DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

18 mile walks for supplies dam that's a long way guess ur used to the exercise with ur history
Sure is dedication :)
Dharma dog looking super cool and inquisitive as a dog should be :)
Subscribed sir
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

So here is the Hydrofarm 24" 4 bulb fixture with "intact" 6400k bulbs a shining like a secure Phish concert!!!


Then you have the ACCU-Rite Temp/Hum gauge and the ratchet rope tingy to adjust my weeny light fixture.


Then we have a Lasco 6" oscillating fan and a Rapitest Soil PH Test kit


I'll have better closeups as Gracy aka Dharmadog QA's my purchase's
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

18 mile walks for supplies dam that's a long way guess ur used to the exercise with ur history
Sure is dedication :)
Dharma dog looking super cool and inquisitive as a dog should be :)
Subscribed sir

Thank you Sir, but I can't keep doing things like that at my age with schrapnel in the hip and all, that's for youngsters! My Gracy is a Karelian Bear Dog, you want to see a fast and agile dog...Wow There is a Youtube clip somewhere of one keeping a bear from its owner by distracting it. The bear kept trying to attack the Karelian but couldn't catch her, so the bear finally sat on his haunches exhausted and heaving for breath! No shit story.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

I hooked up the lights with the ratchet rope set, the clips weren't big enough for the bar so I had to loop the rope around and clip them to the bar that way. sitting in the tent right now humidity is steady at 58% temp is 68 degrees. Turned light on to see if it made a difference, will see.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Thank you Sir, but I can't keep doing things like that at my age with schrapnel in the hip and all, that's for youngsters! My Gracy is a Karelian Bear Dog, you want to see a fast and agile dog...Wow There is a Youtube clip somewhere of one keeping a bear from its owner by distracting it. The bear kept trying to attack the Karelian but couldn't catch her, so the bear finally sat on his haunches exhausted and heaving for breath! No shit story.

I'd love to watch that :) My aikido teacher used the same tactics when it should have been fight time... if you could catch him, you were worth the fight :)

Hope you'll enjoy assembling the garden !
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

right your going with the auto,

well the auto will flower under any light schedule, ive tried 20-4, 24-0 and 12-12, with the strain i grew i found 12-12 produced the most, but anything around 18-6 i would go with as it could depend on what strain your growing, i just find they finish quicker under 20-4 and 24-0 but yield is small, so a dark period like 18-6 or 19-5 would be a good option, im growing my autos under 17-7 to see what results i get

with the lighting id switch to the flowering lights around day 8 to 14 of flower, most switch to flower lights around week 2 of flower, so for veg id use either all veg lights or a mixture of 3 to 1 veg lights, then change to 3 to 1 of flower lights around week 2 of flower,

the auto will show sex between week 2 and week 4 of veg, but this does not mean its starting to flower, when you see the new growth at the top of the plant growing pistils then this is the sign its now starting to flower, if it just shows 2 white hairs (pistils) at the nodes then this is just showing you its fem, these pistils will come out of a calyx or seed pod at each node on the plant, basically each branch that grows from the stem will have a calyx form with pistils sticking out of it, the first pistils usually show up behind the 2 green spikes at each node, you will see what i mean once the plant starts showing sex,

so pick a light schedule and stick with it from start to finish, as your starting with an auto their is no reason why you cant start a regular seed as well, you will keep the light on a veg cycle for the whole of the auto grow so you could start an auto and a fem or regular seed, but the reg might turn out male so you do take that risk but wont know until you go 12-12,

the auto will grow quicker than a regular seed, i find they grow around twice as quick for the first few weeks, so use veg lighting right up until about 7 to 10 days into flower then flip the lights to flower lights, the same with the nutes,

i find autos dont like full strength nutes, my regular plants can take bpn at the dose stated but autos seem to struggle with the regualr dose so i start at 1/4 strength and work up with each feed, in soil you wont need any nutes for the first 2 weeks unless the plant looks a light green colour after a week or so,

try not to over water, one of the main problems new growers have is over watering, trust me i been their and done it, my plants grew slow and i couldnt work out why, then i was told to stop watering as often then my plants grew like weeds,

so choose a light schedule and keep with it till harvest, i cant see you having many problems but this auto will give you a good idea of what the plants want and how they grow, but if you have the room id start another seed and have it vegging at the same time, that way when the auto is done you have got a plant thats pretty big and could be flipped 12-12, it just depends how often you want to harvest,

im pretty sure you will do well and get some damn nice bud to smoke when the plants finished,
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Damned good advice, DP - I agree with every word of it.

I'm just finishing three Nirvana Northen Lights autos - Eenie, Meenie and Moe (Miney didn't make it). All three grew differently. Eenie and Meenie showed flowers at 3 weeks from sprout, but Meenie never actually switched to flowering until I put them into 12/12 with the photos at around 4 weeks. Eenie was well into flowering by then. Moe was a replacement, so she was a week behind, but Meenie was a slower pheno overall, so those two will be finishing about 2 weeks later than Eenie. It looks like Eenie and Moe will finish in 11 weeks - Meenie will have run 13.

I think autos are great for a first grow. It just seemed like they ran themselves. Of course, I used OC+ on 'em, so there really wasn't much to do except water and tend them.

It's also a capital idea to start a photo after the auto gets her legs under her. You get the auto harvest and then a month or so later, depending, you get the photo. You've replaced the auto with another photo, and you've got the start of a nice perpetual grow going.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

right your going with the auto,

well the auto will flower under any light schedule, ive tried 20-4, 24-0 and 12-12, with the strain i grew i found 12-12 produced the most, but anything around 18-6 i would go with as it could depend on what strain your growing, i just find they finish quicker under 20-4 and 24-0 but yield is small, so a dark period like 18-6 or 19-5 would be a good option, im growing my autos under 17-7 to see what results i get

with the lighting id switch to the flowering lights around day 8 to 14 of flower, most switch to flower lights around week 2 of flower, so for veg id use either all veg lights or a mixture of 3 to 1 veg lights, then change to 3 to 1 of flower lights around week 2 of flower,

the auto will show sex between week 2 and week 4 of veg, but this does not mean its starting to flower, when you see the new growth at the top of the plant growing pistils then this is the sign its now starting to flower, if it just shows 2 white hairs (pistils) at the nodes then this is just showing you its fem, these pistils will come out of a calyx or seed pod at each node on the plant, basically each branch that grows from the stem will have a calyx form with pistils sticking out of it, the first pistils usually show up behind the 2 green spikes at each node, you will see what i mean once the plant starts showing sex,

so pick a light schedule and stick with it from start to finish, as your starting with an auto their is no reason why you cant start a regular seed as well, you will keep the light on a veg cycle for the whole of the auto grow so you could start an auto and a fem or regular seed, but the reg might turn out male so you do take that risk but wont know until you go 12-12,

the auto will grow quicker than a regular seed, i find they grow around twice as quick for the first few weeks, so use veg lighting right up until about 7 to 10 days into flower then flip the lights to flower lights, the same with the nutes,

i find autos dont like full strength nutes, my regular plants can take bpn at the dose stated but autos seem to struggle with the regualr dose so i start at 1/4 strength and work up with each feed, in soil you wont need any nutes for the first 2 weeks unless the plant looks a light green colour after a week or so,

try not to over water, one of the main problems new growers have is over watering, trust me i been their and done it, my plants grew slow and i couldnt work out why, then i was told to stop watering as often then my plants grew like weeds,

so choose a light schedule and keep with it till harvest, i cant see you having many problems but this auto will give you a good idea of what the plants want and how they grow, but if you have the room id start another seed and have it vegging at the same time, that way when the auto is done you have got a plant thats pretty big and could be flipped 12-12, it just depends how often you want to harvest,

im pretty sure you will do well and get some damn nice bud to smoke when the plants finished,

I will be using a white widow auto. I don't understand how I can veg another plant if it's veg time is longer and I'll be switching to more red spectrum for flowering on the auto in 8 to 14 days?
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Don't worry about the different spectrums.

The sun isn't blue in spring and red in autumn.

Use both together.

Grow the auto with 18/6 or 17/7 or 16/8 or 15/9 all the way through.

The Fem seed you plant will grow along with the auto, but not flower.

You can take cuttings from the vegging plant so that as the auto is finishing

your clones are rooted and ready for 12/12 in your alaskan sea or screen of green :)
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Photobucket took a dump, they want me to use a different email address to tie the account to so I can get it back! I told them where they can bloody stick their address, I want my account back after some maintenace they did about 2 hours ago!!!

On another note my gems should be leaving shore soon heading here according to tracking.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

How was the hike this morning? YOU HAVE TO BE FIRM with those internet related companies. They hire hackers/technicians that stay on call but they have to pay them commission. They will always attempt the cheapest way to resolve the problem first. Its only business.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

I have been looking at CFL's and I was wondering, if I bought 100 watt CFL's (7200) lumen 2700k, 4 of them for each cardinal side of the plant. Would it hinder growth if I used this spectrum through the veg cycle too. My T-5 would be 6500k through veg, but CFL's would be flower 2700k? That would give me about 36,000 lumens, would that pack the buds enough, give me better yield?
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Lumens are a measurement of how bright a light source is and do not add like you think they do. i would not bother with adding 100 watt 2700 kelvin Compact Florescent Lights for vegetative growth to your grow area, red lights are said to add stretch more then anything during vegetative growth.

https://en.wikipedia.org wiki Lumen
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Lumens are a measurement of how bright a light source is and do not add like you think they do. i would not bother with adding 100 watt 2700 kelvin Compact Florescent Lights for vegetative growth to your grow area, red lights are said to add stretch more then anything during vegetative growth.

https://en.wikipedia.org wiki Lumen

Thanks John, I was thinking of keeping with just the t-5 during veg with 3 6400k bulbs and 1 3000k and then when I went to flowering, when I believe its more important to have more light, I will reverse the t-5 setup and add those 4 cfl's. I think their wattage should penetrate the canopy a little better, or I hope so.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

Oh my Lord 18mile walk to the P.O. Makes me feel like a wimp we call it austerity measures in the U.K. But even so I dont thing I could do what you are doing with that sort of weather:thedoubletake: At the end it will keep you tougher wich is always good in this day and age:thumb:
So here I am in the middle of a 18 mile walk to pick up more stuff at the post office. The Hydrofarm lights, my ff nute trio, the ratchet hangers, a fan I think, and a soil ph kit. Will have pics up when I get home as I am soaking my poor feet!!!!
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

red lights are said to add stretch more then anything during vegetative growth.

John, normally you give good advice, but this is not one of those times.

Plants that are vegged under HPS stretch. I think this is because of the narrow light spectrum and lack of far-red light.

Plants that are vegged under 2700K Cfls do not stretch as much as ones vegged under 6500K Cfls.

2700K Cfls emit lots of far-red light. This inhibits the stretch caused by percieved lack of this.

The Stretch is called Shade Avoidance Response, caused by a lack of far-red light, as one finds under a canopy of leaves.
[h=1][/h]There are lots of different versions of light spectra diagrams, here are 2



To perceive information about their light environment,
plants have evolved at least three families of photoreceptors
that specifically recognize different wavelengths of light:
the red (R)/far-red (FR)-sensing phytochrome family,
the blue/UV-A photoreceptors called cryptochromes,
and the UV-B photoreceptors
Shade Avoidance Responses. Driving Auxin along Lateral Routes

Our ladys have different types of light sensors, called Phytochromes Phytochrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When Pfr absorbs far-red light it is converted back to Pr. Hence, red light makes Pfr,

far-red light makes P
r. In plants Pfr is the physiologically active or "signalling" state.

So if the plant gets red-light, the phytochrome changes to a far-red hungry type (Pfr).

If it gets far-red light, no problem and no stretch.

If it gets too little far-red light, it thinks that it is in shade.

It tells the plant to stretch until it gets far red light again (Shade Avoidance Response).

When it gets far-red light, it turns back into red light sensing "Pr" and the stretch stops.


I have grown half a wardrobe with 6400K cfls and the other half with 2700K cfls.

This was day 12 of flowering. The right side, with 2700K cfls was bushier and stretched less.

Personally, I would stick with 2700K cfls for small spaces because they make denser, shorter plants.

Check out a book by Seemore Buds Called "Grow 8oz of Medical Marijuana for less than $100"


But a balanced spectrum is always better and both Warm and cool tubes together Give a very balanced spectrum of light.

Just my 2 cents.

Don't believe the hype, etc.
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

I guess you are also a little bit in the jungle, could be a good spot to put a little garden of your own out door style! Over here we get hemp seeds for fish food just throw some down in a secluded place an see if it works:cheer:if it does not get eaten by any animals then go for it with some better seeds or cuttings
re: DharmaBud's First Grow Soil White Widow Auto & Silver LA-2013

could be a good spot to put a little garden of your own out door style!

Thats right, you are in Alaska!

Sounds like ruderalis territory :)

Outdoor Auto Time ?

Good Weed, btw (forgetting my manners)
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