First Time Indoor Grow - Need Your Help

Vegetation appears to be going well.
Should I be pulling more fan leaves off?
Vegetation appears to be going well. Should I be pulling more fan leaves off?
I would be more prone to take off lower branches than just leaves if it were mine, but I like to lollipop about a week before I flip. Here's one I lollipoped on the left, and the new growth 10 days later on the right:


Yours are smaller but a little branch thinning at the very bottom might help with the salad growth underneath.
Shed beat me to it. That bottom picture does seem variegated slightly.
It's a genetic defect but nothing to worry about unless it's prominent.
The yellowing around the tips and edges I think is a K (potassium) thing but there's some other yellowing going on too.
Anyway she's just hungry.
For veg if you run 18/6 it gives you plenty of time during the day to do plant things, and when you go to 12/12 you can just make sure there is an hour of lights on when you're also awake. I don't know anyone who is only up for 12 hours a day!

As I recall it's got to be a very specific spectrum of green to not interrupt the night cycle, so I'd research that if that's part of the plan.
I stay out of there if i can when its lights off i bought a green headlamp and was working in their quite often on one run ended up with seeds bad that run ,so the next run i stayed out, no prob with seeds on that run so take the info and run with it so ,yeah if you do work in there lights off make it as quick as possible!
I also had to move my controller it has a green light on it to but alas same problem with seeds till i moved that shit out of there!
Now its PITCH BLACK in there lights out ill check the humidity when lights out is active because the heat of my lamps burn off the excess humidity during the day but lights off it likes to stay on the high end of the humidity spectrum and I like to keep it around 50% rh keeps the boltrytitus @ bay if there happens to be some rouge spore's floating around that my filter didn't catch!
Id like to say just 1 more thing
My plants seem too grow at night.
Have you ever went into your space to check your plants At lights on and said "HOLY CRAP!" Massive growths!!
In Soil anyways ,the plants absorbs all the sunlight and carbon during the day which produces chlorophyll which in turn produces sugars which in turn, turns that into energy which some is used by the plant and some put back in the soil through the exudates (signals the Roots put out for the microbes) so the microbes can do their thing and give it back to the plant.
So for an organic Gardner the light recharges the soil and stores carbon from the atmosphere through the plant and the stress of lights on when it lights out isnt good
Reason is the plant takes in c02 during the day to use it as well store it in the soil and releases o2 back into the atmosphere
At night it's the opposite, at night they take in o2 and release co2 and the light at night will confuse the plant with that it thinks it day when actually its night so its BAD STRESS!
Id like to say just 1 more thing
My plants seem too grow at night.
Have you ever went into your space to check your plants At lights on and said "HOLY CRAP!" Massive growths!!
In Soil anyways ,the plants absorbs all the sunlight and carbon during the day which produces chlorophyll which in turn produces sugars which in turn, turns that into energy which some is used by the plant and some put back in the soil through the exudates (signals the Roots put out for the microbes) so the microbes can do their thing and give it back to the plant.
So for an organic Gardner the light recharges the soil and stores carbon from the atmosphere through the plant and the stress of lights on when it lights out isnt good
Reason is the plant takes in c02 during the day to use it as well store it in the soil and releases o2 back into the atmosphere
At night it's the opposite, at night they take in o2 and release co2 and the light at night will confuse the plant with that it thinks it day when actually its night so its BAD STRESS!
Plus the plant is trying to reveg and grow reg again and not flower and then back to flower then back to veg tgen back to flower shit now im even confused 🤔🤔🤔✌️
doing a good job with the training. any thoughts on when you'll flip them?
I'd suggest maybe 2 weeks and in the meantime keep spreading them out to take up the remaining floor space.
I was thinking 4 weeks.
But if you think 2 I would definitely consider it.
How much stretch should I expect with a hydro set up?
Light can still go up a bit more.
Should a post a pic from the front so everyone can see how short they actually are?

Im definitely going to start spreading them out with some stakes.
At the moment they are just pinned down.
Could probably stand to lose a few more fan leaves too I think.
Yah, I agree. Maybe three or four weeks might be better off.
It's just a bit hard to judge the size of them sometimes.
Once you fill the floor space, vertical growth has diminishing returns IMO.

Stretch is somewhat strain dependent, but people will tell you they can double in size.
However If you give them plenty of light they usually don't stretch quite as much.
Tighter node spacing is better off, bigger / longer colas... I just crank the dial when I flip.
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