First Proper Grow Attempt - DWC Vs Soil Testing

Quick update on drying situation.

Its sorted.





Tiny fan in bottom to keep air moving.
Carbon filter will extract at the top.
I can raise or lower the drying rack depending on how many sections I need to use.
The tent came with its own little ScrOG net so I set that up under the rack to allow for hanging some bigger buds.
Also left room for all my jars of buds in the bottom when the time comes .

Busy day and night again today, but hopefully I'll atleast get a quick flower update done.

Take care all.
Great idea and great Journal. This does not look like your first go at this LOL. One small thing that I remember hearing and I can't remember the source...... When creating a ideal dedicated drying space, your carbon filter is better off at the bottom than the top. Other than that tiny detail, great job!
Great idea and great Journal. This does not look like your first go at this LOL. One small thing that I remember hearing and I can't remember the source...... When creating a ideal dedicated drying space, your carbon filter is better off at the bottom than the top. Other than that tiny detail, great job!
Haha thank you very much! It is my first go, but I must admit I didn't start out totally blind. I have friends that have grown for years, that and I've been wanting to grow for years and researching how to basically the entire time . Its just I finally got the balls and money to do it.

I was wondering about where to extract from, I'm a bit worried about excess humidity as I don't have a dehumidifier and from all the research I did it would seem humidity 'rises' if you can call it that. The more humid air is, the lighter it is (hence clouds way up there) so I thought I'd extract from the top for that reason. I could be wrong on that, but fairly confident I remember it correctly. If I recal it is an extremely minimal difference in the weight of the more humid air (I think I read about 3-5% depending on temps and humidity difference) but every little helps. We'll see if it doesn't go well I'll change it around.

I put the pre-filter for the carbon scrubber over the end of the intake pipe. Figured it should still work

Thanks again Guy!
Awesome dry tent!
From what I've read you may not need the fan in the bottom though as the filter draw may be enough for air movement. Too much and you dry too quick. I'm sure you will dial it in quickly though. You are very good at that!
Thanks dude.
Its only a 4" USB fan, I liken it to an elderly dying mouse blowing through a straw from a distance . It doesn't do a lot, lol. I have it in there if I need it atleast.
Another quick veg update.

Bdog1&2 are doing amazingly well. Bdog1 is the one I topped pretty early in its life. It hasn't even skipped a beat, it didn't even stall growth for 1 day topping it that early. Good to know for future.

Edit: just made what I think is an interesting observation with the Black D.O.G seedlings. From what I knew seedlings always grew their true fan leaves in order from a single bladed leaf(first true leaf) to 3 blades, then 5, 7, 9, 11 etc. Well my with my BDogs, 1 has gone 1, 4, 7, 9. The other 1, 3, 7, 9. They seem to have skipped ahead?




I'm really impressed by these plants! Good job HSO and thank you!

I decided to go ahead and pinch the tops out of both my clones today. Going to start early on them too.

The RCB clone is enjoying its new pot.

The TD clone has a feed today. Just 1l water with 2ml Fish mix in.

Temps got a tiny bit high in my veg tent yesterday (not that I care, but it explains the minor heat stress on the plants) my veg tent is far less advanced than the flower room. No temp/humidity control at all and 1 crappy light lol. Still it does the trick . Im hopefully going to be insulating the whole loft in the next couple months so it should be ok by the time it gets really cold.

Should be back later for a flower update. I'm feeling like a nice big photo shoot for the girls is in order, see you all later.

Ok flower tent:

Temps and humidity much the same still. Humidity has come down a little more it topped out at 67%. I decided to take some more leaves off the DWC and also a few of the RCB in an effort to further reduce humidity.


The DWC had a pretty high EC when I checked today (2.2) which I can only assume is from the addition of Pro Enzyme into the res to break down old dead roots. This was a new addition yesterday in an effort to keep a clean res as I have grown to hate changing it. I think I will however do a full change tomorrow. For today I topped up with plain water to EC 1.2 at PH 5.6. I left the EC a bit lower due to there still being Pro Enzyme in the water I figured it may creep up again.

The roots are doing great still.
There's the odd tiny spot of browning appearing, I put that down to me knocking them with my hand putting EC/PH pens in there, it could also be from light exposure when I do work on the res. As I said full res change tomorrow to be safe anyways.

The stem is just monstrous.

Now for the canopy. 1st, before defol.


After Defol.

One of the better buds (I have big hands, that bud is gonna be HUGE)

Now the two Sensi Soil plants:
Again growing fine, fed soil 1 with a full strength biobizz mix according to their feeding chart for All-Mix. BioGrow, BioBloom, Algamic, TopMax and finally a little molasses too. Soil 2 didn't need water today.

Soil 1:


The Mutant branch can be seen in the lower part of the above pic. Here it is a bit closer.

Soil 2:


I snipped the 5 crappy little popcorn bubs off for a little sample. All together they might be enough for a joint .

They are trimmed and in the new drying tent so I can see how that goes too. All the trim is in the freezer for hash making, which I can't wait to do by the way. Bring on the full melt bubble .

As for the Amnesia Auto the less said the better really. Its tiny as fuck, but then I am growing it under 12/12 and its not getting the best light coverage so I guess I'll forgive it . It looks healthy enough its just so tiny.

The RCB ScrOG is coming along really well. I spent some time tucking and weaving some branches today along with a clean-up of leaves and weak branches below the ScrOG.
Before tuck:


Before Clean-up:


I'm so excited to see what happens with her. No clue what to expect from the ScrOG in terms of yield/bud size. Apparently Red Cherry Berry doesn't stretch very much, has anyone got any input on when I should stop tucking. She's only been in 12/12 a couple days so far.

And last but by no means least. The Tangerine Dream. What a beautiful plant this is proving to be. I don't know what it is about her, but I just really like how she grows. I was worried when I read a few bad reports about the strain after I had ordered my seeds, but I'm not worried anymore. It seems fine to me. Now lets just hope I have the pheno I'm after in terms of taste and effect. Its looking like it so far. The smell is sweet and fruity not like my Sensi plants which smell spicy and skunky. Can you tell I'm excited about this one?

Starting to form tiny buds.

Just hoping she's nearing the end of her stretch as she's at a perfect height right now for my lights.

Finally I managed to snap a couple of quick pics just before the lights came on so you can see what the girls really look like . (Low-key I'm INSANELY proud of them )



Closing Overview

Hopefully you all enjoy the update. Tried to get a couple different pics this time.
Sorry for any typos.
Have a great day all.
Today's update.

Firstly either my temps and humidity were EXACTLY the same as yesterday, or I forgot to reset my meter. I think the latter is more likely .

I managed to go ahead and do a full res swap on the DWC today (EC 1.3 and PH 5.5 - I'm confident both will creep upwards), holy shit is it a pain in the ass now. Nearly dropped her twice! After over a month of being tied down and supercropped for being too tall, some branches have now decided that they are too heavy and need tying up with some supports. Bit of a pain, but a nice problem to have I guess as it means she is packing on the weight. So far I did not string any branches up to the ceiling I just linked them up through the center plant with soft ties so they support each other. Hope this pic explains what I'm trying to say here.

Cheeky upskirt:

The buds and canopy are coming along nicely. Finally seeing signs of a little bit of frost on her. Not sure pictures will show it my camera hates the HPS lighting.




I thought this was going to go for another 6+ weeks last week, now it only looks like it has 3-4 until she is ready. I guess I shouldn't worry too much as she's a DWC it will be super easy to flush relatively quickly. This is where my lack of real experience lets me down though. I'm confident I'll be able to tell when she's done, just less confident I can correctly guess accurately ahead of time when it will be so that I can time the flush right .

Soil 1&2 are doing just fine neither needed water again today so just left them be.
This is the best looking bud:

And in natural light:

As for the Amnesia Auto I finally relented and shoved it into my veg tent. I thought it may do better with the HPS not my weak veg light, but its just so tiny. Going to see how it fares in there then maybe move it back for flower.
Its the tiny runty looking one.

The TD and RCB are still going strong.
Sadly TD seems to be still stretching haha. We'll be ok though, once I get around to moving my Carbon Filter I can raise my light a bit more. I only have a small window to work on the garden when lights come on so I'm just waiting for a day with a little less to do on the plants so I can do it. I fed the RCB today with 1.5L water, 1ml biobloom, 2ml biogrow. Only a week feed as it was fed last watering too. Will be back up to full mix next time. Its not showing any signs at all of over feeding so I guess she loves it. Maybe all the excitement of getting tied down in a ScrOG made her hungry? Lol. All the tops bar 1 that I tucked had already turned upwards to the light. I untucked the one just to let it stretch a bit more before I tuck it again, I might have been optimistic doing it beforehand, it was a little short to reach the next square properly.

Finally a shot of the DWC under natural light and an overview of the room, enjoy.


Have a great day peeps.
Keep calm and keep on growing.
Decided my p.o.s. that I culled a few days back is now dry enough to smoke.
I only kept enough for 2 joints in the end and threw the rest in my hash pile... Big mistake! This stuff is the smoothest smoke I've had in years! Seriously wtf p.o.s. you were supposed to be crap!? Lol this stuff is delicious sweet and spicy on inhale and with a hint of mintyness on exhale. As I said its smooth as fuck too, I can take HUGE hits of it .

I decided to try and get a picture of the trichs through my 60x scope. It took me about half an hour to do but here it is. (I have always been really shakey so trying to get this pic was a swine for me, I dont have any kind of tripods etc.)


Flower update later
My hands jitter enough that I hit the wrong keys when they twich... Pics still look great... Hella nice bush you go growing up in there'

Keepem Green
My hands jitter enough that I hit the wrong keys when they twich... Pics still look great... Hella nice bush you go growing up in there'

Keepem Green
My hands are the same. Look for a strain called "Freda", I've been looking far no seeds. Supposedly helps with the shakes. Mines more of a neurological issue.
Bit of a flower update, will have to be a little brief as something has now come up this evening.

I did manage to finally get my Carbon Filter moved so I raised my LED a bit and its got much better spread now. I might have gone a little bit too high, I'll just lift up the plants if that's the case.

DWC seems fine, PH was up to 6.1 so I topped up the res and set the PH back at 5.7-5.8 meter couldn't decide. Its still too close to the light for my liking but there's not a lot I can do about it really. Also did a bit more defoliation, its definitely very noticeable now, but RH was still high at 67%. Will get a dehumidifier when funds allow it.



The 2 soil plants are doing well. Fed Soil 2 today with 1.5L at a bit under full strength as per my biobizz chart. (I mix 1L full strength then add 500ml plain water.)
Soil 2 bud:

Soil 1 bud:

Soil 1 mutated bud:

TD had a 2L feed today (1.5L at full strength then 500ml water added at end.) I'm just feeding according to biobizz's chart off google. No Bio Heaven though. Oh and I added a tiny bit of blackstrap molasses too. She's coming on nicely now.


Finally the RCB ScrOG is doing great, no feeding needed just snapped a pic. There are tiny little tops everywhere now! They may not grow huge buds, but there will sure be a lot of them The photo doesn't do it justice sadly.

Finally a quick overview.

Have a great day all ✌
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