First Grow Procyon 100 Lemon Skunk Big Bang

Yep, that is exactly what my cloner is, except for I bought mine instead if making it for $79. It also came with a concentrate to make a spray that clogs the pores of plants so they dont transpire as much. On this latest cloning, I decided to try a dome again. I bought a clear plastic tupperware container of the right size at walmart for 3.99. I drilled a couple of holes in it, and walla. After using it for 3 days, I took it back off. They just seem to do better without a dome on this unit.

My rocklock seed has a taproot sticking out! Yeah! Bubba kush still hasn't popped. I am going to leave the seed in the papertowel over night and let the root grow a bit longer, then plant it in soil tomorrow am. Lemon skunk clone is starting to perk up in soil and look healthier now. If the bubba kush seed hasnt popped by tomorrow, I will take it back out of paper towel and save it for later. I think the LS might just make it. I wonder if the seed would be ok, as long as it hasn't popped? Anybody try that before?
BTW, I was reading some threads where people were talking about starting 10 seeds when they want 5 total, because of duds? Has anybody had experience with a dud from a reputable seed company. So far, every seed I have tried to germinate has germinated. Some take as little as 24 hours, and others I have had to wait 4 days, but they all seem to go eventually. I wonder if the people that are having such a low success ratio are just not waiting long enough, and have a slow to pop strain.... Hmmmm.... stoned ramblings.
Yep, that is exactly what my cloner is, except for I bought mine instead if making it for $79. It also came with a concentrate to make a spray that clogs the pores of plants so they dont transpire as much. On this latest cloning, I decided to try a dome again. I bought a clear plastic tupperware container of the right size at walmart for 3.99. I drilled a couple of holes in it, and walla. After using it for 3 days, I took it back off. They just seem to do better without a dome on this unit.

My rocklock seed has a taproot sticking out! Yeah! Bubba kush still hasn't popped. I am going to leave the seed in the papertowel over night and let the root grow a bit longer, then plant it in soil tomorrow am. Lemon skunk clone is starting to perk up in soil and look healthier now. If the bubba kush seed hasnt popped by tomorrow, I will take it back out of paper towel and save it for later. I think the LS might just make it. I wonder if the seed would be ok, as long as it hasn't popped? Anybody try that before?

From what I've heard about those types of cloners or mister type cloners is that domes are not required. Trial and error always tells.

For the BubbaKush stick it out and go with it. It is too late to stop it. Once moisture has any chance of soaking through the shell, water activates the chemicals in the seed to start growing. You can always to store it but I think if it is going to grow at all the time is now. I think it would be a dud in the future.
BTW, I was reading some threads where people were talking about starting 10 seeds when they want 5 total, because of duds? Has anybody had experience with a dud from a reputable seed company. So far, every seed I have tried to germinate has germinated. Some take as little as 24 hours, and others I have had to wait 4 days, but they all seem to go eventually. I wonder if the people that are having such a low success ratio are just not waiting long enough, and have a slow to pop strain.... Hmmmm.... stoned ramblings.

There is all kinds of chat and gossip about the Dutch seed companies, rushing to fill seed orders here in the US, and not being able to keep up so they come up with new names for crap seeds. Especially with the feminized seeds. I have had some duds, Sensi Jack Herer (2), Greenhouse SuperLemonHaze fem (1), Dutch Passion StrawBCough fem (1). Yeah I think it is fairly common. What are we gonna due hop in the car and go see em? Subcool, and Shantibaba, have both written about feminized seeds how they are not really good. I have had more success then not, with fem seeds. Can't say the smoke is anything to brag about, certainly not what I would think would win the cannabis cup. I have many more feminized seeds left, but do not plan on buying anymore in the future. The last seeds I bought were Subcool seeds, which he doesn't even sell feminized seeds. The only strain from the current stuff that will be kept is Jack Herer which was a normal 10 pack of seeds.

I have quit reading HT, and started reading Treating Yourself (Can) and Weed World (UK), both have some very interesting articles. TY is online and can be downloaded for free. In one of the issues a while back, an article was about how the big names in american weed culture (JC, ER, and others), were involved with GW Pharm to produce synthetic THC (business corp greed) and meanwhile kept pushing fem seeds that were supposedly genetically altered to not clone and or produce viable seeds, creating a endless cycle to keep buying fem seeds.
I don't know, but I have started to see information coming out that the big names in the US pot biz more or less screwed over the people by spewing a bunch of crap to us and selling it to us (stoners buy anything pot related, real or not), just to make a quick buck and maybe involved with others to prohibit pot. Kinda weird but it has change my outlook. I would like to see what George and Eddy have invested there money in. And plus look at someones FAKE bible, what edition is it up to 20 or 30, c'mon pot has been around much longer, and we have 20 book updates in 30 years, makes me think someone keeps packaging shit disguised as information. I think the only update to the last edition was for all the ads in the back yet it still cost the same??? hmmm
hehe. good points frosty! My wife got me the latest edition "Bible" for Xmas. I was super excited until I read it. Not only was there really not a lot of "meat" info, most of it is freely available online. He ahs definately sold out, and spouts information about certain nute brands, light brands, etc, that he also has advertisements for in the book. In fact, there are a lot of advertisements in the book now. Also, all of the pics and strains seem to come from a certain source that he refers to repeatedly. I have found at least 5 places where my own experiences and what I read from grow journals directly contradicts what is in his book. And his advice on sexing, cloning, and just growing in general is biased and in some cases completly backwards. Not to say I havent found the book useful. The info on breeding, on genetics, and on the different forms of THC and cannibinoids is useful and a fun and educational read. I think one of the main problems is that the book tries to fit everything there is to know into one edition. So most information on any particular topic is spotty at best. I would like to see him or someone else come out with a collection of books, or maybe a monthly printing that focuses more in depth on each topic. Like a book on just cloning and breeding. A book on setting up grow rooms. A book on making hash. Etc Etc. The more in depth info was what I was really looking for. Anybody can google the answers to the basics.......
Also, in his book, he only gives one case study for a grow room..... And it is on such a large scale as to be useless info for your average home grower. He talks about selling weed a lot in the book as well. Some of us are not trying to break the law, but actually grow for medicine or recreational use.
Yeah, who has 20-30 hids, a 2000sq ft warehouse and grows 600 plants a week? The book is good in some respects but once you are really growing and go to it for reference, for some reason that section is never there. Hmm. And same thing for Ed. He wants people to contribute to his defense fund, and how many books and pot crap has he sold. Ed use your own pot money!

Check out as back issues are free online and there are some great articles. TY and WeedWorld are great because they are not completely over the top on consumerism and pushing crap like some US pot rags. Shanti from Mr. Nice and Subcool both write for em. So you get some real growers and breeders discussing growing issues. Very helpful.
So, I need some advice on what to do in my big tent. I was not counting on the Deep Water Culture system growing these plants as fast as they have. When i went into 12/12 a week ago, the plants were all around 16-24 inches. One week later, and most are 4 ft tall or more. The prblem is the tent size. I do not have space for these to grow any further. I have lifted the lights as high as they will go, but the tops of the planst are in some cases about 12" away. This is fine, except I have the feeling that these guys are gonna grow even taller. I had hoped that my earlier topping would help, but instead all it has done is give me more tall tops to worry about. What can i do to keep these from growing any taller? Is there some way i can bend the tops down without effecting yeild, or without putting the plants into shock. HELP..... If I cannot find a solution, i may have to spend a crazy amount of work unbuilding the tent and figuring out a way to hang the lights from the cieling in the room. This will kill my air systems effectiveness as well as creating the smell problems I bought the tents to handle in the first place. I would like advise on what i can do right now foremost, and then what i can do next time to avoid this problem secondary. Thanks for all your imputs! everyone here is so freakin' awsome about helping out its unvbeleivable.
I'm listening to you guys. I am glad you are informing your selves. Somethings up in the seed bus. No fems for me. Without males you can't make seeds, and alot of keepers have been found in growing out F2s. This is true. And Subcool is cool. Keep it green!
So, I need some advice on what to do in my big tent. I was not counting on the Deep Water Culture system growing these plants as fast as they have. When i went into 12/12 a week ago, the plants were all around 16-24 inches. One week later, and most are 4 ft tall or more. The prblem is the tent size. I do not have space for these to grow any further. I have lifted the lights as high as they will go, but the tops of the planst are in some cases about 12" away. This is fine, except I have the feeling that these guys are gonna grow even taller. I had hoped that my earlier topping would help, but instead all it has done is give me more tall tops to worry about. What can i do to keep these from growing any taller? Is there some way i can bend the tops down without effecting yeild, or without putting the plants into shock. HELP..... If I cannot find a solution, i may have to spend a crazy amount of work unbuilding the tent and figuring out a way to hang the lights from the cieling in the room. This will kill my air systems effectiveness as well as creating the smell problems I bought the tents to handle in the first place. I would like advise on what i can do right now foremost, and then what i can do next time to avoid this problem secondary. Thanks for all your imputs! everyone here is so freakin' awsome about helping out its unvbeleivable.

Look into LST. Anchor some strings to the tub and tie the branches down if possible. Or try and put a chicken mesh up to tie them down to. Go over to the Deep Water Culture home and ask away. You'll get plenty of responses to choose from.The Deep Water Culture Home
Update time. No pics, I am having trouble with my camera. Pics hopefully tomorrow.
Here is where things stand.

The babies.

1) Rocklock seed is popped and in soil. It has poked its head above the surface.
2) Bubba Kush seed still has not popped. Starting to think it is a dud. I think is has been like 4 days now.
3) Lemon skunk Phenome 1 clone. She is in soil. She did not have the best root system, but it seemed like it was good enough. Her stem that was in the cloner was getting soggy though, so I went ahead and put her in soil. She doesn't look happy for the most part, but her top leaves look like they have grown a bit, and her roots have doubled since I put her in soil. Not sure if she will survive or not, but we shall see.
4) Big Bang Phenome 2 clone. She has finally started to grow some roots. Still super healthy and she has new growth every day. Wierdest thing, but ever since I have clone dher, she has grown like she already has roots. Probably doubled in size since I chopped her off her mom. I should be able to get her into soil in the next day or two.
5) Blueberry clone. Well, here is where tragedy struck. She had a great root system (she is the only blueberry clone I kept that was female). She went into soil maybe a week ago and was growing real strong. Super healthy. She was about to get moved from the clone room to the veg tent. Then today, while I was moving her around to get a better look, i tripped and fell on her. Snapped her completly off at the base of the plant. Really crappy thing to happen. She had great roots taking up the entire soil container. I immediatly got her stem under water, re-cut at an angle, split the stem, and put rooting gel on her. I threw back in the cloner for take two. I hope she takes being cloned rooted twice well. I can't beleive I snapped her off. One of those dumb ass moments....If it looks like she will not survive, I will take another clone from her flowering mom and try to revert it to veg. Only a little over a week into flowering, so i imagine that it should be possible. This is a strain I don't wanna lose, cause I had to go through the trouble of using non-femenized seeds, and sexing to find a good string female. Too much trouble, i will stick to fem seeds from now on.

The Teenagers. These are the 11 plants left in the Deep Water Culture systems. They were vegged for about a month or less, and are about 10 days into flower, near as I can remember. They are huge and healthy. I have the EC really high at around 2.0, PH at 5.6, and they are really doing well. All the strains are heavy indicas, and should be able to take this high EC. I am using about 1 and 1/4 strength Techna Flora Nutes. I like these nutes, but with 30 gallons of water getting switched out every 7 days (They also drink about 5-10 gallons a day) it is really expensive to keep up. i go through about $40 of nutes every couple of weeks. Tops are already starting to form thick hairs. I think only 10 of these girls will survive, because one of the Big Bangs is so blocked from the lights by her sisters that she is a runt. She has no chance of getting any real light anymore, and with these Deep Water Culture systems, you can't just move them around at this stage. Roots are to entangled (they fill the reservoirs completely in a solid mass of white roots). To date I now have.

7 Big Bangs (1 will probably not make it)
3 Lemon Skunks
1 BlueBerry

With the exception of the Big bang runt, they are all about 46" to 52" tall. I hope they are finished growing as my lights are as high as they can go, and the plants are only about 8-10 inches from the lights. Tops are a little crispy from being so close. Today in an effort to solve the hight problem, I got out some tie straps and went to town. I took each two sets of tops (these plants have been topped multiple times, so each has between 6 and 8 big tops) and crossed them about a foot down the stem, so that that each top is about where the other used to be. This pulls them down about 8 inches, which is perfect. i tie strapped them into place. I am thinking that not only will this solve my height problems, but also will act a little like list, because the light is now hitting a lot more of the side of the stem and leaves, not just the tops. Hope that makes sense to everyone..

The original moms.
2 Big Bangs (Phenome 1 and 2)
2 Lemon Skunks (Phenome 1 and 2)

They are at 7 Weeks, 5 days of flower. Trichromes are about 40% cloudy, with the occasional amber. I am going to chop these girls on next Saturday I think, unless they need more time. Wouldnt surprise me if they did, these LEDS just arent cutting it.

Big Bang Phenome 1 is doing well. She is one big cola, never topped. With the combination of LEDs and me flowering these girls a bit early, I am not expecting a bumper harvest. I think out of all 4 plants, If I get 3 ounces, i will count myself lucky. Phenome one is taller then her sister, and her main cola takes up almost her entire stem. Its about 3 and 1.2 inches at its widest. Medium crystally, smells really nice. She has been losing leaves to yellowing from lack of N consistently for the last 2 weeks or so. I have smoked a little piece of her wet, no drying or curing, and I got pretty faded. High did not last very long though. I imagine with proper curing, she will be a medium-decent strength.

Big Bang Phenome two is a chunky girl. She is just like her sister, except has about twice as many trichromes and a lot more weight on her. Her top cola is about 5 and 1/2 inches wide at the widest point and is 18 inches tall. This is the phenome I am keeping and cloning, definatly superior in health, strength, yield, etc.

Lemon Skunk Phenome 1 is doing well. She is the only original mom that was topped (my first try at topping) She is a bit scraggy, but has some nice looking buds. Her buds are small and compact, with no real main cola. I imagine that each one is around 2 to 3 grams. She is extremly covered in white. Way, way, way more trichromes then the Big bang. Her smell is crazy strong, like lemon pledge. I dried a piece of her in the microwave, and the high was like being hit in the face with a hammer. Knocked me off my ass into a staring stupor for about 3-4 hours. No muchies, just a really string couchlock effect, with a narcotic body buzz that was overwhelming.

Lemon Skunk Phenome 2. I didnt let her genetics live on in clones. She is a bad strain all the way through. Exactly the same conditions as her sister, except she wasnt topped. She is super tall and scraggly. Her buds are airy and fluffy, and very small. No where near as many white yummies on her as her sister either. Smoke from her test bud was pretty good overall, but nothing to compare. Most of her buds look immature, and have no real wieght or density to them. She is super picky, and bounces back and forth between under nuted, and over with no happy medium. She doesnt like being flushed. She doesnt like strong light. She is just a royal pain to grow all around. If her sister wasnt doing so well, i would have written off the lemon skunk strain altogether.

Cheers! :cheer:
Great update Friend! Very Sorry for you misstep with Miss Blueberry. Do you have room to take another clone from the flowering blueberry now? It may take time to know if the top will root and thrive, by then you may be to far into flowering to take a clone. That LS one sound fantastic, It is so funny the sisters seem so different. I just remember I have 2 Bigbang fem seeds from GHS. I may pop those. Thanks for fulling us in Buddy.
Happy Growin'. :peace:
Thanks "The Weed". I took a second clone off the teenager Blueberry Momma. Now I have two blueberry clones. One of them should survive at least. I just noticed that my cloning area has been a little chilly lately. Running at about 68 in the day, and 62 at night. That is too cold for me, and probably why they are taking so long. I plugged a heater in, and blew the room circuit. Darnitt. Now I have the door to that room open to get heat from the rest of the house. Staying at about 74 in the day, seems much better. That may be why my Big bang clone has a bit of purple in the stem at the moment......
So I think the temp in my clone area ia a real problem. Both the rocklock and bubba kush seeds have been planted, and the rocklock is peeking above the soil. The rocklock looks drawn in on itself and hasnt started unfurling or growing at all. The lemon skunk just gets yellower everyday. The big bang still looks healthy, but no real roots (little root nubs that could possibly be called roots). The two blue berrys are chillin. I am going to add a timer to the intake fans in both tents so that they turn off during the night cycle. Should help temperatures all around. I would like to see temps go up inside and outside the tents by about 8-10 degrees. This morning temps in clone area were 66 degrees, and in tents 69 degrees. During daytime, temps are 70 outside, 73 inside. Never thought I would have a "too cold" problem, as my first 60 days of this grow were spent combatting the exact opposite. :yummy:
Ok, update time. Still no camera, but will try to get picks within the next day or two.


I am trying to grow these as slow as possible so the timing of my next cycle will be right, so at the moment, all the kids are under 1 Floro light, which gives them enough light to live, but not enough to really take off. I am done with the cloner, and all the kids are in soil.

Rocklock femenized seed is doing fine. Has 4 sets of leaves now and is looking healthy.

Blueberry clone has been rooted for the second time (remember, I broke this one off at the base after it was all rooted in soil. I cut it again and put it back in the cloner, and now it has re-rooted and been put back in the soil. It is healthy.

Lemon Skunk clone is doing fine. Has made a full recovery and is growing strong

Big bang clone - this one is not doing great. I think it will survive, but all but the newest of growth is yellow or dead. I will give it some much needed TLC, and we shall see. I may need to restart another seed if this gut doesn't perk up in the next day or two.

Bubba Kush - This girl died. RIP. Not sure why, the seed had a very nice tap root, but when I put it in soil, it never broke the surface. I checked the other day, and its tap root had dried up to nothing. O well, I can live with just 4 genetics for my next grow cycle.

The Teenagers:

These girls are doing great! They are huge. The lemon skunks are about 5 feet tall, and the Big bangs and Blueberry are about 4 ft tall. Another of the plants has been blocked from the light by bigger sisters. I am learning the capacity of this system. I started with 16 plants in here, and now I am down to 11, but I think that only 10 will survive. These 2 400 watters just can't seem to reach more in this space. So, if you will remember, I was having huge issues with plant height. The tent was sagging under the weight of the lights, and the tops of the plants were getting burnt. I was having to tie strap the larger plants together to keep them a good distance waway from the lights. Well, a friend came over this weekend, adn we went shopping at Lowes. We built a wooden structure that goes around the Reserviors, out of 2 X 4's, and then put 1/2" By 2" slats along the top. Not only does it help keep the tent sound, but it gives me lots of choices for places to hang lights and to tie plants to for training. It gave me about 2 extra feet of light height. I untied all the tie straps, and the plants are really happy with the new situation. You will have to see the pics coming to see what I mean. The teenagers have lots of colas (they have all been topped several times) and are really starting to flower in earnest now. I will try to include a picture of the trunk of the biggest plant. It looks like an oak tree, its about 4 inches diameter, no kidding. These girls are growing everywhere, they go out from their containers boundaries about 2 feet in every direction. I have added the LED's and CFL's from the moms grow as supplemental side lighting, and they seem to like that.

The Moms:
2 Lemon Skunks
2 Big Bangs

I chopped these on Friday. I never could have imagined how much work the trimming process was. Took about an hour a plant. Buds are hanging and mostly dry, maybe another day or two, and I will have some dry wieghts. The finger hash from the scissors and fingers while doing trimming was awsome! I was lit up like I haven't been in a long time. I used the sugar leaves and smaller buds (lower on the plants) and made some canna butter. Then I made cookies. Yummy! 1/2 a cookie is enough for several hours of complete knock you out high. Very impressive! I wasn't sure how string they would be, because it was mostly made from the 3-4 ounces of sugar leaves trim, but wow!

Pic updates to come.
happynow, things are sounding good. bummer on the BK. Sounds like the tent is a jungle but you have it somewhat tamed for now. You got some chopping done which is always nice.:peace:
Just a quick update...

The moms (chop chop)

Big Bang 1 - 29 Grams
Big Bang 2 - 20 Grams
Lemon Skunk 1 - 12 Grams
Lemon Skunk 2 - 27 Grams

Total 88 grams or just over 3 ounces from 4 plants. I knew these wouldn't be big producers. I made a lot of mistakes on these girls, probably the most obvious being thinking that two 100 Watt Procyon LED's and a couple CFL's would be enough light. Well, to be fair, if I would have added the CFL's earlier, things would have turned out a little better. I think next grow if I keep the moms through flower, I will just do straight CFL and leave the LED's for side lighting in the Big tent, which they are currently doing a good job of. You can tell the plants appreciate the way I have the LEDS facing into the lower foilage. They are hitting the fan leaves that just don't get much if any light from the two HPS's. Lets see, on to the smoke report. I think the drying part went really well. I waited until they would easily snap in half, and then put them in jars. This smoke report is with only 2 days of curing, so I am sure the taste will get even better. The big bang buds are dense with large calyxes. There was not much lead to trim around these buds. They are sugar coated, but not super impressive with it. They smell decent, but not great. They look and smell like any average bag weed would, truth to tell. Nothing remarkle about them until you smoke them. They are crispy on the outside, and dense in the middle, slighly sticky. Burns up pretty fast, so I might wanna dry these ones a bit less next time. Taste is still very much of plant, maybe curing will help with that. The high though...... the high is fabulous. Very clear headed and cloudy body buzz like you are floating. This is definatly a day time smoke, and social. Doesn't knock you on your ass, but sends you into the clouds. 3-4 good hits do the trick. Very narcotic, and it helps with my pain considerably. Best pain relief from a natural source I have experienced. Doesn't just divert and distract you from the pain, actually helps alleviate it.

The Lemon Skunk. Yummy.Yummy.Yummy. These buds are airy and popcorn like. Crisp on the outside, but super sticky throughout. Can stick it to your forehead with squishing it at all. Very sugar coated, can barely see the green from all of the crystals. The crystals sparkle like they are glass. These were a lot harder to trim as they had a higher ratio of leaves in the buds. They are very pretty when done, though. Smell is muted lemon at first sniff. But if you pinch the bud a bit, or beat it up a bit, then the smell is super strong lemon, like a car freshener. Smokes smooth and slow. Sticky center lasts for a great many tokes. Creates a thick lemon smoke that is almost brown it is so thick. taste is superb. I have rarely had the chance to taste anything as yummy as the lemon turned out to be. To bad it is so damn hard to clone and grow. Its a very picky strain. This is a one hitter strain. Two hits is definatly too much, and will leave you comotose on the couch until you pass out. This is a put you to sleep or stairing high, very intense, and overwhelming.

All and all i am please with my first success. I don't consider this the end of the first grow as these were just a side test. The teenagers finsihing will be the finish of this current grow. About 5 weeks to go for them. From reading the descriptions of from the seed companies, I expected a bit different results. I would have thought the BIG BANG would have been the stronger of the two strains, but that is definatly not the case. However, I think that with better lighting, and heavier feeding (I cut back on feeding quite a bit because the Lemon Skunks couldn't take heavy doses). I think next time i will make up two batches of nutes and feed them seperatly. I have hopes that with the teenagers, the more food and light will bring out the better qualities of the Big Bang. Judging by the size of the moms vs the size of the teenagers, I expect the teenagers will produce a significant sized harvest that will easily beat out what I got from these 4. I am hoping for 2-3 ounces per plant, and everything i am seeing so far says that i am on the right track. Have a great weekend 420 ! :thanks:
Pics: Day 108 (Chop Day for the 4 OG Moms)



















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