Hash Hounds Nirvana Super Skunk & Papaya in Soil

Started growing 12/12 from the start on Feb 1, 400w MH (will switch to 400w HPS when I see hairs)

Nirvana; 1 Super Skunk and 1 Papaya. Up and growing in 3 days and looking good.

Started Barneys Farm Vanilla Kush, 1 Sprout and die, 1 sprout and die, 1 no sprout and 1 sprouted and looks like the first day of sprout, no growth, but still alive!!!

Other freebies from Attitude (Dutch Passion White Widow and Reserve Privada Kandy Kush) have done the same thing, sprout and die. All germinated the same time and same way as the Nirvana's (different shipment)

I am thinking the postal system may have caused some sort of damage by zapping them with x-rays or something that is causing the problem..or perhaps the extreme cold temps during shipment here lately, 3 different breeders in the same shipment with the same results?

Using my old 4gl square hempy buckets, only drilled a hole near the bottom for drainage.
Put about a cup of gravel near the hole, then about an inch of perlite on the bottom for good drainage.

bought 3 different bags of soil. I was going to use each in a different bucket for comparisons, but instead chose to mix them together to see what happens.

Magik-Moss is sold by local nursery and made by PVP industries out of Ohio,
Peat moss with a lot of perlite and vermiculite, very light mix

Ferti-Lome is also sold by local nursery, mostly peat based with perlite and dolmite.

Pro-Mix is sold at local HighTec Garden Supply, supposedly organic, looks mostly peat, with some perlite and a few organic additives. It looks and feels just like the Ferti-Lome
Nutes and additives

added 4 scoops OC+ and 4 scoops DM red per container, and about a tbsp epsom

also a cup of Bio-tone starter plus, half a cup dolomite lime, and quarter cup gypsum
I received the Papaya from Nirvana a couple weeks ago. Can't grow it now because I have no room, but will grow it when my current crop will finish. I will follow because I'm very interested in the smoke report. :popcorn:
Here are some updated pics 23 days growing 12/12 from seed. I spotted a pre flower white hair on a node of the Papaya. I sure hope these babys take off under the 12/12 from seed thing.
There is also a Kandy Kush and a White Widow in the small white cups with the Super Skunk, sprouted and not growing, not even as big as the Vanilla Kush. So disappointing.

the Papaya

the Super Skunk

and the runt of the litter is a Barneys Farm Vanilla Kush I mentioned earlier I am having problems with. She finally is starting to show a second set of leaves. Notice the purple. I hope it's nothing bad. And her first leaves are droopy.
Hey Hash, Nice looking plants. On 12/12 I really try to force a bit of stretch to get the size of 20 + inches before stretch stops. I think it has helped with getting a good size. I've seen a lot of very short 12/12 plants, and after researching the grows whewre people get 20+ in. plants on every strain, i found that they do force stretching. I had a Cloud 9 Sativa that went to about 3.5 feet.

The VK looks a bit sad, and needs help. Can you put that to the side and give it a week of veg to help get over what ever the issue is? I had a seedling do that to me once, and I never did figure out why. I always thought back and believe it was due to overwatering. I was using rockwool cubes, and those can really suck up the water. I definatly think the issue was related to root problems, just not sure what. I'm sure someone can help with the VK.
Hi Hash Hound,i have a vanilla kush that started out the same way(started mine in soil)very slugish,purple top also. Its a month old now and recovered nicely,in fact i took clones 2 day ago.
My suggestion would be to let her dry out and veg for a while,:goodluck:
29 days into 12/12 from seed and doing fine.

The Vanilla Kush even seems to be taking off finally. I transplanted her into a bigger pot from the 16 oz cup and was amazed at how much root was in the cup for how small the plant itself is.

Also have a Reserve Privada Kandy Kush and Dutch Passion White Widow that I started because I thought the VK wasn't going to make it. Now they are alive and doing well but small also. Large roots on them too.

Vanilla Kush

whole room, White Widow lower left, Kandy Kush opposite corner same pot


Super Skunk
38 days in 12/12 from seed for the big ladies, 31 for the small ones.

They are about 12 inches tall. Starting to show some hairs. Hope they get bigger.

here is the Super Skunk. If you look close in the front the side branch is higher than the main top.

here is the Papaya

The Kandy Kush on the left of the pot and White Widow on the right.

Vanilla Kush starting to take off nice

And a room with a view
7 weeks into 12/12 from seed

Up graded to a 600w HPS with digital ballast yesterday.
Plants are doing great. I cant believe how well the ones I had written off as not going to make it are doing. They don't have much height yet, but they are very healthy.

White Widow and Kandy Kush

Vanilla Kush

Super Skunk all alone while we install new light



Picked up the Snow Storm Ultra
And some Ginormous 0-18-18, Anyone ever use it? Good, bad? Pros, cons?
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