Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL - 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Molasses is what is pounded out of sugar to make it refined. In other words, the wholesome stuff. I just now read that the American Heart Association thinks molasses rocks! The recipe for brown sugar is a tablespoon or two of molasses mixed into a cup of white sugar. Crazy!

Since you aren't going to be using it until the last half of flowering, you got some time to find what you want. My two and a half cents is poke around some organic stores or aisles. Betcha you find something marked down or cheap enough.

Good heavens, I'm only halfway through this reply and you already have two more pages of journal! Whoo wee! Way to go, boy! Gonna send this then try to catch up!

re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

So, this problem appears to be progressing rapidly, as you can see the leaves are starting to adopt a yellow colour between each vein on the serrated leaves and the tip of the encircled leaf is now brown and crispy.

I have googled for Heat stress and Nute burn but as usual, i can't find a perfect like for like example.

As a precaution I've opened the door which has dropped the temperature from 34c (93.2f) to 28c (82.4f) and doused all of the plants with a foliar spray of plain water.

I'm not sure where to go from here.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

up the nutes a little bit and adjust the pH a little lower. What pH are you at right now?
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Clones are so much easier to take care of....
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

pH was 5.8 at feed which was two days ago (towelpocalypse); i didn't pH the foliar spray because i read somewhere that leaves absorb water in a different way in which pH doesn't make a difference.

I've had no problems until today and I've been using the same foliar spray all along.

This problem first began this morning at around 8am and it's now 9pm which makes me think it isn't anything nute or pH related. The only change is that in the last 24 hours or so I've had a growth spurt (we're talking an extra node per plant in that time) and this makes me think it's heat related.

I plan to try out clones in my next grow, but i need to secure a good cache of seeds and a bit of smoke first lol
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Foliar spray should only be spray on with the lights off. Otherwise the leaves burn.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

doesn't look like hotspot damage though, I've seen a bit of that and it's more... speckled.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Hmmm... I don't know man, possibly run a 6.0 with some nutes and see if that helps. Some strains like it a little more alkaline.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

But ultimately if the new growth is good, it'll be fine. Don't stress man. She'll be good
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

It's the lemon kush showing the problem though, and only on two of the 12 plants. I'm giving the same nutes at the same pH as last time. it's a weird one.

I'll keep the door open which gives me a steady temp of 28 (but the thermometer is directly below the 600w hps so i suspect a little of that is radiant heat, as it's made of plastic), there's a nice breeze in here.

If it doesn't clear up by tomorrow or if it gets worse I'll do the 6.0 as suggested and see how it goes.

I'm wondering if the use of "pH down" might be a problem. Previously i was able to stand the water overnight and that allowed the pH to balance itself naturally but now i don't have a way to store 12 plants' worth of water overnight and so i have to down the pH artificially.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

I have to let the water sit for a little bit to accurately read the pH after adding pH down. My air stones and pumps circulate the water. Shake the shit out of it in a water bottle or something. Make it so oxygen is pushing through then let sit, but not in the light. Light almost instantly changes the pH of the water. Then read the pH. You got this mang!
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

I normally stir it and swish it about with the seyringe (that i use to measure nutes and such) before i test the ph. I use analog pH testing (liquid based) so i don't have any fancy doodahs like pph testing and digital readouts. one day i might upgrade to the CSI shit lol
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

For sure, they do help out a lot.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Currently I'm giving nutes at a rate of 1ml canna a, and 1ml canna b, to every 2 litres of water. Do you reckon i should increase this? each plant is coming into it's third node.

The plant abuse chart suggests either a potassium deficiency, a magnesium deficiency, a phosphorus deficiency, a nitrogen or a sulfur deficiency. From there i can narrow it down to possibly either nitrogen or phosphorus. Of course none of which explains the leaf tip.

I'm using the plant abuse chart below

re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

So the lights just came back on at 6am there. the problem doesn't appear to have gotten worse, or better, and is still exclusive to those two plants. I've moved them into the corners away from the HPS and into the softer CFL to give the new growth a chance to come through.

My 'solo cup challenge' seedling is still two small serrated leaves and nothing else. i don't know what happened there at all; it's still dark green, looks healthy enough, it's just refusing to move at all.

I looked up Snakelad to see what the craic there was and it appears that he was busted and has set his account to "on vacation", last seen August 20th. So he either got a custodial over two damn plants or just threw the head up and left. his first ever grow and he gets scooped. that's awful luck :(
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Hello and welcome :)

Let's hope the seeds are in the right buds lol
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

So, now I'm sitting here wondering; what's the earliest i can flip the two "fathers" to flower and still net enough pollen to pollinate the mothers? I want to have the colloidal silver spraying done, and the pollen harvested and processed, before i flip the mothers and all my other plants to flower, otherwise my timescales will collide in a not good way. As i don't want the "mothers" to be stuck under 12/12 in the same area as my smoke plants while i'm still trying to coax balls and narners out of the fathers. Instead, i want the fathers in and out of the Blue Room so that the mothers can make their seeds in the blue room after, instead of having them in the White Room where i would risk a mass pollination event.

make sense?

Obviously i have no other lights either, so the ones that go into the blue room I'll want to put back into the white room in time for main flowing.
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