Grow #2

I hope your right, if not I'll pick all of those things off and fight!! Lmao

I think my photo skills are getting a little bit better....

I hope all your ladies are fine my friend.
Your pics look great Light. And your Fubars are beautiful, so healthy looking. I'm amazed, Fubar 2 will be great to watch.

da goon stopped by my thread, he said that he starts counting when he sees the pistils forming and that correlates very closely with the times the seed companies give. That makes sense to me, how else could you give times for outdoor plants?

Good luck!
Your pics look great Light. And your Fubars are beautiful, so healthy looking. I'm amazed, Fubar 2 will be great to watch.

da goon stopped by my thread, he said that he starts counting when he sees the pistils forming and that correlates very closely with the times the seed companies give. That makes sense to me, how else could you give times for outdoor plants?

Good luck!

Ok Thanks BlueDog, for your helpful infomation and wonderful comment about my Fubar girls.

That makes sense about the flowering times I guess.
Fubar #2 1st day in The Bloom Room

28 days Later

Not bad in my opinion.. I hope the next 5 weeks are just as smooth.
Things have progressed great. Wow only 5 more weeks time goes by so fast. It seems like so long ago that I read your first post. Can't wait for the finish yours and mine.
Woo-hoo :slide: You doing some fine work my friend ;)

:welcome: sisco glad to have ya aboard.

Thank you for your comment my friend.

Things have progressed great. Wow only 5 more weeks time goes by so fast. It seems like so long ago that I read your first post. Can't wait for the finish yours and mine.

Time flies when you have fun...lmao I remember when she was just a cutting and didn't even have roots.

It should be fun to watch over the weeks to come.. You should have a decent harvest with all of your ladies.
My Big Bud's youngins are doing quite well.

Both of them

BB #1 1st plant in the last photo

BB #2 in the back of the 1st photo

Sorry for the blury photo.

They are doing very well and might be out of the seedling stage. Time for these girls to grow, grow, and grow some more. I plan on topping them a couple times and we'll go from there. They are starting their 4th set of leaves, which are a 5 fingered leaf. I think I'll wait at least another couple weeks before I even think about toping them. I want at least 3 to 4 sets of 7 or 9 fingered leaves before I top them. I topped Fubar #2 at her 3rd branch, waited a week or two and then topped every branch. I should not have topped the bottom two branches because they did not grow up enough to complete for any light and had been removed about a week ago. I learned from my mistakes.

I'm kinda excited about these plants and looking forward to what they can do. I hope for one female but if I get two that's even better!:slide: I guess that's part of the excitment with growing from seed, not knowing what your gonna get. I was told it's Big Bud well thats the strain I bought from a reliable source for 15 a gram. I got 3 seeds two sprouted and here we go. I don't know what pollenated her mother and crossed with it to develope these seeds. I have to metion that I had gotten some G-13 pollenated by White Widow from the same source, from the same grow area. They mentioned to me that their WW went hermie on them and pollenated the whole room. Untill I hear anything futher I will just call it Big Bud..:hookah::smokin:

Do they look like Big Bud plants or are they to small to tell. I have never grown this strain and know nothing about them. Any and all help/comments are welcome.

Well that's the update on my lil ones... Until next time I hope all is well in the World.
They look great, will be great to see them if a month.
Hey Buddy :yummy:

Looking good.....looking good. After the third set of leaves...Top em. I was accused of waiting to long to top by a old time grower. You know I top and top, and top again. Sure does help the yield! But you know that! :blunt:
Hey Buddy :yummy:

Looking good.....looking good. After the third set of leaves...Top em. I was accused of waiting to long to top by a old time grower. You know I top and top, and top again. Sure does help the yield! But you know that! :blunt:

Good to know I always waited till the 5th set and topped.
They look great, will be great to see them if a month.

Thanks braynes, I can't wait to see them either..

Hey Buddy :yummy:

Looking good.....looking good. After the third set of leaves...Top em. I was accused of waiting to long to top by a old time grower. You know I top and top, and top again. Sure does help the yield! But you know that! :blunt:

Good looking out on that info OMM. I am a fan of topping my ladies now. It does wonders for grows indoors or outside.

No sweat on the blurry pics, as a matter of fact that's all you'll get out of me. I'm stealing my daughters Fisher Price for updates :tokin:

good looking young-ns!

Lmao, thanks Sisco. I bet your daughter's happy about that! She's like I love the photos Dad. Keep up the good work.....Those flowers are really
Just a photo update today Ladies and Gents.

Day 33 of 12/12 {Day 23 of Flower} Fubar #2

Close up photos


I took a bunch of photos so check the rest out in my gallery..

Day 23 of 12/12 {Day 2 of flowering} Fubar #3



I will do a full update in a couple days.

I hope all is well in the world..
Yeah right, lol
She will never find out, they go to bed and my other "kids" wake up. I set the grow for 8-8 so the door stays shut untill after they are in bed.:blunt:

The girls look good and healthy! :goodjob:

Sorry bro that was the 1st thing that popped into my dome when I read your post.. I was just messing around with ya man.
No hard feelings...:smokin:

I have a story to tell about something like this. A long time ago way before my daughter was born, when I was a street Doctor and made house calls. :blunt:{ I like how I put that} I was a at a patients home, they did not hide anything from their children, bringing over their perscription and handed it to them. Their youngest boy {he had to be like maybe 4 give or take} was like I know what's that is, and my dumb azz what like I bet you don't. He was like how much you gonna bet, I said a dollar. He was like ok and said exactly was it was, I looked at the parents and was like you tell him this stuff. His parents talk outloud about everything infront of there children. I paid the little sh!t his dollar but everytime I came back over he always told me. My parents say you got the fire.... Why would anyone teach there kids that?

I know a lot of children in certian homes, where their parents don't give two sh!ts. I grew up with these dude and he let his 3 year old smoke, drink, and thought the shit was funny. Now his son is 14 and getting in so much trouble. This same guy now lets his 3 year old daughter say F*^k You Nigga, I'll grab a knife and cut you. I wonder why because that is what she hears all day long from both of her parents. All he does all day is play the 360, he don't work, no job between him nor his girl. They cash two out of three of their children's SSI checks, Live off Welfare. Yet they have a 50 inch flat screen TV, his girl get's like 600 a month in Food stamps plus whatever in Cash. Run up like $150 in fronts a month and pays it all of with my tax dollars. That sh!t pisses me off. Karma will come back..

Oh well I guess I'm rambling on and on.. I'm glad you keep your child away from all the dumb things some people do..
WOW, that's messed up. I feel for kids that have irresponsible parents, they pass ignorance down to them.

My deal with my kids is, they have NEVER seen me smoke. I'm waiting on the day that I can explain to them about adults and their relaxation. I don't want to hide anything from them ever, but I don't think there little innocent brains can process the good and the bad of Booze,drugs, or our herb.

So, Doc... you got my script ready? lol good one man. I didn't take any offense by the way. Take care and live on my man.:peacetwo:
I pray for all of those kids that they will make it safely through life.

My daughter knows daddy smokes a cigar:blunt: Her mother smokes cigs and so does every-1 in both of our families so that's what I expain it to her as. Daddy smokes a Black N Mild. My little one anit so little anymore she's will be 9 next

One day I was :blunt: outside on a warm summer night{just gazing at the stars} and then came inside. She said Dad why are your eyez so red. I was like Daddy worked all night and have been up all day, without a nap. It was late and I was up the whole night before because I was working 3rd shift and was up the whole day. I said I can't stay up all night and day like when I was 16. Daddy needs to sleep... LOL

You take care as well.
Some people have no business having kids... lots of people unfortunately. In this case they're just stupid, the kids will tell their friends sooner or later. Or school will scare the hell out of them with the DARE program and they'll turn in their parents, I've heard of that more than once.
Some people have no business having kids... lots of people unfortunately. In this case they're just stupid, the kids will tell their friends sooner or later. Or school will scare the hell out of them with the DARE program and they'll turn in their parents, I've heard of that more than once.

I totally agree with you there BlueDog, some people have no busniess having kids. I have heard of people getting raided because their children told what was going on in the house, they didn't know any better.
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