Cultivator's Return - Multiple Grows

Yes its ridiculously frosty and theres time on it yet. I am putting it onto water today so probs a week until i harvest it. It will get min 7 days water to clean the weed and make plants finish strong. Giving them water will accelerate the last of the bud growth as the plant is forced to use up stored nutrients. Flushing = clean weed and more weight.
So finaĺly the seedlings are starting to take off. The 600w hps has speed growth up alot. I was actually told earlier that a high powered hps should never be used over seedlings, i beg to differ! Ofcourse it isnt ideal, you should build your seedlings and plants up to higher intensitys but it will work if you have no other option.

The plants are showing slight magnesium deficiency. The calmag im using is at least 4 years old. I found it in the back of my mams (mother lol) shed after she died last year and i cant remember putting it there so it could be even older lol. Its safe to say its not doing its job so nutes do expire after time. Again its no problem i will just get some new calmag and flush the medium and that will fix it. I will do that tomorrow.

The seedlings will be potted up on monday into 17litre fabric smart pots. I wanted 20-25litre but the local hydro shop had none and rather than order online it was just easier to grab them now. I will grab the bigger pots for next round. Id normally have a little more patience but i need to get this grow moving. Once i pot the seedlings up it will be 3 weeks then flip. Heres how the seedlings are looking now.


Yes now they are. I was getting impatient with the cfls lol. Im on a tight deadļine for this one. My partner is finishing of the ròom build this weekend while i drive 400miles to go set another spot up, it never stops lol and im grateful for that.

When i get back and get these potted up they will grow fast fast fast :goof::goof:
Hey cult, all looking good there. What strains you growing for the UK market as it seems all everyone wants around my neck of the woods is cheese, they don't want much else. I got 2 incredible bulk in the flowering stage and 1 orange hill so I'll see how they go down
Hey cult, all looking good there. What strains you growing for the UK market as it seems all everyone wants around my neck of the woods is cheese, they don't want much else. I got 2 incredible bulk in the flowering stage and 1 orange hill so I'll see how they go down

Right now its changing. No one wants cheese any more thats as dead as dead where i come from. Alot of incredible bulk, gorilla glue, blue kripple, amnesia, super lemon haze. They are thr main ones. The UK market is vastly difgerent to the European market though. Most Brits wouldnt know good weed if it slapped them in the face. Its all driven by stupid brand names and they want that vrand even if the weed is shit. Its stupid.
Its madness. Quality weed is what its about. Too be honest i lie to buyers all the time about what the weed is. In spain they understand quality but also want names such as Amnesia. I grew some quality la nina or el nina i think its called and juat told the buyer it was a new Amnesia hybrid lol. It probs sold in a dutch coffee shop as Amnesia charging tòp dollar haha.
That was like us with the bush with seeds once skunk came about people went off the solids. It's definitely come along way from what I can remember pw
Hahaha i know what you mean mate!

Anyway heres a little update.

First we have a pic from the evening of 22nd Novemeber followed buy a pic on the evening of the 26th Novemeber. It took longer than normal to get these started but as you will notice from the pic, 4 days under the 600w hps has exploded grow rates and now there is a root structire these babies wiĺl accelerate growth..

22nd Nov 2017

26th Nov 2017

The seedlings are filling out and rooting well.




The seedlings should have been potted up today bùt ive had a sliğht delay building the room therefore ìt will get done on tues. They will get 3 wèeks in their new pots and then be flipped.

Now here we have a crop i will harvest friday or so. Its the Gorilla Glue #4. Im not sure if it really is GG4 bit either way the quality is good. The buds are really really frosty but the weiğht looks like it will be poor, maybe 60oz dry but we will see. However considering this crop nearly died twice im happy to take anything.

These plànts are getting plain water only now...

Wow them buds shine more than my grow light lol I’d say way other 60oz in there?

Nah mate. Theres 24 plants but maybe 5 or 6 are awful yield wise, maybe an oz per plant and theres maybe 5 or 6 good ones with 4.5-5 oz and the rest are somewhere in between. At the end of the day im happy to take anything bút i guarantee ì will do better this round
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