First Grow - Mystery Seeds - CFL Lighting - Soil - Super Stealth

Yes, that I know, I've seen footage of grow yards in California, plants with heights up 6-8 ft tall, compared to our small grow space, for me having a 2-3 ft tall in Veg is a lot, knowing it will most likely double size while flowering.
Mcloadie I decided to start a 4 weeks test using The Gas Lantern lighting cycle,m just before going to flowering by the end of March, whats your opinion on this method???
The Gas Lantern Routine for Growing Cannabis
I'd guess shock.or lack of o2 to the roots. Did u by chance water then transplant and water them in within a day or two of the first water did u? Did that make sense? Lol

I FAIL DIDN'T I????? Come to think of it i did water my plants the day before and rewatered last night slightly....
Man i totally forgot NOT to do that or was that Okay????

I had a question about O2 and CO2.
What and How are the best ways to get O2 and CO2 to the plants????
*I've heard of baking soda and vinegar in a cup provides good CO2, but that sounds too messy and not sure how that would work.
*I've also heard that allowing your plant's soil to dry a little every few days would allow Oxygen to reach your roots. Sounds right but
you can never be too careful.

cannasensei- Haha I miss my old Pot. :rollit: ever find some really good pot in town then try looking for it again, never to find it. This is the story of Redwood Kush and I!!! She left and stole my high!! hahaha Great strain
Hey Mcloadie or anyone
question??? After transplanting my plants last night they seem to look really good from the pic i took but i look this morning and the plants are low/sad....Any ideas of what it may be??? Change in soil maybe or its just takin time to get use to the new home???
I just got my babies looking great don't want to kill them now hahahaha

Just a little transition stress, they'll be ok in a coupla days, probly today or tomorrow am. Some folks like to add b12 to the water that they water in with when transplanting, I never have, but I will put rooting hormone in the water first time I pot em up. 1 tsp/gal hormexconcentrate.
Can u post a pic? Sounds like simple shock, if uve got any vitamin b give em a light foliar spray (be raise the.lights a few hours)

I'm with MC on the paint. Flat white paint is 80% reflective, easy to clean and maintain, and doesn't absorb. I do love the look of Mylar but k always end up going paint or panda

Ya, the mylar is good, til ya wipe it down with bleach a coupla times, and it don't shine no mo.
CO2 cartridges with at 12 grams per cartridge x 5 per box at 4 $ total, is cheap quick source for CO2. Well, that's what I found here in Montreal, easy to use, cheap pure Co2.
Very true^ shine.fades fast on it when u clean as much as I do lol.

It was a small mistake but the good news is she.will live AND, you learned.something didn't you? Lol. Just let her get a.bit extra.dry before u water again shell bounce.right back (and never.splash a.full strength solution onto bone dry roots, they will burn.. learned.the hard.way)

There's many ways to introduce co2 to you environment, the most practical if ur larger than 2x2 is a proper ventilation or c02 gas. If ur micro or stealth, some.brewers yeast and sugar in a tapped bottle will suffice to supplement. Tho a bit smelly and.can be very messy if u spill lol. As the yeast consumes the sugar it creates co2. Ambient ppm outdoors range from 300-600 depending on location and.indoors 600-900 so by that theory pulling from an.occupied area (assuming temps could be maintained) could benefit the area with up to 300 ppm extra. However a proper ventilation system will always be your best.option. keep the air fresh and nature will provide.

As fir 02 to the roots... water them well when they need and never if they don't. The drying soils introduces o2 to the rootzone. Unless roots are set in solutions full time (dwc etc. Hydro in general. I suppose) there is no need to try supplementing it. Especially in soil. A proper water practice will do leaps and bounds more than the effort it would take to introduce 02 to the roots.

They're pretty Hardy as long as u k.I.S. sir ;)
CO2 cartridges with at 12 grams per cartridge x 5 per box at 4 $ total, is cheap quick source for CO2. Well, that's what I found here in Montreal, easy to use, cheap pure Co2.

You can mount empty, clean coffee cans above the plants, fill one fourth with warm water, chunk in some dry ice, close the room up, temps at about 86-87 degrees, and BAM.....,,no control over ppms, but that will give em a dose.
Very true^ shine.fades fast on it when u clean as much as I do lol.

It was a small mistake but the good news is she.will live AND, you learned.something didn't you? Lol. Just let her get a.bit extra.dry before u water again shell bounce.right back (and never.splash a.full strength solution onto bone dry roots, they will burn.. learned.the hard.way)

There's many ways to introduce co2 to you environment, the most practical if ur larger than 2x2 is a proper ventilation or c02 gas. If ur micro or stealth, some.brewers yeast and sugar in a tapped bottle will suffice to supplement. Tho a bit smelly and.can be very messy if u spill lol. As the yeast consumes the sugar it creates co2. Ambient ppm outdoors range from 300-600 depending on location and.indoors 600-900 so by that theory pulling from an.occupied area (assuming temps could be maintained) could benefit the area with up to 300 ppm extra. However a proper ventilation system will always be your best.option. keep the air fresh and nature will provide.

As fir 02 to the roots... water them well when they need and never if they don't. The drying soils introduces o2 to the rootzone. Unless roots are set in solutions full time (dwc etc. Hydro in general. I suppose) there is no need to try supplementing it. Especially in soil. A proper water practice will do leaps and bounds more than the effort it would take to introduce 02 to the roots.

They're pretty Hardy as long as u k.I.S. sir ;)

Since i've started growing and posting my results, I haven't stopped learning!!! lol Good to know about the water and Not to add nutrients to DRY soil. 2things i didn't know. I had heard about having a proper ventilated room would provide enough CO2, that's one thing my smaller grow box is lacking. I have 2 small openings for exhaust and 1 for incoming air both with fans but not powerful enough i'm afriad. I'm going to give it a shot with Both Methods plus what Danishoes21 suggested is pretty affordable so i'll try that too. Gotta try to find Some Dry Ice first, that just sounds kool and fun!!!! Super excited about Hinata right now. from what i was told its a type of OG. Can't wait!!!

Any other Suggestions or Comments as far as my grow box or plant set up??? I know this is where a few people start to mess up and panic!
Yeah. No problem with regular watering but if you overwater its best to let the pot dry out a bit more than usual. As such just avoid full strength that water. On the occasion this happens with me ill dump about 30 oz of distilled water on em then give them a proper feed an hour or two later. I'm sure others will have different opinions on that. But I've personally burnt plants hitting em full strength when they got too dry With an otherwise safe dose. No harm in caution ;)
How many Watts are u running how big is the box and how many cfm are the fans?

The dimensions of my grow box are 17"width x 22"height x 14"depth. Using 2-42watt, 1-68watt, and 1-16watt CFL's inside the box at all times and Every night i also place 1-16watt CFL pointing inward, all producing around 12,400 Lumens. I read from one of you guys that since i had no light coming from its sides the plant needed to be manipulated with some LST to allow the shorter branches to get some light making the canopy even. So i figured if i can get some lights to all its sides it would provide plenty of light, in addition to the LST.
*Is it possible to give it TOO MUCH LIGHT???
*I could be wrong, I thought that the amount of light provided effected the density of the Nugs???
*With that being my plant for lights is it still wise to remove unwanted leaves, i guess kinda like lollipopping??
*I know when you lollipop you take everything off the bottom 1/3 of the plant including developing nugs. If i do
that adding extra lights would kinda be useless right????

Sorry I'm not sure about the fans, they're just some old Computer fans i had around.

Hope this helps
The dimensions of my grow box are 17"width x 22"height x 14"depth. Using 2-42watt, 1-68watt, and 1-16watt CFL's inside the box at all times and Every night i also place 1-16watt CFL pointing inward, all producing around 12,400 Lumens. I read from one of you guys that since i had no light coming from its sides the plant needed to be manipulated with some LST to allow the shorter branches to get some light making the canopy even. So i figured if i can get some lights to all its sides it would provide plenty of light, in addition to the LST.
*Is it possible to give it TOO MUCH LIGHT???
*I could be wrong, I thought that the amount of light provided effected the density of the Nugs???
*With that being my plant for lights is it still wise to remove unwanted leaves, i guess kinda like lollipopping??
*I know when you lollipop you take everything off the bottom 1/3 of the plant including developing nugs. If i do
that adding extra lights would kinda be useless right????

Sorry I'm not sure about the fans, they're just some old Computer fans i had around.

Hope this helps

Your plants look great! :goodjob:

I agree with the others, use flat white paint or panda plastic.

Canna is right. Fresh air is going to be your best source of CO2. Even CFLs put off some heat. Venting the box will also cool it. You said your temps are in the 80s. That's a little warm, unless you're supplementing CO2 into the 1200ppm range. If odor isn't an issue, just vent the space and let nature do the rest. If it's taking in air from inside the house, the CO2 levels will be slightly higher than outside anyway.

Yes, you can have too much light, but you're unlikely to do that with CFL's. If you have that many, you should have just bought an HPS or LED. Another option would be fluorescent tube lighting, ie T5 or T8. I like them because they spread the light over a larger footprint. If you do use CFL's (nothing wrong with that btw), put something above them to reflect the light down.

Have you been looking at the completed journals to check out other CFL grows? You might find some great ideas. Good luck!
Your plants look great! :goodjob:

I agree with the others, use flat white paint or panda plastic.

Canna is right. Fresh air is going to be your best source of CO2. Even CFLs put off some heat. Venting the box will also cool it. You said your temps are in the 80s. That's a little warm, unless you're supplementing CO2 into the 1200ppm range. If odor isn't an issue, just vent the space and let nature do the rest. If it's taking in air from inside the house, the CO2 levels will be slightly higher than outside anyway.

Yes, you can have too much light, but you're unlikely to do that with CFL's. If you have that many, you should have just bought an HPS or LED. Another option would be fluorescent tube lighting, ie T5 or T8. I like them because they spread the light over a larger footprint. If you do use CFL's (nothing wrong with that btw), put something above them to reflect the light down.

Have you been looking at the completed journals to check out other CFL grows? You might find some great ideas. Good luck!

Yeah I was thinking about goin with a 600wattt hps or mh but I wanted to keep it stealth and save money. My dads buys tons of stuff on sale and found me like 50 36watt bulbs for under $35 bucks. Don't know where but that guys is the king of sales. But yeah that's why I have so many CFL's.
****Quick update on my grow, unfortunately Ino started to show signs of being a male so I had to get rid of it. But on to good news. Miss Hinata and Miss Sakura are 100% confirmed females!!!!!! I'm starting to see some light green color on Hinata I'm not sure what it may be sorry, I don't have any pics right now. I'm alittle concerned that it may need nutrients. Anyone have some ideas on what it may be? Alone with the yellowing some of the larger leaves are changing color from yellow to brown.

Thanks again to everyone I'm only this far cuz of all your help!!!!!
Without a picture it is hard to say. If I were to take a blind guess, which I am, I would say it is a Nitrogen deficiency. But I am not positive as I can not see the plant. :)
Without a picture it is hard to say. If I were to take a blind guess, which I am, I would say it is a Nitrogen deficiency. But I am not positive as I can not see the plant. :)

That lack of nitrogen can be intrepreted by noting where it shows first on the plant. It IS a lack of nitrogen, no doubt, During rapid growth the plant is sttruggling to get chlorophyl to the sites where photosynthesis is to take place, if the lower leaves are good and darker green, your plants are normal and just trying to catch up. Another way to look at it is thus; I put everything in, in the correct amounts, my pots arent too wet, plenty of light and circulation and ventilation, I just need to let em grow!
Sorry about the wait. my camera crashed on me so i had to use my Itouch.
Hope its clear enough to see some of the yellowing and browning.


Just a little burn, nitrogen is locked out...water only, make sure soil drys out pretty good between waterings. They'll recover then start your nutes back up at 5o% for a couple times, then hit em again, you'll know when they're ready.
Yup. I agree 100%
Thank you much for the update... Ill do just that. She's been without water for a couple days now 1more day she'll be nice and dry. I'm in the process of building my new box and wanted to know if goin with 12cfls (6-on the top with reflector, 3-on the right and left with reflector) would provide enough light or is it overkill. I know hps's would be better but due to space and temp that would more difficult for me to handle. I know buying CFL's suited for growth would be better but I have so many regular CFL's rather use these. 2 FEMALES=ONE HAPPY NOVICE GROWER!!!:thanks:
Thank you much for the update... Ill do just that. She's been without water for a couple days now 1more day she'll be nice and dry. I'm in the process of building my new box and wanted to know if goin with 12cfls (6-on the top with reflector, 3-on the right and left with reflector) would provide enough light or is it overkill. I know hps's would be better but due to space and temp that would more difficult for me to handle. I know buying CFL's suited for growth would be better but I have so many regular CFL's rather use these. 2 FEMALES=ONE HAPPY NOVICE GROWER!!!:thanks:

With light there is no such thing as overkill, if you can manage the heat...blaze on, with lights of proper wavelength.
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