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Harvest: Carnival 4 (Day 137, flip +83)


She made it 137 days from seed, in hempy, the final 83 of them under flowering lights, and today she became meds on the line. This was the longest flowering cycle of my Carnivals. It may be the ripening bananas in the tent.











I always figure 20% of wet weight. It usually comes in close to my estimate. In this case I'm anticipating an ounce and a half. Even with compromised leaves, the Osmocote Plus did well by her, it appears.

I'm drying this one hanging. I'll need it to keep the other patients away from the Carnival I have curing following the Low and Slo method.




What a lovely sight. :dreamy: I've missed this, with all the low and slo and fresh harvest infused oil.

I'm tired. Satisfied, but tired nonetheless. Not much sleep the past few days. I think it may be time for a siesta.

Later. :ciao:
Carnival makes pretty buds.
Nicely done!

They certainly do Rad. Did yours turn out pretty too?

A couple update pictures.

Carnival 4.1 I don't have my notes, so age is unknown, but she's 23 days into flower.


She's at eye level to me now. Lol!


Working diligently, setting her bud sites.


She's the tree on the left. :laughtwo:


Carnival 4.3 (Day 23) Finally ready to pot up. She'll be my last soil baby for a while. I'll be running hempy exclusively for a few months to see how I feel about a total shift in direction. The soil will wait.





:party:My Celebration of Carnival :yahoo: :party:

I have one hanging......

IMG_029865.JPG curing.....


.....a brand new clone, in the bag today.....



.....another clone just potted up yesterday.....



.....and a tree of Carnival in the tiny closet.


Now I have Carnival newly flipped. Carnival 4.2 joined CBD Critical Cure 2.2.1 and Candy Cane 3 in the early bloom tent yesterday at day 66. She donated the new cutting today. She was the clone taken at day 21 of flower. I have a feeling she's going to be much larger very quickly.


Four Carnivals growing. That makes it 1/5 of the total grow. It is the good stuff. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Mmmmm...... I can smell it from here Rad. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart: Enjoy.
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