Flashmp3's Green Crack x Blue Dream Rockwool Revenge

Yes but don’t go chasing ghosts, because then you have no idea what might be off.

It s just cause I didn't like the way two blue dreams were looking

Looks to me like your new growth is spot on. You can't change the damage. What's done is done. Your ph will come up in time. Don't try to change it over night.

You re right. Plus ph should never slide too quickly. I ll see what they look like tomorrow and will just feed with ph6 from now instead 5.8
Lookin good flash! Really have grown well for you! Have you noticed the stretch slowing down or are they still rockin?

Hey friend here is a gif that will answer the question (pictures from yesterday then today) :

Lookin good man. Mine are doing pretty good I think. Definitely slowing down some. I’ll measure from the light down to the tallest bud and then the next day a different one is tallest. So they are still moving just not as much. I’ve been able to see some frost for a while now but now it is easily visible across the whole canopy. Hard for me to get good pics though because of lighting when the LED is off. The flash on my phone isn’t best and when I get close to the top for a pic with the flash on, there are so many pistols that the flash on the white pistols makes for a unclear picture.
Lookin good man. Mine are doing pretty good I think. Definitely slowing down some. I’ll measure from the light down to the tallest bud and then the next day a different one is tallest. So they are still moving just not as much. I’ve been able to see some frost for a while now but now it is easily visible across the whole canopy. Hard for me to get good pics though because of lighting when the LED is off. The flash on my phone isn’t best and when I get close to the top for a pic with the flash on, there are so many pistols that the flash on the white pistols makes for a unclear picture.

Yeah I understand the pics aspect as I had red and blue light before and couldn't take pictures easily. Regarding your plants I love the shape and the way they are evolving at a good rate! Mine still look like 2 weeks old flowering plants instead of more than 3! Really hope they won't produce tiny buds
Pictures take a few minutes ago :

Your fine. The new stuff always looks like that in these pictures, just like buds always look so much lighter. Youre fine
It looks like it’s growing faster than it can keep up with. Keep an eye on her. The light colored leaves should darken up in time.

Yeah exactly. I hope they will stop stretching as they are way tall enough!

Your fine. The new stuff always looks like that in these pictures, just like buds always look so much lighter. Youre fine

I really hope so!

They are looking great flash, great job with them.✌️

Thanks friend I m trying to do my best!
Yeah exactly. I hope they will stop stretching as they are way tall enough!

I really hope so!

Thanks friend I m trying to do my best!

Look at how well your plants are growing. Sick plants dont do that. relax youre fine.
Look at how well your plants are growing. Sick plants dont do that. relax youre fine.

You re right. Plus I did lst only on one single plant. They other one were just topped and some leaves were removed at different time to control growth. I did manage to get a pretty even canopy. I just have 3 plants that are shorter than the rest and look a bit less healthy. But it should be alright. I ll just relax. Thank you man! Really appreciate your support!
You re right. Plus I did lst only on one single plant. They other one were just topped and some leaves were removed at different time to control growth. I did manage to get a pretty even canopy. I just have 3 plants that are shorter than the rest and look a bit less healthy. But it should be alright. I ll just relax. Thank you man! Really appreciate your support!
That is a pretty common thing to freak out about. The faster they grow the more of the tops show light green. The bright white light of the flash doesnt help
You re right. Plus I did lst only on one single plant. They other one were just topped and some leaves were removed at different time to control growth. I did manage to get a pretty even canopy. I just have 3 plants that are shorter than the rest and look a bit less healthy. But it should be alright. I ll just relax. Thank you man! Really appreciate your support!

Sometimes genetics are genetics as well. Doesn't mean that the seeds aren't all from the same batch or whatever but really the only way to grow similar plants is to find a mother and clone it and then you know they have the same genetics. That's a lot of work and requires some space though and isn't feasible for your average at home grower with one or two tents.

I wouldn't be worried about anything like Stltoed said. They're growing really well and wouldn't be if they were sick. Welcome to healthy plants in coco! One day a leaf is new and completely green/yellow and in a day or two its green and looks normal. It is always good to be aware just in case.
The Father of modern genetics was Gregor Mendal and he said once that "Like begets like but not exactly like" meaning every plant will be slightly different no matter how it's reproduced.
The Father of modern genetics was Gregor Mendal and he said once that "Like begets like but not exactly like" meaning every plant will be slightly different no matter how it's reproduced.
I like that.
Mendals work is very interesting, he worked out the way Genetics work by studying Pea plants.

But you cant smoke a pea plant... coukdnt be that smart!!!

Anyone who has grown from seed with any regularity will probably agree with his quote. Thanks Penny... good stuff
Sometimes genetics are genetics as well. Doesn't mean that the seeds aren't all from the same batch or whatever but really the only way to grow similar plants is to find a mother and clone it and then you know they have the same genetics. That's a lot of work and requires some space though and isn't feasible for your average at home grower with one or two tents.

I wouldn't be worried about anything like Stltoed said. They're growing really well and wouldn't be if they were sick. Welcome to healthy plants in coco! One day a leaf is new and completely green/yellow and in a day or two its green and looks normal. It is always good to be aware just in case.

Thanks for this sharing. You are so right and I should be happy that I managed to grow them in a way they fill all the space and still have an almost even canopy.

The Father of modern genetics was Gregor Mendal and he said once that "Like begets like but not exactly like" meaning every plant will be slightly different no matter how it's reproduced.

Yeah! Even twins human beings have differences. It s just how genetics works! And as Ase said the only way is cloning!

I ll do my best to give them the more care I can and will patiently be waiting for next month! Thank you guys!
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