Highya Dutchie,

I'm running out of superlatives to describe what I see, and your ladies keep getting more frosty, and colorful. Love the platinum/bronze leaves! Love the frost factories!! I wouldn'a thought you could get them any better!! Happy Squeezin'
Looking amazing @Dutchman1990 what is your bubble hash machine? Looking into doing something with my clippings. Would love to make some hash oil as well.
If you look online it’s just a mini washing machine used for hash. Saves you from hand mixing with paddles for an hour lol!

Those plants and rosin are beautiful, please share info! Looking forward to the bubbleponic cloner!
:Namaste: :blunt:
What info are you looking for my friend! Cloner help is coming up later today!

Highya Dutchie,

I'm running out of superlatives to describe what I see, and your ladies keep getting more frosty, and colorful. Love the platinum/bronze leaves! Love the frost factories!! I wouldn'a thought you could get them any better!! Happy Squeezin'
Thanks for all the love as always Bode! I appreciate it my man and hope your staying safe out there!

The GG4 hash rosin looks amazing, good use for the trimmings. I am jealous I don't get to smell it.
I wish I could offer some up through the screen but technology isn’t there yet haha!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay on the cloning tutorial... I’ve decided to add a few extra pictures and just making sure I’ve got it all together! I’ll be posting the full breakdown and tutorial in the morning!

Few pictures from the 4x4 for today!
Colours and Frost!

Then checking in on the IHG clones I took a while back. They are all rooted strong and have begun to Reveg! Lots of new growth taking off now and shouldn’t be long until they are booming in Veg again!

-Dutchman’s Cloning Guide-
A how to for Bubble / Aeroponic cloners!

What’s up everyone! This is what you’ve all been waiting for! A custom how to guide on how I clean, sterilize, cut, and clone all of my cuttings with a 100% success rate!

First is the cloner itself. There are 2 main types of water cloners and they are bubblers or micro spray emitters. I’ve used a bubble cloner for my past 3 cycles of cloning and have had a healthy group of rooted cuttings in about 10 days. For this upcoming batch I’ve decided to try micro spray emitters which will be fed from a 120gph pump and a 3/4” pvc branch setup.

I have ordered 360° micro sprayers but they haven’t arrived yet. As soon as they do I’ll show the finished build. I was hoping they were going to arrive before this tutorial but they didn’t unfortunately.

The process of sterilization is typically the same for both setups but the air stones do require a bit more cleaning efforts due to the porous surface where bacteria can hide! If your using a pump remove the back cover where the cord goes in and leave it off! Bacteria hides in these crevices easily but cleaning there is hard without the cover! Leaving this cover off will make it harder for bacteria to settle in and easier for cleaning. Now lets get to it!

Dutchman’s Cloning Guide

Fill cloner with tap water and add 5mL/Gal of bleach with your net pots and neoprene collars in place. Allow to run/circulate for 8-12hrs or overnight is best.
  1. Once cycled remove collars and rinse in clean water either by dunking or running thoroughly under the tap.
  2. Next is sterilization of the neoprene collars. Mix up .1mL/Gal (approximately 2-3x drops) of dish soap and 5mL/Gal of bleach and soak for 8-12hrs.
  3. Fill sterilized cloner with new water with less than 200ppm. Add an oxidizer to your reservoir like 30% H202 at 1.5mL/Gal. (Other oxidizers can be used as well like UC Roots from Botanicare) and allow to run for 10 minutes before Step 5! DO NOT add anything to your reservoir like nutrients or hormones just yet!
  4. Now Rinse your collars with clean water and insert back into cloner using gloves or clean sterile hands. Very important to keep clean!
  5. Insert cuttings while the cloner is running and then add in an additional 1.5mL/Gal of 30% H202 (or other oxidizer) once all cuttings are inserted. Allow this water to circulate for 10-20minutes before adding your nutrient feed/hormones.
  6. Any hormone product can be used but powders/gels will wash off, cost you money and also are a big time consumer. A liquid hormone like Hormex is a good choice that gets added to your reservoir and is exposing all cuttings to an equal dose
  7. Now it’s time to add in a base nutrient. I’m just starting to use Clonex Clone Solution @20-40mL/Gal this round for my cloner but you can also use a mild bloom nutrient (300-600ppm) This will help boost the productivity, speed and growth of the new roots! Another mineral feed would be GH flora micro/bloom for example.
  8. Now your cuttings are in and getting cycled with good nutrition, hormones, and oxygen! Everything a healthy cutting needs to thrive and root fast!
  9. Try to keep the cuttings in a temp range of 75-80°F. Monitor your reservoir and change after 7 days or first sign of callous roots starting.
  10. At this time boost your nutrient in the reservoir (AFTER A RINSE + CLEAN!) for the next 3-5 days they should be more than ready for transplant!
  11. I then sprinkle with Mykos and place into my medium of choice which is PromixHP.

Pro Tips
Auxins - Every shoot apex produces these. These auxins help improve rooting time and volume. The more nodes left on a cutting the more “natural” auxins/rooting agents the cutting will produce.

I’ve found best results with cuttings having 4-6 nodes being left above your 45° cut.

Leaf cutting - Don’t do it! It’s really unnecessary and has traditionally been used to reduce transpiration but that isn’t a concern in aeroponic/bubble cloners! The only time clone leaves should be trimmed back or cut would be if they are shading another clone or to save space.

Healthy Mother’s - Keeping your mother plant healthy will help produce strong healthy cuttings. A healthy cutting will root faster and grow quicker than a sick or weak one.

Sanitation is CRUCIAL! Don’t underestimate the power of cleaning! Keeping all your parts clean and sterile will optimize your cloning journey!

Pumps, airlines, waterlines, air stones, sprayers, reservoir! If it’s being used it needs to be clean!

Once your cuttings have been transplanted continue your regular planned feeding schedule for small plants and let them take off! In 2-3 weeks they should be ready to take the next set of clones from them!

Now as soon as my sprayers come in I’ll put together some pictures and do a Cutting to Rooted Clone picture guide!

I hope this guide helps you master water cloning in whichever setup you use! If you have any questions please let me know and I’ll get you the answer!

Good luck and go get cloning!
Another fantastic tutorial! I’m about to give my first real shot on a wave of clones in a couple weeks, I’m on the fence about investing in building a bubble cloner or just doing it with rapid rooters and a dome tray.
Great guide Dutchman thank you!
Thanks Phys! I hope it works well for you!

Another fantastic tutorial! I’m about to give my first real shot on a wave of clones in a couple weeks, I’m on the fence about investing in building a bubble cloner or just doing it with rapid rooters and a dome tray.
Thanks a bunch Deecee and either method works great! I have used soil and jiffy plugs as well but never the rapid rooters. I know they work really well though! This is just another method that I have found really good success with and I wanted to share!

It’s all about finding what works best for you and Your setup! There’s a ton of different cloning methods from air cloning to soil And water cloning!
If you have any questions either way let me know always here to help buddy!
Hi Dutch :ciao: Great tutorial :thumb: and your flowering tent looks stupendous as always!
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