Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Autos

Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

Today, the girls are one-week-old. Their soil was looking dry on top, so I decided this was a good time to start with the fish emulsion. Soil was a little compacted, so we loosened it up a little bit. They got one teaspoon of fish emulsion per gallon of water and watered until runoff. As soon as I'm sure the runoff has stopped, I'll dump the water in the trays.
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

Hey gramps computers can definitely be frustrating.. anything you need help with we have got your back. Sounds like you know whats up though.

Subbed up i have a similar setup, looking forward to seeing what an old blind guy can grow. No disrespect intented im betting you grow some killer buds cant wait!
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

IT... in the 20-plus years I had been using them, you better believe they are! Unfortunately, I cannot use computers and need longer, and am stuck using smartphones and tablets. It is quite an operation to post a picture using a smartphone when you're blind. I think I might have figured it out now. This is the picture of the blue trickle... I hope.

Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

Yep its there man, a little blurry but no big deal. She will grow big and beautiful! Im sure it is difficult, i cant begin to imagine how you use a smartphone.. let alone post a picture to your own thread on a forum. Im glad you can though, cant wait to compare my grow to yours!
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

I wouldn't mind comparing myself. Could you please post a link all by itself in a post, or send it all by itself in a p.m. to me? That way I can sub in and catch up on it. Thanks for letting me know that one posted. Now. I'm going to try to post the rest of the three in one post.
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

Aw they look so happy especially the white rino! Got some water beads on the polar express.. shipping some water out to the north pole? Lame joke sorry lol better pics this time too good job!

Im sending you a pm with the link one second, makes me happy you want to do the same! .
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

YAY!!! It worked! It takes quite a number of steps to do it, but once I do a few more it will be a piece of cake. I have to start in a browser to upload them, then shut it down and reopen it, go to my gallery to obtain the links using the web address bar, then I can come to the application and take the steps to place them in a post.

I'll go Sub in, as soon as I get the PM.
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

Yes, according to my wife they look really good. I have the lights set a little more than 18 inches from the top of the biggest one. I may go a little bit higher to encourage stretching during the dark periods. Since they are only a week old at this point, I don't think that can hurt anything, it may also encourage quicker and better root growth. After all, at this stage, the more root growth :thumb: the better.
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

Good morning everyone. Time for another stupid question. After giving them their first taste of fish emulsion, and watering only until run off, we found each tray full of water when we shut the lights off this morning. They have been emptied, but this brought a concern to mind.
What if we get to the end of week 2 and they still are not showing signs of having any dryness in the soil? How do I feed them without being able to use water? Maybe I'm just being paranoid... But it is a concern to me.
Re: Grandpa's 1st Grow - Soil - Tent - 300W LED - Blue Mystic & Northern Lights XL Au

Fair enough. I'll keep my eye on them and the soil. When a few more days have gone by, or if something strange occurs, I'll post more pics. It's amazing how fast these Autos grow! Only a week from scouting and they're already almost 3 inches tall.
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