DV8's Deviance

If that’s how you treat second placed commitments, I’d hate to be third!

Righto, I hear you. Its hard to give everything the proper attention all at once. Ill ensure its attended to before sharing again.

For the most part they are actually quite good, if I had more sense I would have adopted the less is more motto this time around, I was talked into and talked myself into being a bit greedy. Biting off way more than I could chew.

Think its a good lesson, re-evaluate and keep only what I can comfortably commit to.
Clean floor update......😄

Got everything, and I mean everything out, deep clean and reset.

Looks better, but almost the same.

Those bigger 2 are still kind of limey, but in the natural light not quite as bad as I thought. Chopped the shit out of the lowers.

G13s and 1 Blueberry in front only. They are pretty lush and developed.

Refilling tank for feed for everyone today.

So the newer clones are the pick of the other tent. Im vowing to give them highest priority once the tents clear the outdoors backlog.

The rest arent stars in there, however they do have great root structure so with some topping and training I think I can make them into something a bit more worthy.

Thanks for stopping in.
Bout fucking time! I mean, good job Deeve!

Lolling. If nothing else it feels better.

Spidermites just around the corner so it was time if not for that alone.
Man, it looks a real jungle of plants, growing like triffids!
Its definitely the biggest undertaking I've attempted. While there's some mistakes, theres some good ones.

Funny, you both have shown the way that really less is more. Noone could question that mantra based on both your results.

I will keep the pick of the litter, and do away with the rest.

I want to be growing the best plants, not the most. Im rethinking outdoors. A couple of quality plants will fulfil me me more than a sprawling mass.
So everyone got fed and they look good today.

Topped the scraggly ones, it will put them back, but in a couple of weeks they will be better plants. They needed to be reinvigorated.

This girl is easily my first pick for the next gen tent finish. Wedding Cake clone. She just wants to be a star.

Group shot...thats already too many 😁

G13s keep on keeping on. Still no more sexing. 3 unknowns. Excuse the sneaky workbook, but it hides the ugly toes.

Big girls look a bit better today. As soon as I get a bit more green in I'll flip. Right now they'd have trouble making the end.

Might try for some out of tent shots later today for tomorrows update. Cheers.
So my grow buddy was over yesterday for dinner and we laid cards on table about next steps.

Im going to cut down somewhere around 5, the Purple punch x2, Wedding Cake x 1, and 1 off the Blueberry. Just to ensure the lines continue between us.

The rest other than the reg male will go.

Big girls will go as outdoors. I say both, I have yet to decide 100%, but Im like 85% sure I'll let the WC go too.


I think in bigger shoes they will go ok judging by their stems and structure.

Ill sex the 3 front ones when they show after they leave.

The three at back and back left will stay.

Yesterday was an exciting day. I remembered a long ago friend advising me about my tendency towards a scarcity mentality.

She advised a reframe, of abundance. Yesterday I committed to that ideal internally. Thats where my decision to change my growing galvanised, was made clear what needed to happen. Not scarcity that lead me to think more is better.

Drove 3.5 hours to see a friend for an hour then 3.5 hours home. Just to see the face and voice of someone whom Ive connected with from when I was a kid.

I had to make time. Because I hadn't for so long. I want to take that energy and ideal into everything I do.

I stopped here for a moment for myself. To recharge the soul.

Today is another adventure.
I stopped here for a moment for myself. To recharge the soul.
Good for you, Deeve- we should all do that from time to time....but most of us don't...

Beautiful scenery, reminds me of California 20 years ago...but Cali is seldom that green anymore...:straightface:
Good for you, Deeve- we should all do that from time to time....but most of us don't...
I made time. Fortunately noone else turned up, it afforded me the chance to play a couple songs that mean a lot.

Its transforming, to stand in front of natural beauty, just a hint of community dotted on the edge of those grand works. A connection to awe and humility was well overdue.

Pics will never do it justice.
Beautiful scenery, reminds me of California 20 years ago...but Cali is seldom that green anymore...:straightface:
Perfect time of year, a rebirthing between the winter and the summer. Spring has always enamoured me.

Ill get some pics up of some of my garden. I do love growing canna but it comes from the enjoyment of gardening that bleeds over.

If Im honest, my surrounds have had all the attention with the tents coming in second place. First true Spring here where Ive been rewarded from the effort. Ill find a better balance come Sunday.

Righto today is the day before.

Well I hope so. Off to see more country tomorrow, drive out to another spot Ive been wanting to revisit for a while. Hopefully not home too late to rehouse.

Big Tent

Will feed everyone mid morning. Just pulling RH down.

Far right front might have just been given a wee bit much on last feed, so plain water for it, just see a yellow leaf in pic, had a couple.

Little Tent

All the girls seem to be doing ok. Probably went backwards with toppings etc before they go forwards.

Well everyone except this WC clone

I broke her, too much RH in the root zone, then some higher temps. But where theres green theres hope. Im 70% sure she will live and grow up based on her newest growth.

Hopefully this ugly duck can become a swan.

Im a bit sore this morning, went out to local mountain to trek up top. First time. Stunning views. Was a bit nervous, but no wind or snakes.

Mate of mine been telling me to go for ages, unfortunately he couldn't turn up because of family, so thought fuck it and didnt wait, just did it anyway.

Here for pics
Mountain view
Having a moment of sadness knowing if not today then soon most of these will be someone else's to see it through.

They looked pretty fucking good this morning.

Got some colour back in the big two.

Wedding Cake

Purple Punch

Light got a bit close to that male, or more accurately it did. Otherwise the G13s are just creeping up to being solid. A bit of suppercropping or carhooking to give them girth and they will be beautiful.

Little girls seem pretty good if you look past the thrip damage.

I could go and kill them, but thrips trump Spidermites, natural predators so goes the literature. In the past the plants get ahead in the end and the business end, tops, go pretty much unaffected.

The three to stay are just pretty little plants. Barneys Farm is just magnificent to grow, get a leg up just from sticking to their genetic lines. They will tolerate my lazy moments.

I need to properly grow those 3 and make some beauties. My wheelhouse is 3 to 4. Thats the line.

HereOk gonna get my arse into a car seat, off to see the Wizard!
Well most everyone left the nest last night. For the best.

Gonna piss rain for a couple days, so the repots and training can wait one more day.

Did snip at the smallest clone to clean her up, cut necrotic tissue out to give the best chance. She lives another day, so who knows. They are amazing at self repair.

Just as well with my (over and under) care skills.

Saw these yesterday. Every knows someone who needs these.
Righto, so little change for the morning.

Ill seperate this fella out in its own zone today.

Little clone is still hanging on! Im just throwing love and good intentions at her.

If she goes kaput I'll do another.

And these girls will get some love today. I might clip them back. The untopped carhooked girls have been my standouts so far though....

I think giving a good clip back and a close light will make better plants. Fuck Im pruning and reshaping everything else outside the tents, should be a simple task.

PP x 2


Wedding Cake

And predone Blueberry

BB kinda shows why. If things go too far and they need a restructure, then it's better to be harsh with the blade.

Any how its a good number again, manageable. Put the odds back in my favour, not spread so thin. If I do go through a shut down for pests and heat for summer I can at least try and make this lot shine.
Been a minute. Blame holidays playing loose and free .

Weather went cold again. Its back to mild, more typical of this time of year.

So indecisive about these girls.

I really should trim, but chicken out.

Maybe leave one Purple punch and flip early, the rest can get a snip and reform.

Mostly hesitant as I was going to do a light swap out with my grow buddy, just haven't lined up times properly yet.

Not his fault, just life.

Back to work Monday, think that routine will throw me back into doing the daily things well again.

Maybe chop, minimum veg, and flip.
I really should trim, but chicken out.
I keep telling myself "not yet".... but sometimes, "not yet" lasts right up to harvest... 😁 .
I keep telling myself "not yet".... but sometimes, "not yet" lasts right up to harvest... 😁 .
I hope that to be true mate, because it made me feel better haha.

They arent  terrible , just be a lot better if I did.

Pull calender out today and do maths. If 3 extra weeks isn't an issue I won't hesitate to cut.

Feel like they are already late though
Clean floor ✔️
Clean drip trays ✔️

Good job.

But makes sure you listen to them carefully. I think your girls are trying to tell you something and they are saying the same thing. 3 from the 4. I am not sure what tho lol. Clock it and watch it. That’s what I’d do anyway.

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