First Proper Grow Attempt - DWC Vs Soil Testing

Mini update:

Black D.O.G doing very well. Too soon to top? Hmm maybe tomorrow or day after on the taller one (henceforth Bdog1). Might let the other (Bdog2) just grow out for a side by side. It seems naturally shorter already.

As you can also see in this pic the RCB clone (top left) and the TD clone (top right) are doing really well now. Domes been off them for a few days and they are starting to show some new growth now. Also more roots!

Finally the RCB in the ScrOG is still doing well too. Filling it up nicely, starting to get side branches on side branches coming up through the screen. Ideally I'd like to flower her now really, but with no room in the flower tent she'll have to wait. I can always add a second layer of ScrOG if I need to. I fed her today with 2L of water with BioGrow at 2ml/L @ PH 6.1. (Going to start keeping a better track of feedings from now on and PH'ing soil feeds which I was only half bothering with on some other plants)

Finally I reorganized the plants and lifted thesmall ones up a bit for better light coverage.

Might do a flower update later.
Depends if there is anything for me to report/do. Got a few leaves to pluck at the moment, but thats about it and I don't plan on taking enough off to make a visible impact. Still might throw a pic or two up.

Laters everyone, have a good day and keep on growing.
Ok Flower Update:

Temps and humidity much the same still.

Did some defoliation on the DWC plant, not too much but hopefully enough that I see some kind of drop in RH during lights off. Got a bit carried away at one point then looked down and saw the size of the pile of leaves.

Decided that was enough for now so I'll see how the RH goes and if necessary I can pluck a few more. It looks pretty drastic, but it hasn't even made a dent in the overall number of leaves really. I didn't realise just how much of a jungle the central canopy was.
Couple of pictures of after. (If you want before pics they are in older posts as I forgot to take any before I started today )





This fell off by accident attached to a leaf, so into the freezer it goes for hash. I'm just freezing any trim or bits of bud for hash fresh. As far as I know its fine to make bubble hash from fresh frozen weed right?

As for the soil plants not much to report

Soil 2 is doing better now after getting a properly PH'd feed.
Soil 2 bud shot:

Soil 1 looks like its just starting to get its ass into gear and grow some real buds hopefully.

I also fed the TD dream today with Bio Bloom, Bio Grow, Algamic and Top Max (and a sprinkle of great white). I mixed to recommended strength on feed chart for 1L, then added 500ml more plain water. Ended up with PH 6.2, EC was 0.8 (about 500ppm). She is looking beautiful now if I may say so myself .


Lastly I moved the plants around a bit and I'm much happier with the light coverage now for the soil plants. I also positioned the TD as close to smack bang under the center of the light as possible. I really want to get the best out of her. She's at the point of the tent that gets the most light, under the LED and the HPS.
Here's a view of the layout now.


(The plant in the bottom left is the p.o.s. that needs a good bit of culling action.....soon enough )

Edit: Forgot to mention the Amnesia XXL Auto, its fine. Not much change, its falling behind the Bdog's that were cracked at the same time but have 18/6 instead of the 12/12 the auto is on. Still its looking healthy and growing steadily so we shall persist with the 12/12 auto idea. I'm still convinced its better than trying to use my veg light to grow it under. I think I have candles that burn brighter than the thing . Don't buy super cheap LED's peeps.

Well for no update planned today, I think I got a fair bit in.

Enjoy life and have a great day people.
Never stop growing.
This fell off by accident attached to a leaf, so into the freezer it goes for hash. I'm just freezing any trim or bits of bud for hash fresh. As far as I know its fine to make bubble hash from fresh frozen weed right?

In fact that is what is recommended to do with the product you use for bubble hash is to freeze it, so you are correct. And all of your ladies are gorgeous. Nice job.
In fact that is what is recommended to do with the product you use for bubble hash is to freeze it, so you are correct. And all of your ladies are gorgeous. Nice job.
I thought it was, but for some reason I suddenly started doubting myself lol.
Thanks a lot dude. They have their share of little issues, but then it is a long learning process. One day my aim is to do a complete start to finish run on a plant with no issues.

[Edit: Just thought, does this mean I will need to cure the hash if using fresh frozen trim?]

Your Autos are killing it in the DWC too bro!

I love all the input of people here on 420Mag, I'm sure my girls wouldn't look like they do without the help of all the great folks here!

Cheers for following along dude .
What is the ambient R/H in the whole house? You should get you a dehumidifier. They are abit costy,, but cheap when it comes to saving your crop. I woodn't F with them little bitty ones get a good one. Least a 50-pint one. I like the one with the larger onboard reservoir so you don't have to empty as often. Like said,, they are worth every dime when it comes to saving your crop from PM or Bud Rott.... No inside growroom is complete without one..
BTW you can bearly tell you gave her a trim.... Looking good. Keepem Green
I thought it was, but for some reason I suddenly started doubting myself lol.
Thanks a lot dude. They have their share of little issues, but then it is a long learning process. One day my aim is to do a complete start to finish run on a plant with no issues.

[Edit: Just thought, does this mean I will need to cure the hash if using fresh frozen trim?]

Your Autos are killing it in the DWC too bro!

I love all the input of people here on 420Mag, I'm sure the girls wouldn't look like they do without the help of all the great folks here!

Cheers for following along dude .

For the hash, what you are getting are the trichomes off of the plant. So no need to cure your hash. Youtube is full of videos on making hash using bubble bags. My bags have still to be used. Out of the first grow, concentrate and cannibutter was made. Next round, given enough yield, hash. Be sure to keep an eye on any product you have stashed away to ensure it does not mold. And thank you big time for the kudos on my ladies. Your good vibes will be passed their way.
What is the ambient R/H in the whole house? You should get you a dehumidifier. They are abit costy,, but cheap when it comes to saving your crop. I woodn't F with them little bitty ones get a good one. Least a 50-pint one. I like the one with the larger onboard reservoir so you don't have to empty as often. Like said,, they are worth every dime when it comes to saving your crop from PM or Bud Rott.... No inside growroom is complete without one..
BTW you can bearly tell you gave her a trim.... Looking good. Keepem Green
The house on the whole is around 55%. I draw fresh air from outside into the flower tent though, not from in the house, so I guess it will vary with the weather. One day I'll get a dehumidifier, its just with buying everything else for my setup so recently, funds are pretty limited right now. LED's are not cheap! I got a beast of an exhaust fan for the size of my tent and 2 fans inside circulating air. That along with the intake fan will have to do for now. Might talk to the missus regarding xmas .
I'd love an AC unit too so I can make my room a closed system with added CO2 but again cost and cost to run is an issue.
Thanks for the tips and stopping by!
Holy shit! Your grow is looking phenomenal. Those flowering plants are beautiful. Great work my friend. Great work indeed!

Regarding the two plants in vegg you were wondering about topping. Most people wait until the 4th or 5th node. I'm not sure why. I very often top them when they look exactly like yours do now. It won't kill them. Hell - it will barely slow them down.

The last 12 plants I topped looked like this right before I topped them


now they look like this
Holy shit! Your grow is looking phenomenal. Those flowering plants are beautiful. Great work my friend. Great work indeed!

Regarding the two plants in vegg you were wondering about topping. Most people wait until the 4th or 5th node. I'm not sure why. I very often top them when they look exactly like yours do now. It won't kill them. Hell - it will barely slow them down.

The last 12 plants I topped looked like this right before I topped them


now they look like this

Thank you very much Devil! Very kind of you!

Sounds like a plan with the topping. I think I'll get on it tomorrow. The sooner its done, the lower down it will be when it becomes multi-stemmed, therefore the better overall shape. Atleast that's my theory .
Hmmmm. That's not the right photo... They were slightly bigger before I topped them
Hmmmm. That's not the right photo... They were slightly bigger before I topped them
Ah its all good, I've made my mind up now anyways . I got itchy fingers when it comes to scissors and knifes . Even as a kid I was always playing with knives lol. (I should add not harming anyone/anything just like carving bits of wood etc)

I'll be sure to get a pic or two
Ah, now this is one of the main reasons I started this journal, and something I'm very glad I can now do.

When I see my plants every day it often feels like nothing has changed. It can be hard to spot the subtle differences between days sometimes. The odd leaf here, bud site there etc...

I went back to my 1st post to see what it was like when I started my journal. (I know less than 4 weeks ago but it helps me to see the progression. )
I couldn't believe the difference! Like seriously holy fucking shit! Admittedly my setup has improved in that time, but to me thats almost part of my grow, furthering my knowledge and having good equipment is as important to me as the plants doing well. Win-Win.

27 days ago:


Damn. Now I see the fucking difference haha!

(Sorry this is most likely old news to most people on here with years of growing, but this is my 1st grow and I'm fecking excited about it so forgive me )
Ah, now this is one of the main reasons I started this journal, and something I'm very glad I can now do.

When I see my plants every day it often feels like nothing has changed. It can be hard to spot the subtle differences between days sometimes. The odd leaf here, bud site there etc...

I went back to my 1st post to see what it was like when I started my journal. (I know less than 4 weeks ago but it helps me to see the progression. )
I couldn't believe the difference! Like seriously holy fucking shit! Admittedly my setup has improved in that time, but to me thats almost part of my grow, furthering my knowledge and having good equipment is as important to me as the plants doing well. Win-Win.

27 days ago:


Damn. Now I see the fucking difference haha!

(Sorry this is most likely old news to most people on here with years of growing, but this is my 1st grow and I'm fecking excited about it so forgive me )

Yeah when you put them back to back it really shows. Good job dude!
You have every right in the world to be excited :) I get excited too when I browse through my journal. And my old journals to check if I am on route and all that. These journals are very useful tools, it's not only about the ego
Brief update.

Objective: Give Bdog1 a Brazilian.

1. Locate target:

2. Find my rusty as fuck, dirty snippers. (Yeah I don't believe the hype that I need a new sterile scalpel every time, my chilli plants never cared. As long as they've not been used on diseased plants its all good.)

3. Spread her nice and wide.

4. Snip Snip.

Mission complete.

Did a bit of tucking and weaving on the RCB too. She is really thanking me for her feed!

Laters all.
Great grow. Great daily journal. Your results are a result of your diligence.....plants are looking perfect.....granted I'm only on pg4. Will complete later today.......
Great grow. Great daily journal. Your results are a result of your diligence.....plants are looking perfect.....granted I'm only on pg4. Will complete later today.......
Thanks a lot dude! It gets way better after page 4 haha.

Cheers for stopping in.
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