Closet Scrog Grow

re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

Dude- I gave a couple seeds of Chem 4D, that I found in my meds, to a friend of mine and he is 2 weeks into growing it. At the 2 week point both seeds are looking like females. The thing is the leaves on this plant are the BIGGEST leaves I have ever seen!!!! They look amazing! He just repaid me with a few Grandaddy Purps seeds.(I saw the buds they came from and D A M N!!!)
Good luck with them new beans.
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

thanks that chemdog was a last mintue decision but i see alot of people growing it online so it cant be that bad!

Chemdawg has a real interesting story on how it came to be. Started as a bagseed from an oz the actual guy chemdawg bought from a friend at an ungrateful dead concert. He grew the seeds and named it after himself. Almost never existed to us in that name.
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow


my chemdog seeds said it was a cross between og kush and sour diesel, should be a fire smoke!

saw the kids today. they are looking very bushy and green the nutrients are still doing a super job. the 5 gal nutrient reservoir has about 1/3 of the water left in it. when it is empty we will move 3 of the plants into the flowering closet.

We did some work in the flowering closet today getting it prepared for the 3 plants. we plant on ScROGing the 3 plants when we get them in the closet so we built a PVC frame that was just about the same size as the closet and zip tied some netting to it. its green fencing that they sell at lowes the holes in it are rectangle and they appear to be 1.5'' should be perfect for getting the nodes through.

We wedged the frame in the closet it was so tight that we had to curve the frame a bit to keep it in place but its really sturdy and the curve is going to work perfect for the way the plants grow, its high in the middle and bows down on either side. it looks really good ill get some pics soon. the lowest point on the canopy is about 28'' and highest is probably 38-40''.

we looked at the height of the plants now and figured we would make the screen just a little bit taller because by the time the nutrients are done in the crazy growth cycle. we are going to start them on transition and they should be a little bit taller by then. IF we need to move the screen while they get bigger in flower we can. its not secured to the wall its just wedged in really good.

The screen itself is pretty sturdy, should support the canopy nicely. We intend on getting the (2) 400 watt HPS lights hung some time this week and have the plants in their with in a week or 2.

I have never scrogged before but im reading alot about it. simply put your just moving higher taller branches down through the net and place it in a further whole to allow more light to hit the inner nodes and allow them to take place in the whole where the main top would have been. Im going to continue to read up but i am really excited to give this a go.

The plants are looking great, still very lush green. Getting great drainage through the soil and pots. Temperature is about 77*F and humidity at 25%. Today we are going to start spraying the plants with pH'd water with a tiny drop of super thrive in it. cant be bad for the plants and we want to mist them about every day or 2 to try to give the leaves some more moisture, some of them are very dry and brittle they will crack if you bend them in half. i assume most leaves should be flexible enough to roll in your finger and not break. Thats the only draw back i have seen so far but i am keeping an eye on it.

CLONES: are doing great! im gonna have to go back and see how long its been but 6 out of 9 clones have small roots. assuming they all root they should be ready to go in a week or sooner! Gonna need a bigger Tent!!!

we are trying to get 2 big 4x4 tents one for veg one for flower and then we will use the closet for a mother closet and the existing tent will become the new clone tent
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

thanks bro glad to have you aboard. do you have any experience with scrogging? i may have misinterpreted how to do it. i assumed that i could just switch my plants to 12/12 before i even spread them out on the screen. but now i am thinking of running them on 18/6 in the closet so i can fill out the screen first. then switch the lights to 12/12 after the screen has filled up a bit.

Edit: i went back and looked the clones have been in the cloner for a full 8 days and 75% of them have signs of roots already
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

no i don't, been thinking about trying it, but honestly i'm more into SOG type grows, but i have seen AWESOME results with scrog.
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

About spraying your plants...did you ever think about using seltzer water..not flavored kind...straight seltzer water...its a good way to give your plants oxygen...:thumb:

never thought about it till now, i will try it. ill have to check the pH of it first of course.

EDIT: "Approximate pH of 4, pH will vary based on the amount of CO2 as well as other minerals in the seltzer and the pH of the water.

Reference (Im not trying to link to an outside site just siting my references!) What is the pH level of seltzer water? - Answers"

Gonna need pH UP
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

never thought about it till now, i will try it. ill have to check the pH of it first of course.

EDIT: "Approximate pH of 4, pH will vary based on the amount of CO2 as well as other minerals in the seltzer and the pH of the water.

Reference (Im not trying to link to an outside site just siting my references!) What is the pH level of seltzer water? - Answers"

Gonna need pH UP

i'll take a look at that...
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

Jumpin on board here. Looks very good. I'm experimenting with some scrog, got two plants in veg, need to start another journal for them. From what I have read you want to let your screen fill up some before switching to 12/12, think like 60% of the screen maybe.

hey thanks for stopping by. i think thats what i take from it between 60% and 80% of the screen will be filled up before switching the light cycle. I think that we can customize to that though. we will put the 3 plants in the flowering closet and screw in a mh bulb then let them fill in the screen real fast for like a week or so then we will switch the lights

Gonna go to the hydro store today and try getting some root pots and a humidity dome

EDIT: Just came back from the hydro shop. got me 2 big ass bags of FFOF soil and (9) 3 gal. root pots. I see theo using them so i wanted to give them a shot, i just hope the 3 gal ones are big enough.

I also bought a pack of rapid rooter plugs. I am going to stick my cuttings in them since the roots are not that big yet. i want a buffer in between the roots and the FFoF when i transplant them to maybe reduce shock.

bought a 400w plant max MH grow bulb as well to use in the now ScROG closet for when we get the plants in there.

Everything is coming along nicely. looking to buy 2 big tents next week so ill have pics as soon as i can thanks for looking!!
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

ok so i got to do some work today with the babies. they got a little roughed up from moving them through the screen but it looks like its gonna fill up nice in there.

we are gonna flower all 4 plants and do a mother plant on the next batch. we put the tallest plants in the middle and the 2 we topped on either side . The lights look great inside i think we will have a nice canopy soon.

i assume we are going to leave them in their for at least 2 weeks so we will continue to use crazy growth formula until we switch the lights, i figure another week of crazy growth and the 2 400watt lights should fill the canopy in nice, i already got alot of the main top nodes through. just need the bottom ones to catch up.

Question? DOes the screen look ok? do you think we should put it lower and bend the top of the stem farther down through a farther hole so i can get shorter nodes to go through the screen? or do you think those nodes will grow tall enough that i can eventually pull them through the screen? when should we cut bottom branches off? i assume we will do it when we switch the lights to 12/12. i know you need to constantly be pruning the under side of the canopy i just dont want to do it too soon because the smaller branches may need time to catch up. its my first time doing scrog so i need all the help i can get!

Heres some pics baby!!!


Clones: are looking great. still growing nice white roots. Gonna get them into soil soon with the root pots and put them in the tent. i decided to wait on the rapid roots till the next time we cut clones

My wish list as of now consist of

(2) 5x5x7' grow tents at $165/each
(2) 400w HID Cool Tube Light Package at $205/each
Co2 Regulator at $99
CAP PPM-4 co2 sensor at $250
Control Wizard meter at $180

needless to say i got me some saving to do but it will be worth it in the long run! keep in touch thank you every one who has showed up so far!!!
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

Oh yeh...its looking good..i haven't did that yet but its on my to do list...i need to get my generator going so i can use more light...i'm going to keep close watch on your grow..right now i'm getting stuff for a small hydro setup...just 1 plant to compare with a soil grow...using two 5 gal buckets...Ok..somebody will chime in and advise on that SOG..:goodjob:
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

hey brotha, thanks for stopping by my journal and helping out!

Hopefully I can return the favor.

So from what i've read you have your scrog net set about 4-6" above the main canopy of all 4 plants and the main center coloas of the taller plants were just poking threw when you set up?

and now your going 2 more weeks of veg before you switch over?

if this is the case, id say move that net up an inch inch and a half, your plants are going to almost double in size by the time flowerings over. so you want a little bit of extra space to move your branches apart and stretch them out as far away from each other as possible, this way you use up as much space in that scrog net as possible, this will give your buds space to breath and open up the plant to receive more light.

so far everything looks to be in order, are you planing on doing a good lolli poping 5-7 days before you transition to flower, this will give your plants enough time to recoup from shock so it has the energy to switch from veg to flower safely.

but this is growers preference, personally i believe in it!

yeah i think that about it really, like i said it looks good to me, but unless your transitioning over to flower now i'd raise that net just enough to give plant room to stretch, your gonna have to be ontop of the shorter branches as they grow so you can continue to keep them under the scrog net longer so they will reach further off to the side. kind of like what you see here on the lowest of the branches:


I probably could have kept up on my job of lolli popping a little better, but it is what it is.

but you see how the lowest branches run horizontal then slowly climb back up into the canopy?, thats because i held it down while it grew to make sure it would reach further out on the net.

hope that helped and wasnt just a bunch of medicated nonsense haha
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

just real quick, again ONLY if you still have 2 weeks of veg before you transition to flower, you should move that net higher. during flower your plants will almost double in size. this is good because it will allow you to use up more space in that scrog net, which wil give you more light to the insides of the bush. and also allow for better air flow between the branching to prevent mold and increase oxygen exchange to promote optimal c02 absorption. unless your running c02. in which case this wont be much of an issue (circulation wise) but having good spacing between branches (nugs/ tops) will give you better light penetration. and we all know more light = bigger bugs
re: BPN Closet Scrog Grow

i thought i wanted to fill up the screen before i switched to flower, thats why i was asking if i should bring it down. the only nodes that are sticking through the screen are the tallest ones of each plant, i know my plants are going to double in size so you think i should move the screen up more? yours is only like a 8-12 inches above your DWC bucket

EDIT: i can switch to flowering any time i want. the sooner the better actually. so if i wanted to switch to flower in like a few days should i pull the screen down and fill it up more? and should i just leave it where it is and when the plant continues to grow in flower just pull the nodes through the screen once they are big enough?
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