First Grow - White Widow Fem - Soil - LED

Bud shots... I'm really impressed!! Day 20 of flower

:party:Your plants looks healthy. You probably brought in some pests from outside, as you said. If the ladybugs aren't enough, and it seems like you have a ladybug party there, :) then I would try some soap and water, kills thrips and aphids, or maybe some nicotine tea, which also is effective. If needed, escalate to neem.
I use neem a lot in my garden but it is a pungent oil and it will stay on your small plants.
:party:Your plants looks healthy. You probably brought in some pests from outside, as you said. If the ladybugs aren't enough, and it seems like you have a ladybug party there, :) then I would try some soap and water, kills thrips and aphids, or maybe some nicotine tea, which also is effective. If needed, escalate to neem.
I use neem a lot in my garden but it is a pungent oil and it will stay on your small plants.

I always forget about soapy water - that is exactly what to do during flower .... the soap coats the reproductive glands like neem oil does but is a lot less harsh .... just a drop of dawn or some similar ( un scented ) dish soap in a spray bottle .
I always forget about soapy water - that is exactly what to do during flower .... the soap coats the reproductive glands like neem oil does but is a lot less harsh .... just a drop of dawn or some similar ( un scented ) dish soap in a spray bottle .
Yes, I didn't even think about that.

A couple weeks ago we had a big mama spider give birth to hundreds of spiders near our RO reservoir and just used soapy water to eradicate them just that simple.
I would not use dish detergent on my plants. It was a lot of ingredients that are not good for you or the plant and the detergent action is too harsh. After all it is made to remove oils from surfaces.
I use soap specifically designed for insect killing, it's cheap. If you want to make it yourself, liquid hand soap looks ok, at least the fragrance free all natural stuff we have. The commercial product say dilute 50x so a drop in a quart would be mild.
I would not use dish detergent on my plants. It was a lot of ingredients that are not good for you or the plant and the detergent action is too harsh. After all it is made to remove oils from surfaces.
I use soap specifically designed for insect killing, it's cheap. If you want to make it yourself, liquid hand soap looks ok, at least the fragrance free all natural stuff we have. The commercial product say dilute 50x so a drop in a quart would be mild.
Very true, I actually used an organic soap with no chemicals, scents, etc.. you just add a bit to help the neem oil mix with water. Didn't hurt my girls at all. I used unscented dawn before with no negative effects either
So I went to check my girls about 40 minutes before lights off and they were BONE DRY!! The bottom leaves were drooping and the pots very light so I went ahead and gave them a half gallon each. The humidity was 35 so I don't think it'll get too high over night.

Reverse Osmosis water
1 tsp CalMag Plus
1 1/4 tsp Tiger Bloom
2 Tbsp Big Bloom

I also noticed several yellowing fan leaves starting from the bottom and decided to throw in some Grow Big for nitrogen
1/2 tsp Grow Big (1/4 strength dose)

Ph came to 6.1 so I left it at that.

I'll give them another half gallon each when the lights come on at midnight.
Hey - as the plants flower it will start to get yellow leaves and drop them since they think it's fall - they are using the stored energy in those leaves to make the flowers ..... I think the yellowing is just the natural process of the plant .
No real need to add more N at this stage in the game .

The plant knows it's time to die .... so it focuses on making trichomes because naturally they are trying to collect pollen.... hence the sticky icky ... because it knows that it needs to make seeds to survive for next year
Hey - as the plants flower it will start to get yellow leaves and drop them since they think it's fall - they are using the stored energy in those leaves to make the flowers ..... I think the yellowing is just the natural process of the plant .
No real need to add veg stuff anymore
Thanks bud, I'll leave that grow big out of the other half tonight

The fox farm schedule shows using grow big for the 3&4th week of flower so I figured that was it
I figured I over watered but it was the Opposite way around the one very dry. My grow tent came with the meter to check the soil but I didn't think you Would-be accurate enough. Gave him some plain RO water. Lights came on at 4pm. Now a grown man is about to cry
Some of the leaves seem a little hard black spot droopiness. I can't figure it out. I don't see any bugs who
Knew it would be this hard
Some of the leaves seem a little hard black spot droopiness. I can't figure it out. I don't see any bugs who
Knew it would be this hard

Hey debo - I would cut off at leaves that look like that - the small new growth at the nodes looks good ---- not sure what's going on there really but you can pull through ....
def check the ph of the soil before you do anything else
Hey debo - I would cut off at leaves that look like that - the small new growth at the nodes looks good ---- not sure what's going on there really but you can pull through ....
def check the ph of the soil before you do anything else
They were doing great from seeds even with me not getting my tent on time. I think because I'm trying too many ways to keep my heat down and my humidity up. My lights are the K51000 I have a gorilla grow tent 5x5 with the carbo filter. I'm using Fox Farms Ocean forest They were doing great until I started with vermisterra worm casting tea now that I can think of it. It's every other week it was given. So far it's day 22 I believe and they had it twice. Notice some droopyness so I tried some Mammoth P 0.6ml. This was the first time with that as well. Wow your God sent because now it's making me realize what might be wrong. Before all of this I was just using RO water. I was worried because my temperature would get hotter at night because I'm always home and I would run them 4pm to 10am. Then temps would go as high as 86 sometimes with clip on fans. Humidity would only be 44. Now I went out the other day and brought a humidifier to bring the humidity up. Please don't laugh I'm losing sleep LOL. Thank God I'm retired so have time to keep a close eye on them. I call super grow yesterday and they asked me to use the meter to see if the soil was too dry. I just water them 2 days ago and it was bone dry already. I gave them plain RO water yesterday. So now how can I test my soil? Am I thinking ahead after knowledge of how to test the soil maybe having to flush it.
last week's picture
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