Death Star - Budda Greenhouse & Orange Kush - Heavy Duty Fruity Early Bud Try

No prob! Its my pleasure, good thing to cause its super green in there! The tying down on the tops section is basically super cropping with rope. Also looks like were on the same light schedule.
I think Spot may be a girl . lol She was running all over the place for about 10 days. Like she was looking for something.Now she is back looking content and eating big time ,like shes eating for more than one .My dad brought me home 2 rabbits when i was a kid. Within a year there was 30. I could not keep pens built fast enough.I got lucky,something got in and killed them all one night. As a kid,i was happy. I did not have to feed and make pens all the time lol
meet SPOT he arrived this spring. He(I HOPE) has a withered front leg. I think his mom dropped him off. I saw her ,then she was gone. SPOT and I have become good friends.He comes out to say hi and never runs off when I walk up to him.I can get to about 6 feet from him. He has a white spot on his forhead,so spot is his name.He ate a few leaves off a clone before i found it ,but they were lower
he has keep weeds eaten in the rest of the garden.It looks like i weeded real good.He did eat all the green beans. He could eat a leaf in about 30 seconds.I planted more for him ,but he ate them as soon as they came up. lol He loves green beans. and weeds
The last pictures posted are the last of the early budders.
The end report on the 2 sets of early budders is between 10 and 11 ounces . 2 crops in so far and the greenhouse will make it 3 crops a year outdoors with indoor clone starts..It has been a joy doing it all summer. Putting them in dark and back out every night.And it is early Sept and i'm not eyeing my greenhouse plants.Still have a good 6 ounces jared.
So anyone that does not want to wait for outdoor Oct harvest, Just dark room them for 8 short weeks and walla.Early buds.
Of the 2 methods 50 gal drums and tent. The drums are limiting size and I had a moisture problem when temps were higher. So I prefer the tent. But the drum worked for sure.
PM back in one corner of GH. Sprayed PM WASH again. May just have to spray every few days. I will have to see how it goes.I will not give in. I will be taking most of the fan leaves in the morning. I need to get more sun light in.I have been fighting it all summer.
And i don't plan on giving up now.I checked in on a sulfer burn today.....Shit i did not know you need a sulfer vaporizer.$100. lol

Thanks GH. I'll worry about that after were done here.
I hear oct 6th is most common harvest day outside ,so i use that day ,but we will see.
This is a age test guys lol
I have installed a fan to move the air around better.I don't know about the pm ,but the plants love it. It should make thoes side branches stronger.I will be installing some kind of fixed fans for next year..It is going to be a constant battle for 4 more weeks. But some of the early budders had some PM problems also and I got them to the end ok..I have tried everything except baking soda and water with oil.
So maybe some of that next. So far I think the Vinegar and water is my favorite. It s cheap and seems to work as good as the store bought.
I would blame it on the greenhouse, but there are 3 others growing outside close to me and they are having the same problems.I think it is just a bad year for it this year.At least i can control how much moisture is on my plants. outside the rain can kill.

I got up this morning ready to battle new mlod and found none to battle. So i had time to scan snoopy again.
I got up on the ladder and searched from above for new spots , but all looks healthy. The greenhouse plants love the fan.It just feels better.Looks better, and I get that all's well feeling now. But it will be a daily thing . any out break will get vinegar and water area spray around any spots.
The wife was right.......hate to say All big greenhouses have a fan on each end of them.she has been telling me all summer.
3 days ago i put one in the door. I had been finding new mold every morning for a week. Now it has been 2 full days since i had to spray or pull a leaf that had spots.The girls are loving the breeze.I can smell and see such a differance. there may be more to come,but it is great to get a break. I also took many fan leaves . Both to put all the grow into the buds and to get better sun and air flow.
snoopy says 26 days
Found a small patch this morning. It was low in the problem corner. One of the tied down branches had grown into a bundle . I should have cut it out long ago, but it had so many bud sites ,I just couldn't. Its gone now.
It just may be bad luck. But I put both Buddas in the corners.And almost all the mold spots have been on these 2 plants.They may be the first to be harvested. It would clear up the corners. But on the whole things looking good.:peace:

Snoopy says 25 days
well i'm back to not being able to down load pictures........ thats ok not even a hint of mold this morking.
I may hit a little vinegar and water anyway. I see no downside.
I wish i had heard from some of you that have had mold ,and been able to fight it off and make it to harvest.Had a few "your doomed". My neighbor ,growing inside ,just ripped them out . Now inside,maybe.But outdoors its not possable. You get one shot at it. But in 4 days i found one small spot,took it out. First thing in the morning, i'm on the ladder looking for spots.but since fan wernt in things looking great.
With 7 plants, i counted 17 stalks that have made it to the 8 foot level. with many side branches.

snoopy says 24
this is 3days old. but this is below ceiling
The buds are all formed and now its time for them to grow. Bigger every day now.
I have baby ladybugs everywhere. So no bug problems
I just caught up to you and read from the beginning, You've sure learned allot as you went along. Your greenhouse is stuffed!. Glad you listened to your lady and added fans. Fantastic grow my friend.....It will be an honor to have you follow my out door grow! :high-five:
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