Green Gelato From Seed: Thin Mint Cookies x Sunset Sherbet

May 16th. Foliage spray of Ca/Mg 2 ml/1.5 liters water.

May 17th. Plants seem to be taking having a growth spurt with heavy strong foliage. Flat canopy and plants starting to turn vertical at outside perimeter of their tubs. Will plan to defoliate these plants by next weekend.

May 21st. defoliated the four plants. Not sure as to how much to take off the plants at this time so I left about 40-50 % of the leaves on the plants above the bifurcations and pruned off any suckers below the main bifurcations leaving me with 8 sites on 2 plants and 16 on 2 plants. The growth spurt was big in the last week and the plants and are now horizontally covering the tubs surface and being allowed to have vertical growth now. Will wait this next week to see them recover and then put them out side in their tubs if the temp at night stays warm. Pics to follow…..
May 24th. Pic of all four plants the 2 on the right are manifolded to 8 bud sites and the 2 on the left are manifolded to 16 bud sites a couple of days ago. Will let them now grow vertically as they are now covering their tubs which are about 24 inches long. The plant in the back left has thinner stems than the others and the leaves are a little bit thinner in appearance. The plants will be set outside in their tubs next week in a sheltered area to get accustomed to sunshine.
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Great job on the training Chungo! :bravo::theband::roorrip:
This is gonna be one awesome grow! :headbanger:
Great job on the training Chungo! :bravo::theband::roorrip:
This is gonna be one awesome grow! :headbanger:
Hope so as I am trying to focus on the bud size on this grow and use a semi organic grow to lessen my actual work and potential problems. We will see in a couple three months I guess. The flowering stage was the most difficult last time with some nutrient problems however they were corrected with flushing and time.
May 26th. Gave all four plants 1/ 2 gallons PH 6.58 water ea. and 2-5-1 Fish and Kelp emulsion 60 ml. in 2 gallons of water and divided that to ½ a gallon ea. also. Keeping my fingers crossed that I am not over doing it with the nutrients since these tubs have amended soil in them….
May 28th. Heavy trimming to all four plants as they are now growing fast and a couple are close to the top of the hoops. Just found some info on Fluxing which looks interesting and maybe give it a try on the next grow.
May 29th. Had frost yesterday and hesitant to put plants outside just yet. More pictures of the plants post heavy pruning and showing the organized symmetrical shape of the plants from manifolding. Their height is just below the hoops now but growth is now fast and encouraged to be vertical to a goal of 20-24 in. before the 12/12 switch.The speed at which this variety is growing we should be at the 20-24 in. height in 3 weeks. Found various info on Fluxing which sounds interesting and up for consideration next time. Fluxing appears to be just a continuation of manifolding?
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Chungo, i am loving your training techniques :adore::bravo::yahoo: I am so excited to see how these are going to turn out in flower.
Thanks for the link irie. I have been quite amazed at the difference in the plant structure of my first grow compared to this grow. Both plants are supposed to be Indica dominate however their growth rate and structure appear quite different. The first grow was Green Crack which grew much slower and compact in size as compared to these Green Gelato which have a more robust structure and faster growth. In fairness they have been grown differently with regards to soil and nutrients and their training has been different also with Topping compared to this Manifold method. I am interested in the final looks these plants give me and their output........
May 30th. Foliar spray of Ca/Mg 2ml. in 1.5 litres given to all four plants just because. Mixed up another batch of Compost tea using 2 cups EWC and ½ cup Molasses in 4 gal H20 and plan on using it next time I water plants in about a week. Plants are about 12-18 in. horizontal growth and about 5-8 inches vertical growth. Lights are set at 22-24 inches high. Also ready to start tying stems to hoops in the next week. I enjoy the veg stag of these plants as it is relatively problem free but it is the flowering stage that gave me issues last time and sort of looking forward to flowering again and see if the nutrients and super soil addresses this blip.
June 1st. Plants give Mg/Ca foliage spray. Given 1/2 gal. water PH 6.3 ea.

June 4th. The girls are outside for some fresh air. Seem to be coming along well and are about ½ the height for what I am shooting for of 20-24 in., they will get another trimming in the next week and also tying to the top hoop.
A couple of the four plants look very similar to each other and more robust in growth and one appears more Indica and one more Sativa in leaves and physical structure.
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Loving this Chungo, really impressive training and growing :bravo:I’m having a good time seeing these develop. Awesome job bro, these are some happy plants! :yummy::ganjamon:
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