Cultivator's Return - Multiple Grows

The Purple Haze x Malawi is a new cross from Ace and looks like it may have potential.

I will certainly take a look at that. The spanish and portuguese market caters for the dutch market mainly and the hazes are the big sellers. The problem being that true hazes take 13 or 14 weeks to flower and from a commercial stand point, even with higher prices, it makes no sense to grow anything that takes that long to flower. Not when there are so many good alternatives out there. Its crazy because its highly illegal to grow weed in holland and everyone thinks the dutch system is the best in europe, maybe it was once upon a time but thats certainly not the case now. All those guys want is amnesia haze or lemon haze. But its my job to bting new alternatives to the table.
Some nice shaven legs there! .I too have man handled sprouting seedlings and never had a problem, also I've had my coco dry out and shrink while I was away but watered and all was fine not saying you should let it dry that much but I noticed no damage .
Man your tips are awesome and motivating. I really appreciate you sharing your ways man
I have alaska thunder fuck pollen from Van Stank and i'll be using that to hit a pure Malawi. Hoping it'll bring down the 16 week flower period for the Malawi but keep it's potency.
To strong hey ya need to neglect ya plants more lol
I grew some San Fernando lemon lush recently An the quality of that strain is great everyone said it the best they've had in yrs weird tho I had it growing in seperate locations An one place grew nice shaped heavy buds and the other location they was the worst looking plants in the room
Do ya still run the easyfeed system I was so hoping that was gonna be a game changer

Thats not unusual at all mate, not when doing run to waste extraction like we do mate. Small things can make a hige difference. Little tbings like a 1degree centigrade difference can be the difference between cream or average. The amount of fresh airflow could be different and i bet thats the main thing making the difference, assuming you have good light in the bad space also. Spend more time dialkng ya environment in mate and you will nail it.

I remember when i first mived out to spain. I had no intention of growing their at all, id just beat a crown court case in the Uk and i needed a break but i also thought with the climate in spain that it would be way more difficult to grow indoors unless using sealed rooms. Im finding the opposite is true. To be fair the growing season is shorter as its impossible to grow anything indoor during the summer months but the rest of the year the crops are great. The climate is more stable than the uk which helps alot and the humidity is better suited to growing. Its way too dry in nothern england to get great harvests without using humidifiers and even then it can be a losing battle because of tje extraction.

Just spend time to build ya rooms perfect and you will nail it everytime mate. The plants should be hard as nails up there on the west coast scoob haha

Im not running the easy feed mate. It nust wasnt accurate enough for me. I prefer drippers lad or the flood and drain but im running the flood and drains witj coco now instead of pebbles as it gives a little more protection from human error.
Man your tips are awesome and motivating. I really appreciate you sharing your ways man

No problem mate. Its my way of expressing myself. Id go crazy otherwise. Its not like i can broadcast my shit around the neighbourhoods i frequent haha. Much better served sharing my experiences here, i enjoy the process and once ive weeded out the nuggets its nice to have some banter on the forum, even if my anglosaxon humor doesnt always translate to the rest of the world haha
Dont get me wrong if you have a strain you enjoy you should grow it no matter what the flower period. But im of the opinion that there are sooòoo many weeds out there that its just not necessary to grow a plant that has the flower cycle of 2 grows combined. It had better be some gradeA super star. Maybe its like a DMT or AYHUASCA trip, talking to aliens is worth a 16 week wait, some people wait a lifetime for that and it never comes lol.
Hey everyone.

So at this point in a grow things can be a little slow to get going. I was going to show some pics of my little spot in Spain but my pattner hasnt sent me any pics through. But once this journal gets some legs there will be plenty of content. I have all sorts planned but i need to get these first girls vegging and away.

Ive just cracked 40 Liberty Haze to place in a nice new space i have. I didnt bother taking pics becaise you have just seen me crack 60 seeds and how i do it so there wouldnt be anything to see really, well apart from more seeds on paper towels....

I have done a little video update though on the seedlings, nothing too exciting but you can see the progress at this point. The set up is really basic and a bit lazy but thats just because i havent decided if this location wiĺl be a perminant vegging spot. But i will keep you up to date on any changes as they happen.

Great video!! The fun is gonna happen in due time but really appriciate u showing the community the basics from start of dropping a seed!! Great work as always!! Thanks!!
Great video!! The fun is gonna happen in due time but really appriciate u showing the community the basics from start of dropping a seed!! Great work as always!! Thanks!!

No problem. This way is better then everyone can see the process in real time start to finish. I will get some pics up and maybe a vid showing whats going on in the flood and drain set up.

Im going to order some flood and drain systems tomorrow. I was initially going to order Alien systems but i have changed my mind and will go with basic IWS set ups. I have used Alien flood systems for a few years now after switching from IWS and initially i thought they were an improved version of the IWS set up. They have thicker pipework which allows for faster flood and drain times and also no blocked pipes. That advantage still remains. I liked the automated sensors for detecting flood levels but now i dont like that at all, they fail often. Ive had to change my brain unit on average every 6 months, this is far too often and causes problems when they fail. Normally it fails by not draining which can kill the plants if you dont check or notice what has happened until its too late. Ive also had one continue to flood until tank was empty and 400litres liquid flooded everywhere. With the IWS this isnt possivle because it uses a float valve like what you have in a toliet, when water reaches max level it forces the valve shut so no floods... The cost of the standard IWS sytem is way cheaper than an Alien hydro setup. Because im using coco/pebble mix its not as important to have as fast flood and drain times, yes there is a benefit to it but its more important when using straight pebbles. So im going to buy 5 24pot IWS standard flood and drain set ups and look to pull 100-120oz per system per round.

I will get further updates done as things evolve.

A nice even canopy just soaking up the light...



For some reason It ain't showing me any video cult
I'm glad that weren't just me having problems with the alien system can ya remember me telling ya about 2 seperate systems failing on me numerous times. I had the 80 pot system with the 1200ltr empty on me two times lucky enough it was on a farm so couldn't hurt nothing, there great when they work I could leave the system for around 5 days but just to unrealible.
On the iws systems would ya run 2 24 pot systems Over the large 48pot system
For some reason It ain't showing me any video cult
I'm glad that weren't just me having problems with the alien system can ya remember me telling ya about 2 seperate systems failing on me numerous times. I had the 80 pot system with the 1200ltr empty on me two times lucky enough it was on a farm so couldn't hurt nothing, there great when they work I could leave the system for around 5 days but just to unrealible.
On the iws systems would ya run 2 24 pot systems Over the large 48pot system

Yeah exactly mate. I think they both have pros and cons but the brain on the iws is more reliable. And to be fair because im running coco in the set up it means it doesnt have to be a fast fill and drain. Of course you dont want it to take all day but tbe IWS is perfect for what i want to do.

But ive just been talking with my mate and he made a good point about this new room having to be hand watered. One room has the Alien system in so that will continue to run and i was going to put the the 24pot IWS in the other room but theres 36 seedlings and 20 of those are Reg seeds! So fuck knows what i was thinking, i must have been on the fosters again haha.

So im going to pot the 36 into 20litre fabric pots and hand water them. Going to run 8 600w hps over then and im guessing we lose around 10 to being males. Then we will have our clones of the tegs and start grooming out mother plants. I will put the 40 liberty haze in germ on sunday and i will grab another couple packets so i can run 2 24pot IWS with those and i will get some other seeds to take to spain.

Im just going to focus on smaller rooms of 8-12 lights with 24-36 plants. That makes tbe rooms manageable. I built a 120light spot in spain, split into 1 60light room, 1 20 light room, 2 16 light rooms and an 8 light room. Was absolutely epic. But we had a massive problem with the police and the space couldnt be used. Its still there but going to have to wait until next year now...
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