DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Did you say if the gadget gets direct light it can be off?? Hey invi do you mean digi temp gage :straightface: please do tell me ji cause mine might be right under line of light but at canopy hieght

Yes, put it in shade by all means! Light (radiation) from the bulb heats it to higher temps then the air is. You need to know the air temperature!
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Did you say if the gadget gets direct light it can be off?? Hey invi do you mean digi temp gage :straightface: please do tell me ji cause mine might be right under line of light but at canopy hieght

Jaga your temp guage needs to be above the light somewhere so it can read the true temps. Like if you put a thermometer in direct sunlight it would be way hotter than if you put it under the shade of a tree and get the true reading of the outside temperature.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

I was talking about heat. The same wattage of HID was hotter than CFL.

Otherwise, you are correct. MUCH more lumens/watt in a HID.

Yes, i tried to show its not a fair comparison. The only factor that matters to plants are the photons, they dont know how much watts you spend on your lights - so the fair comparison from heat aspect would be to compare your 485 watt 39k lumen system to a 250W hid (that puts off about 33k lumens).
Of course a much stronger system like a 400 or 600W hid produces more heat.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Yes, i tried to show its not a fair comparison. The only factor that matters to plants are the photons, they dont know how much watts you spend on your lights - so the fair comparison from heat aspect would be to compare your 485 watt 39k lumen system to a 250W hid (that puts off about 33k lumens).
Of course a much stronger system like a 400 or 600W hid produces more heat.

Yep, all that info is published and all you need is some simple math to determine lumens/watt. What isn't published and isn't obvious is how much heat per lumen or watt for each, so actual experience by member growers can be helpful. Have you compared the heat output of a 250 watt HID against 483 watts of 23w CFLs? I actually don't how they would compare. We could all guess, though.

BTW, I sub your journal and have been reading your posts on other journals. :)

P.S. If you search for the journals by Tulip, you'll find a genuine trove of information about CFLs.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Yep, all that info is published and all you need is some simple math to determine lumens/watt. What isn't published and isn't obvious is how much heat per lumen or watt for each, so actual experience by member growers can be helpful. Have you compared the heat output of a 250 watt HID against 483 watts of 23w CFLs? I actually don't how they would compare. We could all guess, though.

BTW, I sub your journal and have been reading your posts on other journals. :)

P.S. If you search for the journals by Tulip, you'll find a genuine trove of information about CFLs.

You can also calculate the heat!
The lamps produce photons and heat. So the 485 watts create 39k lumens and the rest of the wattage goes to heat. CFL effectiveness goes from 8-12%.
The 250W gets 33k lumens and the rest is heat. At least as much as 420W is lost to heat for CFLs, and for 250W its about or less 200W if i recall correctly (effectiveness of the ones we use is about 22%).

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to do their thing, just seen a lot of misunderstanding in cfl vs hid discussions that can confuse newcomers. CFLs have their own surplus, they can make much more dense bush - i use them in my veg tent and love it.
It just costs a bit more, and that more is spent on the extra heat which might even be welcome in colder environments.

I really had to inform myself in this matter, since i had to do my current grow in terrible heat. Man i hate attic grow :)

ps. Thanks for taking the time to look at my grow! Can't show it to anyone locally it feels so good somehow that others can see it too :)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

I know exactly what you're saying, invi, but it's not that simple. We think that when something draws watts and produces light and heat, that we can just add 'em up. I'm not so sure it works like that, because of the real life experience I had. That's why I posted it in the first place, and why I'm continuing to respond.

My CFLs were drawing (roughly) 483 watts and, as you correctly point out, emitting 39,000 lumens. The HID draws (roughly) 600 watts and emits 90,000 lumens. If it were simple addition, the HID would run MUCH cooler than the CFLs, right? 'Cause, it's more efficient at turning watts into lumens. But ... the HID ran hotter. See?

It's counter-intuitive. The HID "should" run cooler and it doesn't. I know that for a fact. Jus' sayin' :)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Yes, put it in shade by all means! Light (radiation) from the bulb heats it to higher temps then the air is. You need to know the air temperature!

Jaga your temp guage needs to be above the light somewhere so it can read the true temps. Like if you put a thermometer in direct sunlight it would be way hotter than if you put it under the shade of a tree and get the true reading of the outside temperature.
you need the thermometer at canopy level so you know how warm the plants are.
if you put it above the lights you will only Know what the temps are above the lights and that is not relevant:)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Yes, put it in shade by all means! Light (radiation) from the bulb heats it to higher temps then the air is. You need to know the air temperature!

I know exactly what you're saying, invi, but it's not that simple. We think that when something draws watts and produces light and heat, that we can just add 'em up. I'm not so sure it works like that, because of the real life experience I had. That's why I posted it in the first place, and why I'm continuing to respond.

My CFLs were drawing (roughly) 483 watts and, as you correctly point out, emitting 33,000 lumens. The HID draws (roughly) 600 watts and emits 90,000 lumens. If it were simple addition, the HID would run MUCH cooler than the CFLs, right? 'Cause, it's more efficient at turning watts into lumens. But ... the HID ran hotter. See?

It's counter-intuitive. The HID "should" run cooler and it doesn't. I know that for a fact. Jus' sayin' :)
not sure I agree.
but for arguments sake the HID dollar for dollar is the better way to go IMHO. 90,000 to 33,000 should be enough said:)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

What Mr Graytail said:tommy:
I know exactly what you're saying, invi, but it's not that simple. We think that when something draws watts and produces light and heat, that we can just add 'em up. I'm not so sure it works like that, because of the real life experience I had. That's why I posted it in the first place, and why I'm continuing to respond.

My CFLs were drawing (roughly) 483 watts and, as you correctly point out, emitting 33,000 lumens. The HID draws (roughly) 600 watts and emits 90,000 lumens. If it were simple addition, the HID would run MUCH cooler than the CFLs, right? 'Cause, it's more efficient at turning watts into lumens. But ... the HID ran hotter. See?

It's counter-intuitive. The HID "should" run cooler and it doesn't. I know that for a fact. Jus' sayin' :)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

It all seems abit above my head ,,,but them maths sure do, work for the HID:tokin:
not sure I agree.
but for arguments sake the HID dollar for dollar is the better way to go IMHO. 90,000 to 33,000 should be enough said:)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Hello Folks, I have been lurking and asking questions for a few weeks. I decided as the first of my grow equipment arrived I would start my journal. Might not be the normal route, but it's mine LOL! Let the games begin!!!

Well just about an hour ago my grow tent arrived. It is a GYO Supplies 36" x 20" x 64" sized tent with mylar interior. It has 4" vent duct holes in the roof, top left back, and bottom right. I'll verify when it's all together.


This is Gracy, she is my life, in this journal she will be furthermore DharmaDog!


This is DharmaDog inspecting Dad's engineering feats, top is done. Haven't got a verdict on the QA yet?


love the dog! :)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

it all seems abit above my head ,,,but them maths sure do, work for the hid:tokin:
yea, what he said. I just would like to purchase a productive yet inexpensive light set up for that exact grow tent. Any suggestions
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

I know exactly what you're saying, invi, but it's not that simple. We think that when something draws watts and produces light and heat, that we can just add 'em up. I'm not so sure it works like that, because of the real life experience I had. That's why I posted it in the first place, and why I'm continuing to respond.

My CFLs were drawing (roughly) 483 watts and, as you correctly point out, emitting 33,000 lumens. The HID draws (roughly) 600 watts and emits 90,000 lumens. If it were simple addition, the HID would run MUCH cooler than the CFLs, right? 'Cause, it's more efficient at turning watts into lumens. But ... the HID ran hotter. See?

It's counter-intuitive. The HID "should" run cooler and it doesn't. I know that for a fact. Jus' sayin' :)

No, that 600W HID should not run cooler. With 22% efficiency, it generates 468W heat, that is more then the 420W your system throws in heat production. But you see, still, for a little excess heat you get much more lumens.
Fair would be to compare same lumen systems.
You could also compare them watt by watt, but then you should check for their lumen to get the energy lost for the heat.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

So here I am in the middle of a 18 mile walk to pick up more stuff at the post office. The Hydrofarm lights, my ff nute trio, the ratchet hangers, a fan I think, and a soil ph kit. Will have pics up when I get home as I am soaking my poor feet!!!!
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Now that's dedication!!! Reps for you dharmabud
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