Fluffy's Got The Golden Ticket

no problem OMM:) I didnt have 1 problem with them in soil,they are finicky in hydro though.very sensitive to ph fluxuations.they also grow wierd leaves in soil or hydro.1-2 and 3 fingered leaves and some of them look deformed but no nanners at all.I read something about the more crosses a strain has the more likely it is to do stuff like that.I dont know if this means its not stable all I know is its a great yielder for a kush and it has a delicious lemony og flavor.well my pheno does so I guess I have the og #18 pheno.when I get some more time I ll probably get a ten pack of them and really look for the best best pheno:)

Sounds good to me jon. Sounds like it is actually not too stable.......but very good.....I can live with that. After thinking about it, I not going to order any seeds, not that I wouldn't like to try they them, I have too many I have to plant already.:Namaste:
Hi Prof! :geek:

Thank you so much for the good luck wishes, we might need em lol. I think my error was in the soaking before putting them in the root riot cubes, I left them too long (by mistake). They shot up and are now doing absolutely sod all and are really tatty. I feel like such a bad Fluffy!

Once they have popped up I give the soil a squirt a couple of times a day, just plain water. I make sure the root riot cubes are damp not wet.

Still, lessons learned and all is well.

I think we could be a lot slower as well because it is getting pretty chilly, and I have no way of heating the girls overnight.

Let's hope the two poorly ones pick up, but if not, I have three more waiting to go. I am so tempted to pop another just in case but that could end up horribly messy later on :laugh:


Hey fluffy, You say you have know way to heat your ladies. I veg on a 24hr lights on so no worries with the big chill. I know some people say your plants out grow their roots and it hurts the yield but I have never seen any evidence to prove it. I transplanted from 1 gallon to 5 gallons and the roots hit bottom and filled the buckets in a weeks time just make sure you let the soil completely dry out before you water and have sufficient air movement and the roots grow fine in my opinion. The only reason to grow on any other cycle in veg is to save money and keep temps down, which is a good thing not knocking anyone's methods. Just throwing an idea out there for you. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey fluffy, You say you have know way to heat your ladies. I veg on a 24hr lights on so no worries with the big chill. I know some people say your plants out grow their roots and it hurts the yield but I have never seen any evidence to prove it. I transplanted from 1 gallon to 5 gallons and the roots hit bottom and filled the buckets in a weeks time just make sure you let the soil completely dry out before you water and have sufficient air movement and the roots grow fine in my opinion. The only reason to grow on any other cycle in veg is to save money and keep temps down, which is a good thing not knocking anyone's methods. Just throwing an idea out there for you. :cheesygrinsmiley:

strangely i have never heard any people say that about the plant outgrowing its roots. what i have heard, and seen and read on the help thread about roots and dark is that just like almost any other species on the planet that has a rest cycle, the plant heals and grows better in the dark.

i think you will actually find that 2 identical plants and identical conditions that the plant on 20/4 will our perform the the other on 24/0.

GLR which is a 12/5.5/1/5.5 light system has growth benefits that are no longer in any doubt whatsoever.

i do not normally refute anything anyone says head on...but

The only reason to grow on any other cycle in veg is to save money and keep temps down

is simply wrong.

Edit: thats not to imply you can not grow perfectly well on 24/0, because you can....but we in the business of busting myths not perpetuting them ;)
24/0 works fine though. I've used 18/6, GLR (12-1 technique) and 24/0. They all work fine. I like GLR and 18/6 slightly better than 24/0, but I still use 24/0 for some of my plants in order to keep temps consistent/ideal when cloning in the same space - and I have zero complaints. I agree with Gittergreen that it can be a good solution for that sort of problem (potentially). Yes, there are some other benefits to vegging with GLR or other light cycles but it's not like you can't grow beautiful well-yielding plants vegged 24/0.
agreed! i run 24/0 most of the time, my timer brok so spent rather a long time on 24/0...trying to be 16/8 now manually.

i just wanted to clear up that tiny little flaw in the logic. cant have someone who is only on their 2nd grow and learning the fundamental rules dismissing interesting and beneficial quirks to lighting schedules as nothing more than energy saving.

Its also noteworthy that some lowryder/ruderalis hybrids FAIL to flower on a 24/0...kind of important to someone wanting to grow auto's ;)

I, er, haven't taken pics of them because they are looking so icky. They don't want the world to see them looking like that. We will see if they survive first, then you can see pics of em ;) Can't get the journal makers these days can you? :)

BUT.... looks like the Lucy (Ruby II reincarnation) and Auto NL are about to break for freedom. The Auto AK is definitely doing something (cos I peeked :shhh: Angel Fluff :angel:). I am sure they won't mind their pictures being taken!

I am struggling not to put another one in because I genuinely don't think the Auto Afghan Kush or the Auto White Dwarf are going to make it because of my boo boo.

Hmm, what to do, what to do .... :hmmmm:

:cheer::cheer: seedlings pics seedlings pics :cheer::cheer:

My darling, do you not think you will change your mind again? :)

I am absolutely terrible. I am never ever going to be able to grow all the seeds I have, because there are so many to try! :yahoo:

Oooh, look, that one and that one ... oooooh! definitely that one! :laugh:

Thanks for showing us these jon705. It is a prize wining strain and has one of the highest ratings I have seen.
DNA has another winner with this one. I though I wouldn't order anymore seeds, but this one I have to try!

Sounds good to me jon. Sounds like it is actually not too stable.......but very good.....I can live with that. After thinking about it, I not going to order any seeds, not that I wouldn't like to try they them, I have too many I have to plant already.:Namaste:
Hello Northerner! :ciao:

Of course I don't mind, the more the merrier :welcome:

Please forgive the somewhat chaotic domestic arrangements at the moment, I am trying to arrange more snuggly chairs for everyone so we can all put our feet up in comfort.

The reps were deserved, the compliments you were giving a good friend of mine here made me very happy :blushsmile:

Look forward to seeing you again soon! :thanks:

Hey fluffy. Thx for the reps. Mind if I stick around 4 a bit, need to read up on what's happening over here.
:) That's why you're my kind of chap ;)

hmmm running low on supplies or running low on places to put plants..i know which dilema i would prefer :rofl:
Well Giga I'm just a newbie so I will take your word for it. I have not grown any other way so I can't argue with you man. I recant my statement "only reason" that was very silly when I know others have done controlled experiments to prove other wise. I was just trying to give our friend fluffy away to keep her babies warm at night without spending money on a heater. :peace:

Oh fluffy do forgive me I did promise to be quiet didn't I? :idea::oops::sorry::shhh::angel::hug:
Hi GG, lovely to see you and thank you for helping me :blushsmile: :hug:

I would love to leave my lights on 24/0 to keep the little ones warm, but the problem is the electric bill. You know how it is, the damned world gets in the way of our growing. Grrrrrrrrrr....

Bless your heart as well, I was in a similar position to you a couple of months back and it absolutely sucked worse than the world's lemoniest lemon. I am keeping everything crossed you find something good very very soon.

Erm, have I come across to your journal yet? I usually try and go straight away and sub but I totally distract myself so it is very possibly I haven't been there yet :)

Hey fluffy, You say you have know way to heat your ladies. I veg on a 24hr lights on so no worries with the big chill. I know some people say your plants out grow their roots and it hurts the yield but I have never seen any evidence to prove it. I transplanted from 1 gallon to 5 gallons and the roots hit bottom and filled the buckets in a weeks time just make sure you let the soil completely dry out before you water and have sufficient air movement and the roots grow fine in my opinion. The only reason to grow on any other cycle in veg is to save money and keep temps down, which is a good thing not knocking anyone's methods. Just throwing an idea out there for you. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Noooo ... don't you fret! Gig's signature used to have a bit in it about being grumpy :laugh:

You were coming in to try and help, to be honest I have no idea what I am doing and I can't really offer much advice to others either. I think that's why the poor place has had extra fluffiness while I am learning :yikes:

I've learned loads from the little discussion so it's all good! :hug:

Well Giga I'm just a newbie so I will take your word for it. I have not grown any other way so I can't argue with you man. I recant my statement "only reason" that was very silly when I know others have done controlled experiments to prove other wise. I was just trying to give our friend fluffy away to keep her babies warm at night without spending money on a heater. :peace:

Oh fluffy do forgive me I did promise to be quiet didn't I? :idea::oops::sorry::shhh::angel::hug:
I think for me the GLR is the go to method instinctively. It just feels right saving money and getting some great growth benefits too. I guess it's all about weighing up one's priorities and seeing what method fits best?

24/0 works fine though. I've used 18/6, GLR (12-1 technique) and 24/0. They all work fine. I like GLR and 18/6 slightly better than 24/0, but I still use 24/0 for some of my plants in order to keep temps consistent/ideal when cloning in the same space - and I have zero complaints. I agree with Gittergreen that it can be a good solution for that sort of problem (potentially). Yes, there are some other benefits to vegging with GLR or other light cycles but it's not like you can't grow beautiful well-yielding plants vegged 24/0.
Well Giga I'm just a newbie so I will take your word for it. I have not grown any other way so I can't argue with you man. I recant my statement "only reason" that was very silly when I know others have done controlled experiments to prove other wise. I was just trying to give our friend fluffy away to keep her babies warm at night without spending money on a heater. :peace:

Oh fluffy do forgive me I did promise to be quiet didn't I? :idea::oops::sorry::shhh::angel::hug:

hey brother all is good and wholesome here. Fluffy is right i did have something in my sig before to warn people about my blunt and grumpyness, its a direct result of lack of social skills when broaching a sensitive point, so i just tend to say it as i see it and hope i dont piss anyone off too much, lol.

your advice was given with the best intentions and with the limit of your own experience.
dont hold back giving advice just cos some loudmouth with no diplomacy hit it with a big hammer ;)
like the rest of us, im sure you will look back at some of your own posts 6 months from now and think..oops did i say that ;)

on the bright side, i seem to be this forums little yap dog, so if you can stay confident after me, anyone else that notices a conflict will prolly be much nicer about it...

but honest public correction with out f'ing and blinding is what makes this magazine a cut above the rest =)
See, now that's just what I was trying to say! :laugh: :love:

dont hold back giving advice just cos some loudmouth with no diplomacy hit it with a big hammer ;)
I would love to leave my lights on 24/0 to keep the little ones warm, but the problem is the electric bill.

hmm remember i said about the false floor? well if you use things like solid bricks and the like, they will absorb some of your lights on heat and radiate it back out at night....also someone like you HAS to have hot water bottles ;)
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