Greenislands grow journal 09' #2

I've been just quickly reading through my subscribed threads but I just cannot do that with yours ... too much detail! I will need to dedicate some time to absorb all you've presented here and in your TEK article. Thank you for sharing it all with us.
Green.....Love the plan,why dont you do away with the 2,3 hall and just put the doors to the rooms in the first hall you will get more grow space.plant are loooking great
Green.....Love the plan,why dont you do away with the 2,3 hall and just put the doors to the rooms in the first hall you will get more grow space.plant are loooking great

It appears he wanted to have a staging space to change into clean clothes as to prevent contamination of the main chambers. I could see the central hallway becoming that cleaning / scrub room and having doors from there into each chamber.
his sink is right there?you can still have the door to each chamber from the first hall.give me 2 to 3 more feet in my grow room ill show you what to do with it lol.
lol, no actually...well...yes but... let me explain. Yes the hallway was necessary for several reasons. It allows me to go into both flowering rooms after going through a clean room. However this was not the main reason for this. One of tshe main reason for the hallway was so that I could access my clones and vegging plants without walking through either of the bloom rooms, I was worried about light contamination mostly and Im walking in on there and checking on things at all kinds of crazy hours. I didnt want the veg light to leak into a "dark" bloom room. Also I originally had planned on using a flip-flop for the lights and have 3-600watters in each room on 12 hours a day, with the ballasts running 24/7 and also doing away with that tell tale trace of a 12 hr flowering cycle going on in a room. I no longer plan on using a flip-flop however I do plan on running the rooms on opposite times as one another so they are never both on at the same time. doing this keeps me electricity usage rather level in comparison and keeps the electric company out of my bussiness (even though Im legal, I dont want to attract any unwanted attention, I try and keep to myself). And first and foremost the reason why the rooms are sperated and run at different times is because my AC can not cool 4000watts of lights, however it can reasonably cool 2000watts of lights at a time. That is the main reason why the room is the way it is. I do use the clean room to change in and try and be clean but this also helps with fighting disease and pests because it forces you (if you dont use the quick entry doors which I usually only use if Im taking pics for you guys) to walk through the room with the young plants first which is always preferred in any greenhouse environment for a number of reasons. The main reason you do this is so you dont track pests or molds or diseases from the older plants that have had more of a chance to contract some kind of "something" pest etc. (because they have been around longer) into the room with the young plants (that are more succeptiple to disease etc because their younger). I would like to point out that typically this isnt very important indoors though and is rarely a practice unless you have like a bunch of greenhouses with a bunch of plants, and your older plants have bugs diseases etc. But it is just a good practice that has stuck with me.

Munki, Im am so sorry. I am certainly very very veeerry long winded sometimes, I know that. My apologies. I will try to keep it more short sweet and to the point from now on.

Anyhow I do so much love that people come to read my journals, I know you all have a choice on this great website as far as what journals you subscribe to. Thanks for stopping by!
np we have like 4 seperate rooms in the house to work with an we have them spread out pretty we dont run into that problem of passing along bugs and such.I get what you mean now gl with that looks good.grow garlic keeps away pets fact brother no aphids will go close to it.
Oh, NP Greenislands. Take all the space you need in order to explain yourself fully. Stick with what works for you.
lol, garlic? really? i want something that Mites wont get close too. They havent been in this garden at all, and it took almost 2 years to completally get rid of all of them but Im always worried that someday they will come back. I HATE those little bastards!!! Mites fucking SUCK! And I got them from the Hydro store, go figure. Now if I stop by the hydro store I change clothes before I go anywhere near my plants. I dont and never have had any problems with aphids. Do you know if garlic works for mites too Pit?
New member here and have to say I am jazzed I came across this site. I have been experimenting with making my own different set ups like DWC, Aeroponics and just finished my own Ebb and Gro system with 3 gal. buckets and single line-loop feed. I don't have a controler so I have to use gravity for my return. I noted that in your first journal you asked how often and how long to flood your babies. I didn't see a response with answer and I would also like to know this. I currently flood my system until the bucket is 2/3 full which takes five minutes with the pump I am using. It takes nearly that long to completely drain the system back into the resevoir so I am averaging a 6-7 minute span with a majority of the root systems being in solution. Should this be increased? Currently the girls seem to be showing no signs of underwatering but I want to give them the best opportunity to provide me with the most bountiful of harvests.
I plan to purchase a controler in the near future ($319) unless someone builds one for cheaper and shares such construction with the world (hint hint). Great journals and love the pics. I hope to have some to post soon. The ladies are in mid bloom and really starting to fill out.
I flood my buckets, 5 times a day for 15 minutes at a time, for my 3 gallon buckets. Lady on in there life-cycle sometimes I will run it for 30 minutes at a time, however Im sure that its probably best to probably usually run for 4-5 times a day at only 15 minutes at a time, thats the "standard" I would say. At this site I found a super price for the whole shibang, and with free shipping for $450. Check it out if you like here.Grow Wurks - EBB & GRO System EBB-12. You can also get the same deal at Sunlight Hydro on Ebay. As far as for the controller unit goes you should be able to find one for under $300. Were glad to have you here drdan. Hope you stick around and check out some of the other things this site has to offer, its a really friendly place. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks Green, I appreciate the quick response to my questions. Shortly after posting, I read on and found a nice DIY on a gravity feed controler and quickly adapted it to my system. Now my girls get proper feedings and I am grinning from ear to ear at having found this site. I would have liked to have found it a couple of months ago when I first set out to conquer the world of hydro. After several failed and not so satisfactory experiments, I settled on my current method. Could have saved a few bucks and hours of frustration... but then I wouldn't appreciate this site so much otherwise.
OK, so I know this is off topic but you guys just gotta see my new thread. Its a real short story about something that happened to me yesterday. Im sure you all will get a kick out of it, or maybe you will be mad like I was, either way heres the link, Pot Blunders Check it out!
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