First Time Grow! by Lebowskii

I think it looks alright because you have some soil clearance and looks like light is getting all over, however someone else might feel differently.

in my opinion ....let the girls grow some more , when they get taller top them and then outer branches will get a boost and then you can try some super cropping ....but this being an outdoor grow mother nature will do everything for you ....yield wont be an issue and thats a good thing! great stuff Lebowskii!
Thanks guys! I just went and checked on my babies and all is well. for some reason there are a lot of flys around and I think it might be linked to the bat guano in the "Big Bloom" nutes. Had to blow my plants for a good... 15 minutes to get all the stupid cotton looking stuff, flying off the neighbors trees into my garden, OUT of my garden.

When it starts getting to be 80+ here, Im going to lay some more of that green mesh over the top of the box like area to keep it cool in there. I was thinking too of puting some sort of slits in the sides of the mesh box for airflow.

Glad I have you guys to ping pong ideas off of ;) would make an awkward dinner conversation at Christmas:ganjamon:

I agree with FE. I like to top my plants at about 12-15" but that is indoor. If I were you, top your plants and not too much trimming. Plants will get massive outside and there is no need to trim like you would on indoor plants. This is also just my opinion.
I'm with everyone else...I would probably let that girl grow a little more and then try and experiment any way you want. I just experimented with my first topping attempt and I think it worked out pretty well. I topped my girl really early (maybe too early) but she is taking it pretty well. I plan on topping this plant as many times as possible and see what happens. My other plant that I didn't spend any money on will probably be used as a test for supercropping. Supercropping is still pretty new to me and I need to learn some more about it before I do anything...

Anyways your plants are looking very nice. Keep it up man, my plants are almost at the same stage except indoors. It's nice to have a little comparison going...
Things are looking great around there keep it up, cant wait to start seeing thoes pretty little nugs:ganjamon:
everything is looking really good manG! i actually have to dismantle my grow-op after i crop out my last lady, which really fuckin sucks. lol. so i need a new grow spot now. but til then, i have yours to look at so i dont feel so bad thanks lmao:bong: oh ya n i know the dispensary is always fun n shit, but next time, if you go and all pathways has is some redbud ass stress, lmao, hit me up dude. =]
[LotzOfTrycs] I agree with FE. I like to top my plants at about 12-15" but that is indoor. If I were you, top your plants and not too much trimming. Plants will get massive outside and there is no need to trim like you would on indoor plants. This is also just my opinion.

Thanks for stoppin in LotzOfTrycs! great advice. I went out and measured my plants yesturday and the tallest (G-13) was 17 inches tall. a couple others were 14 or 15, a few 12s, and the smallest were 6 or 7 inches tall. Topping here i come...if i could figure out where to snip em.... :smokin:

[Reefa Cheefa] Anyways your plants are looking very nice. Keep it up man, my plants are almost at the same stage except indoors. It's nice to have a little comparison going...

Thanks man, ya, its interesting to look at your page and compare to my babies! :grinjoint:

[N.W.Green] Things are looking great around there keep it up, cant wait to start seeing thoes pretty little nugs

Whatsup N.W.Green, thanks! I Have to take some more recent pictures soon because they just started getting their Big Bloom + Grow Big diet rolling and now they are just exploding! I cant wait. :grinjoint:

[Bomb Sangwich] everything is looking really good manG! i actually have to dismantle my grow-op after i crop out my last lady, which really fuckin sucks. lol. so i need a new grow spot now.

O NO! ... [ and clubs are cool and all but that was depressing ]
I was reading in on how to top a plant as I think its getting time for my big girls.
What is the FIM technique?

^^ after reading that, I came to the conclusion that I still don't get it. Any advice for a noob attempting topping? How far down do I top? Here is a picture of the barrel I was planning on topping first...

Looking good! To top her you want to do it at the newest growth. I'm going to post some pics of my plant I topped it might help...
I simply cut off the top of the plant where the new growth was coming in. Make sure you don't cut off those little branches that are popping up, those both become your main stems.

Within four days the two branches were taking off...

Hopefully that helps, I have a hard time explaining things sometimes especially right after I wake up. :bong:
As far as I know you can top as much as you want...Not positive tho. I'm going to top those two branches again so I would have four main stalks. Good luck man!
Girls have lots of nice growth on them good job, i also posted some pictures of the pot of gold for yah, and i think you can make one of my cloners its super ez. ill help ya :bong:
Girls have lots of nice growth on them good job, i also posted some pictures of the pot of gold for yah, and i think you can make one of my cloners its super ez. ill help ya :bong:

Awesome! Im gunna start some tasty sounding strands by seed in a while and I definately think one of them might be pot of gold...

Thanks for the help, ill let you know when ima make one. :passitleft:
It is very hard to kill a plant by topping it (as long as you leave most of they leafs). You can cut half the damn plant down and it still will survive. Reefa has a good example. If I was home, I would take pics of the way I top my plants. I like to cut about 90% of the new growth and leave the other 10% on the plant. This allows you to have anywhere from 2-4 tops. I have yet to perfect it to get 4 everytime.

I have also heard you don't want to top your plants more than 2 times. I don't know the reasoning for this, but I can only assume it has something to do with stress.

You can also just pinch the tops off with your fingers without cutting. That's what I do.
Hey beware I heard that the g-13 don't take to the chop top so well. I never did it yet but once I do a harvest and get more smoke i will experiment some on the chop top or pinching next crop.
Man I like you plants they are looking really good. :welldone:
Hey something I've noticed is topping later in the veg cycle stunts their growth more than topping early in the plants life. I topped two plants 3 1/2 weeks in veg, and they have taken a long time to pop up.
Well... Its been a while. But, thought it was time for an update (a picture-less one...but an update).

First off, the purple kush's are exploding with bud sites and are beginning to smell! :yahoo: I figured I waited too long to top them anyways, I think it will work out best if I just did a little pruning here and there instead. I took a total of about 25 or 30 leaves off of the plants yesterday. I plucked leaves for multiple reasons, a few were pretty unhealthy looking because it was the plants original clone leaves, And I also took a few leaves off here and there to make sure I had a nice clearance between the dirt and the first tier of leaves (including those little baby leaves on the purple kushes that were just clogging up airflow.)

I made an AWESOME discovery.
I have been rotating my prized baby pk in its own container about an inch a day which it has enjoyed. I started doing this because I saw a very bald spot that I wanted filled in a little bit so I took a leaf or two off here and there, started rotating it so that side of the plant would fill in ( it was starting to be a lopsided plant almost) and sure enough, branches and leaves exploded out of that side too! its beautiful. :yahoo:

My grow area is too small. I am EXTREMELY upset nobody warned me.:grinjoint: I put a few plants in the ground expecting... a few feet tall. But now its time to expand.

So far what Im working on in my head is some sort of top i could just add onto my current setup and attaching it to the overhang above the babies.
PVC piping was what my first and only idea so far. I think i could slide the piping over my stakes in the ground ( or at least... connect them or something ) but Im not sure what to use as a covering. I might just run back to the hardware store and grab some more of that green mesh ( I can not recommend that stuff enough... It has sooooo many practical uses. protects plants from rain, too much hot sun, critters, and most importantly, nosey people looking around my yard.........)

Finally. In my infinite wisdom :)bongrip:) I literally did not plan anything out past this point, and need some help/advice/possible solutions.

PK's will be done first. luckily I have a nice variety and wont have to crop out ALL of the plants at the same time. BUT i cant dry it outside... ( I read the forum on how to dry it so it comes out goooood and thats what i wanna do, there will be no harsh mj in my house! I was thinking I could hang the plants upside down in a shed, but there is almost no air circulation in there, there are bugs and nasties, it just wont work.

My idea was making my own drying box.
Was thinking of going to hardware store, and buying a rubber maid shed/storage unit. I want to install a small fan on the inside sucking air out with a couple tiny holes with screens of some sort to be an air intake place. I was thinking a carbon scrubber would be good for the smell on the exaust.

Anything I missed? Im trying to make the girls turn out the best I possibly can obviously... dont want to put all the work I already have into em, just to sell my self short on drying ;)

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