Discuss Crop King Seeds Germination and Growing

I am careful when germinating seeds these days. Now I germinate seeds by soaking in water about 24 hours then transfer to paper towel. When the seed has a nice tap root then it goes into a plastic cup with seedling mix. I learned to give these seeds all the help it can get because I got a pack of 10 and only 3 seeds germinated and growing. That is not the standard.

Try soaking them for 18 hours,(they should be sunk by then, if not give the remaining ones a bit more time to sink) & soon as they do sink, take them out and put em on a paper-towel on a plate, then fold it over so only 1 layer is covering the seeds, then put the plate into a plastic bag that's half closed (again, for aeration), then place them in a 25-28 degree Celsius dark area. <- just like the temps you use when you grow, This makes germinating go a hell of allot faster ;)I personally have germination heating pads that I use, "Exo-Terra" (120 volts at 8 watts) is more then enough...

As for the "seedling mix". Do not use anything, no "seedling mix/fertz" or anything. All that stuff is, is garbage and a waist of money... Seedlings need NOTHING but moistness. Their "food" and everything they need is in their shell. Next time you'll probably get 90% - 100% germination if you follow this method. ;) :Namaste::high-five:
Ive got a white widow feminized seedling from CKS she is a mutant for sure. out the shell with a single first leaf and coloydons..shes now on third node vey tightly stacked and every leaf is squirly. very weird. but her twin is doing great.

But im sure she will recoup her vigour once i get to topping her. Ive got nothing but good to say about cropking to date. Just this one mutant,lol ill treat as if she was a normal. i wont disown her because shes a freak. lol:thanks:cropking seeds
Ive got a white widow feminized seedling from CKS she is a mutant for sure. out the shell with a single first leaf and coloydons..shes now on third node vey tightly stacked and every leaf is squirly. very weird. but her twin is doing great.

But im sure she will recoup her vigour once i get to topping her. Ive got nothing but good to say about cropking to date. Just this one mutant,lol ill treat as if she was a normal. i wont disown her because shes a freak. lol:thanks:cropking seeds

haha, weird eh. Goes to show how bad their genetics are. Not a single double pheno in the batch.... All different, and also started out deformed. And my one, yes just one, WW is actually one of the best and vigorous WW's I've had in years. I must of gotten the "lucky one out of the bunch" we think. As for the CK blueberries, garbage as well. Nute sensitive, deformed phenos, no consistencies at all. Just over all disappointing. But I kind of knew this form the get go, I just had wishful thinking. (My friends son told me about them, hence why I built a the room off my house to give CK's genetics specifically a whirl. Now I've fallin in love with you all and the community so im going to upgrade it here soon and make it a nice optimal room. And make it my 420Mag ONLY grow room. It's almost there, but not quite, I need to install a drip system, and a few other things need to be tweaked. Adding on a addition 12 x 12 onto it here next month. No more snow here and weather is nice, even got to take my plane out for a spin the other day with misses KidGrow)

All in all, I will not purchase CK seeds/genetics again. I managed to pull a rabbit out of my a55 with this single WW pheno lol, so I've cloned off 3 and monster cropped her 3 times to keep her around. only shitty thing is, it's FEMD! and as all you know, I hate fem'd and autos. Damn I hate being contradicting. :bitingnails:

haha, weird eh. Goes to show how bad their genetics are. Not a single double pheno in the batch.... All different, and also started out deformed. And my one, yes just one, WW is actually one of the best and vigorous WW's I've had in years. I must of gotten the "lucky one out of the bunch" we think. As for the CK blueberries, garbage as well. Nute sensitive, deformed phenos, no consistencies at all. Just over all disappointing. But I kind of knew this form the get go, I just had wishful thinking. (My friends son told me about them, hence why I built a the room off my house to give CK's genetics specifically a whirl. Now I've fallin in love with you all and the community so im going to upgrade it here soon and make it a nice optimal room. And make it my 420Mag ONLY grow room. It's almost there, but not quite, I need to install a drip system, and a few other things need to be tweaked. Adding on a addition 12 x 12 onto it here next month. No more snow here and weather is nice, even got to take my plane out for a spin the other day with misses KidGrow)

All in all, I will not purchase CK seeds/genetics again. I managed to pull a rabbit out of my a55 with this single WW pheno lol, so I've cloned off 3 and monster cropped her 3 times to keep her around. only shitty thing is, it's FEMD! and as all you know, I hate fem'd and autos. Damn I hate being contradicting. :bitingnails:


I'm in the same boat as you, I have a couple real strong ww from CKS but my blueberries I'm tempted to just toss them out because they are so brutal. First they took long as hell to germ, then they took forever to root, now that I've got them under se HID light they hate me. I was giving them 100ppm and they freaked out. I've given them straight ph'd water and theyve spat in my face, now they are drooping and wilting at the same time, I'm pretty close to givin up on them and not wasting the energy just to be disappointed in 3 months. I was really looking forward to growing some big nice blueberries but I will need to find another seed company for that to happen. My question to you KidGrow420 is where have you bought seeds in the past that you would recommend?
where have you bought seeds in the past that you would recommend?

The truth of the matter is I usually don't have to purchase seeds. Being a breeder and having breeder friends helps allot in this world. We trade a zip lock baggies full of beans of specific strains. (With me and my associates anyways) But besides that, If I want to purchase beans I go directly to the breeders. I never waist the time of day ordering online... I mean I do.. But all for curiosity sake and my own private personal stash's. If you must know I'm actually new to the whole world of purchasing beans online. I wouldn't even go near a online seed bank website a few years back.. It was to "Risky" and not worth the headache's. But now things are getting better, and I can't get in any more trouble because everything is 110% legitimate.

Honestly in my humble opinion I would suggest finding breeders. (cough cough) Get good in their books and you'll get some of the best beans around. Some of us has so many of certain strains we just give them out for free. (Yes 100% stable F1 seeds we give out for free) I actually posted a "KidGrow & Misses KidGrow Giveaway" on here. Not realizing it wasn't allowed, so a mod took it down :( Was my way of trying to help the community... All in all WestCoaster, I would suggest trying to hunt down some breeders on here or other sites like this. Offer to purchase some, but in most cases if you get in their good books, all you have to do is pay for shipping. The only problem with this is, you might not get the exact strain/cut you want. (Unless you get to know a variety of breeders) You'll have to pick from a list sort a speak. In my honest opinion this best route to go.

On a side note, Where in BC? Anywhere near the Oakanagan ? Also, I understand about the blueberries. Very nute sensitive.. Mine are looking great to the average eye. But to a OCD man I'm just not impressed. It's amazing how much these banks sell their beans for... Sickening actually. Beans should go for 1$ a pop if their high THC or high CBD sure, 2$ a pop. I've watched seeds banks over recent years flourish, they make me look like a bum on the side streets of Toronto.... Financially anyways. They are getting FILTHY rich, (I mean filthy rich) off poor maintenance and care. Just ins't right. I've spent almost 20 years growing cannabis and devoted my life to this & I'm just starting to see the financial freedom now now, or in the last 3 years anyways.

So long story short. Poke around on forums and network with some breeders. This is the only true way to go, if you want stable good genetics. ;) :Namaste:

Sorry about the lengthily response lol, had a huge wake n bake with the guys. :)
I should note I am also in BC and need a new line on a seed company weather it be from here or a company in the states that will ship up here

Hi, WestCoast! Welcome!

Yeah, as a fellow Canadian I hear you about getting seeds shipped here :)

My first question would be: do you know what strain you want to grow. That would pare down the options, for sure :)

I've had a good time with the CKS strain I grew on my first grow -- Early Miss, it's an auto strain. I knew nothing about the strain but for me the most important thing was being able to get cannabis seeds very discreetly within my own country. CKS dealt with the order professionally, delivered quickly and, while I know nothing about the larger issues of genetics or anything that professional growers need to deal with (heh heh heh Kid!) the two plants I grew seemed very stable indeed in spite of my many attempts to kill them :)

Since then I've ordered from two other 420Magazine Sponsors: True North Seedbank (Canadian) and Herbies (UK). Herbies has amazing customer service but I did get my first shipment of seeds from them seized at Customs, which freaked me out a bit :)) They reshipped and I received the package okay :) True North Seedbank has most of the strains you can get at Herbies shipped within Canada. You may have to remind them to ship them, though :)

True North Seedbank has most of the strains you can get at Herbies shipped within Canada. You may have to remind them to ship them, though :)


:rofl: true :rofl:

i like the TNSB selection and they do treat you right in the end.. but i have to say CKS blows everyone out of the water when it comes to "fast". :thumb: their product is outstanding as well. :love:
but i have to say CKS blows everyone out of the water when it comes to "fast". :thumb: their product is outstanding as well. :love:

The first part of this statement is true. As for the "product". Meh.. They have garbage genetics, you can order 100 beans of the same strain and end up with 100 phenos...:biglaugh: CK genetics are for the small hobbyist's that do not no the difference's of bad or good genetics. & just want to grow a plant or two for fun without knowing the full extent of what they are growing.. I mean no harshness here at all gypsy, just stating my humble opinion on their beans. :love::Namaste:

Sending good vibes and positive energy :peace:
The first part of this statement is true. As for the "product". Meh.. They have garbage genetics, you can order 100 beans of the same strain and end up with 100 phenos...:biglaugh: CK genetics are for the small hobbyist's that do not no the difference's of bad or good genetics. & just want to grow a plant or two for fun without knowing the full extent of what they are growing.. I mean no harshness here at all gypsy, just stating my humble opinion on their beans. :love::Namaste:

Sending good vibes and positive energy :peace:

no harshness taken here at all bro. as a matter of fact your opinion is highly valued here :)

i guess i meant freshness and presentation (extras). genetics are up and down.. i have one mutant Crown Royal of four popped.. and the White Cookies is showing at least 2 phenos.. maybe three. Dark Angel seems very stable. i'm about two weeks from completing a run with any CKS product, but so far i'm most impressed with the Early Miss.
The first part of this statement is true. As for the "product". Meh.. They have garbage genetics, you can order 100 beans of the same strain and end up with 100 phenos...:biglaugh: CK genetics are for the small hobbyist's that do not no the difference's of bad or good genetics. & just want to grow a plant or two for fun without knowing the full extent of what they are growing.. I mean no harshness here at all gypsy, just stating my humble opinion on their beans. :love::Namaste:

Sending good vibes and positive energy :peace:

I took no harshness, either, for the record (nor did I intend any :)) I know where you're coming from, KidGrow, you're a pro. You're a frickin breeder! I would never discount what you say.

I just wanted to give a different perspective. I realized that, when I was getting up my nerve to do my very first grow, if I had read your perfectly reasonable answer to WestCoastDwar about where to buy seeds from, I would have been overwhelmed. It would have confirmed all my fears that growing cannabis was just for professionals, that I would have to befriend growers and that it would all be very, very difficult and a bit sketchy. (Not that breeders are sketchy but I wouldn't even know how to start to find one where I live. It's not exactly canna friendly here ... )

Whereas Crop King actually got me growing by being 1) in my country and therefore accessible 2) reliable 3) affordable 4) not sketchy or scary. And I loved the process of growing that strain and it blew my head off, in a good way :)

The truth of the matter is I usually don't have to purchase seeds. Being a breeder and having breeder friends helps allot in this world. We trade a zip lock baggies full of beans of specific strains. (With me and my associates anyways) But besides that, If I want to purchase beans I go directly to the breeders. I never waist the time of day ordering online... I mean I do.. But all for curiosity sake and my own private personal stash's. If you must know I'm actually new to the whole world of purchasing beans online. I wouldn't even go near a online seed bank website a few years back.. It was to "Risky" and not worth the headache's. But now things are getting better, and I can't get in any more trouble because everything is 110% legitimate.

Honestly in my humble opinion I would suggest finding breeders. (cough cough) Get good in their books and you'll get some of the best beans around. Some of us has so many of certain strains we just give them out for free. (Yes 100% stable F1 seeds we give out for free) I actually posted a "KidGrow & Misses KidGrow Giveaway" on here. Not realizing it wasn't allowed, so a mod took it down :( Was my way of trying to help the community... All in all WestCoaster, I would suggest trying to hunt down some breeders on here or other sites like this. Offer to purchase some, but in most cases if you get in their good books, all you have to do is pay for shipping. The only problem with this is, you might not get the exact strain/cut you want. (Unless you get to know a variety of breeders) You'll have to pick from a list sort a speak. In my honest opinion this best route to go.

On a side note, Where in BC? Anywhere near the Oakanagan ? Also, I understand about the blueberries. Very nute sensitive.. Mine are looking great to the average eye. But to a OCD man I'm just not impressed. It's amazing how much these banks sell their beans for... Sickening actually. Beans should go for 1$ a pop if their high THC or high CBD sure, 2$ a pop. I've watched seeds banks over recent years flourish, they make me look like a bum on the side streets of Toronto.... Financially anyways. They are getting FILTHY rich, (I mean filthy rich) off poor maintenance and care. Just ins't right. I've spent almost 20 years growing cannabis and devoted my life to this & I'm just starting to see the financial freedom now now, or in the last 3 years anyways.

So long story short. Poke around on forums and network with some breeders. This is the only true way to go, if you want stable good genetics. ;) :Namaste:

Sorry about the lengthily response lol, had a huge wake n bake with the guys. :)
thanks again kidgrow youve been beyond helpful, i will try and talk with some of the guys i know around here, i am on the island on the westcoast of bc
Hi, WestCoast! Welcome!

Yeah, as a fellow Canadian I hear you about getting seeds shipped here :)

My first question would be: do you know what strain you want to grow. That would pare down the options, for sure :)

I've had a good time with the CKS strain I grew on my first grow -- Early Miss, it's an auto strain. I knew nothing about the strain but for me the most important thing was being able to get cannabis seeds very discreetly within my own country. CKS dealt with the order professionally, delivered quickly and, while I know nothing about the larger issues of genetics or anything that professional growers need to deal with (heh heh heh Kid!) the two plants I grew seemed very stable indeed in spite of my many attempts to kill them :)

Since then I've ordered from two other 420Magazine Sponsors: True North Seedbank (Canadian) and Herbies (UK). Herbies has amazing customer service but I did get my first shipment of seeds from them seized at Customs, which freaked me out a bit :)) They reshipped and I received the package okay :) True North Seedbank has most of the strains you can get at Herbies shipped within Canada. You may have to remind them to ship them, though :)


hey glimmergrass, i was hoping to grow some original blueberrys and i found out about CKS, they are discreet and 2 days away from me so thats great. i first ordered white widows and theyve been good so far, they are almost ready to be flipped into flower, and ive got no complaints about that strain, but the blueberry has been hell. i am going to go look at true north right away thx for the suggestion.
thanks again kidgrow youve been beyond helpful, i will try and talk with some of the guys i know around here, i am on the island on the westcoast of bc

I'll be there next week getting a walk-through of one of my friends dispensary & grow facilities. :thumb:.
just wanted to show my Crop King White Widow with about 3-4 weeks left. So far it's been a really easy grow and they all look the exact same I hope they have a good amount of THC
Ive got a white widow feminized seedling from CKS she is a mutant for sure. out the shell with a single first leaf and coloydons..shes now on third node vey tightly stacked and every leaf is squirly. very weird. but her twin is doing great.

But im sure she will recoup her vigour once i get to topping her. Ive got nothing but good to say about cropking to date. Just this one mutant,lol ill treat as if she was a normal. i wont disown her because shes a freak. lol:thanks:cropking seeds

This freak keeps on freakin'.she is now 18 days old and is one messed up cookie.
she has one node that has three growth points. One node with nothing at all and one node is growing from her stub from her topping.
she's got a crooked stance and leaves are coming out upside down. This is a total freak!
My only hope in growing her out is to see if she will somehow have more Colas, because she already has 3 more tips than she should at this point. So weird.... I'll be doing a journal for cropking contest and she's going in there if anyone wants to see this freaky White Widow Batch, develop into a bushy gal :thumb:
So I guess all of this reverts back to my original question and statement.. & there answer is, yes. Several people are seeing similar issues/bad traits/deformities. Looks like there's allot of bad genetics from CK's flying around. No more money will be coming from my wallet into their hands again. Thanks for the responses everyone. :)
I am not happy with ice wreck....I ordered 5 and only 2 germinated...they sent me 5 more and a couple extra and so far 1 out of 3 have sprouted...they told me they were kinda hard to germinate
next time i will order something different
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