HID Grow - Revenge of the Kittens

Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

got my seeds in less than a week, 3/5 were crushed.. Opened a ticket with Nirvana and they got back to me in a day and said they were shipping out a new pack. Definitely got a customer for life with such great service.

2 of the WW popped and will be dropped in the dirt tonight to be added to the current veg lineup (3 wonder woman clones, 1 kushberry clone).

Bloom room has 2 wonder woman and 2 KB, all about 3-4 weeks in I'm guessing by the bud development. I don't really keep track of when I put things in and chop, I let the plant tell me when she wants fed, when she wants watered, when she wants carbs, and it seems to work well. I keep the scope to check for harvest time, I find this way I get less antsy and time goes a bit faster.

Anyway, I'll snap some pics pretty soon.. In the meantime, here are a few shots of the wonder woman I took a couple days ago on my phone. Quality isn't the best.

Gotta finish up chopping that last KB so I can get the other KB's a bit closer to the light. The WWoman stretched a decent amount when first put in bloom and they're about 3ft.. The KB doesn't really stretch at all for me, so they usually need a longer veg time.





Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

whats up growers? I got my 2 widows in the dirt last night, so I'm waiting for them to stick their heads up.

the clone tray is looking good, I see roots coming out of one of the wonder woman cuttings, so that will get dropped in the dirt tonight. I'm a little bummed though, I took 5 KB clones and only 1 made it so I took another 5 when I put the last girls in bloom, but none of them rooted.. I hear people saying taking clones from clones degrades the genetics, and I'm starting to believe this as this plan has been really easy to clone and I've probably harvested around 12 or more plants by taking clones from clones. Rather than keeping a mom, I like to raise my clones, take cuttings and then bloom the clones while the cuttings are waiting on roots. Works out to be a good schedule.

So anyway, i have one small KB clone in veg, so I'll give it another try when she gets bigger, I love this strain and would hate to see it gone, even though its a low yielder. Regardless, I have wonder woman and white widow as backups for a little variety.

the veg plants got hit with some juice the past few days and are really starting to take off.. I might hold back on the veg nutes just a little because I still have a month until I free up some space in the bloom room.

Bloom is looking great. The wonder woman plants are stacking up nicely and really starting to frost. They love the tiger bloom, it seems the buds double in size after I feed them. I really can't wait to try the wonder woman, It seems like forever since I got the seeds and still haven't harvested a plant yet.

I snapped a few pics of bloom this morning on the cell, so enjoy :bong:




KB in front, WW in back
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Oh noes, u have more plants than u have space for. That means u need to put up lights in ur bathroom. lol
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

haha yeah pretty much man. I'm only using half of the space in my bloom cab, so I think throwing another 600w in there would be great for them, and it would allow me to have 8 plants in there instead of 4. I really don't have room to bloom more than 4 plants at once because they won't get enough light coverage.

I love that last pic, the ladies are all reaching up to the light. Those pics were taken with the fan off too.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Thanks bro, you hit it spot on haha.

I got an email over the weekend from Nirvana. They shipped out another pack of white widow fem over the weekend! Gotta give them props for the amazing customer service. Incase you're not aware, I ordered 2 5 packs of white widow fem and received them in 6 days. One pack was fine, the other pack was pretty smashed and only 2/5 seeds were good. Both germed and are in the dirt though which is good. I hit their customer service up and they said they would ship me out a new pack free of charge. They definitely got a customer for life, I just wish they had SLH because thats what I want to try next.

Dropped 2 more wonder clones in the dirt last night, so heres an updated plant count:

5 wonder woman clones
1 kushberry clone
2 white widow fem seeds

Bloom (halfway done):
2 wonder woman
2 kushberry

Considering this is my 4th or 5th perpetual cycle, I think I have things going pretty well. I finished cutting down the last KB from the last cycle, and I think I have about 1/4 left once it's dry, which is good considering I smoked the rest of the plant, along with the others lol. It should be enough to hold me over until the next group is done.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Nice bushy plants CrimsonK. I really like the way they're reaching for the light. They look like they're just aching to get fat.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

hey TheCrimsonK20 I have been lurking here for a long time now in fact it was this and spikes thread that made me bookmark this site nice to see you are still active
I thought attitude shipped to the states how come you don't purchase slh from greenhouse via them ?
Anyway I think another 600watt light would be a great addition to your room you grow some monsters dude thanks for sharing your adventures :peacetwo:
oh and are you still blowing master kush in your space ship :grinjoint:
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Nice bushy plants CrimsonK. I really like the way they're reaching for the light. They look like they're just aching to get fat.

yeah bro, I just rotated the wonder woman and it seemed like overnight, the cola just doubled on the side closest to the light so I turned it around again hoping to fatten her up more. I'll take some good macros of them this weekend and throw them up, the fan leaves and just how the plants are growing is a thing of beauty, I want to capture these guys since they're the mothers to what will come in the next few months.

hey TheCrimsonK20 I have been lurking here for a long time now in fact it was this and spikes thread that made me bookmark this site nice to see you are still active
I thought attitude shipped to the states how come you don't purchase slh from greenhouse via them ?
Anyway I think another 600watt light would be a great addition to your room you grow some monsters dude thanks for sharing your adventures :peacetwo:
oh and are you still blowing master kush in your space ship :grinjoint:

I got all my beans from Nirvana, so their selection is somewhat limited, although they have some amazing strains to choose from. SLH is my most sought after strain other than white widow, and I got my widows so I just gave in and ordered 2 SLH from castle seeds. 2 shipped was only $24. Really excited about this, from looking at everyones SLH journals these things stretch big time, so I plan on flipping the switch at 8" to try to harness the beast. Maybe even run the MH for the first few weeks of 12/12 to minimize stretch. Either way, I'll have A LOT of wonder woman in bloom for the next few months, so it will be good to have a SLH on the backburner. I'll be able to let it ripen to its full potential and still have killer wonder woman bud to smoke.

Thought about getting another light, but I think I'm gonna beef up my nutrient lineup first. I think its time to start monitoring my ph and making sure I'm getting the best out of these guys.

Still blowin kush in my spaceship, its just blueberry this time haha
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

So, let this example of laziness be a lesson to those new growers who think PH isn't that important to check. I've had a PH tester for quite a while now but haven't used it and really don't have an excuse other than laziness.

I have been having deficiencies show up in mid bloom and just thought I was over-nuting the girls even though I'm always nuting at half or less strength. I was using distilled water and mixing my nutes in from there, well yesterday I decided to finally check my PH.. I feel like a dumbass for waiting so long to do it, and I've known for a very long time how important PH is to the plants, but still my stoned ass never checked it, mainly because I never got any calibration solution and didn't think it was that accurate out of the box. I found online that distilled water should be PH7, so I checked the plain water, and it showed @ 7 on the dot, so I got a bit excited thinking my meter is calibrated. I mixed up a nute solution and checked the PH. 4.6. I almost shat myself and kicked myself in the ass because the problem was my own doing and right under my nose this whole time. Added 1/2tsp baking soda and the PH jumped up to 6.6. I gave them a fairly heavy feeding (2Tbsp / gal) and this morning they looked so happy, so I'm sure I have fixed the issue. I'm also making the switch to tap water as the ph is at 7.3 normally, so bringing it down won't be a problem, and it will save me a lot of cash in buying distilled water. If I notice anything bad from my water, I'll switch back, but I'm hoping I can get away with just adjusting the PH.

So anyone out there not checking PH, I cannot stress how important it is to the health of your babies.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

yeah man whatever you need to use to get the job done. I have a ph600 i got on ebay for like 20 bucks, it works great and for the price can't be beat.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

heres a shot of my best wonder woman about 4 weeks in


Really excited about this strain as I have 6 clones in veg from them. They love nutes and have shown no burns, no deficiencies, and barely lost any leaves the whole time.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

thanks bro, I just have to sit back and wait a couple weeks. I'm 3 weeks away from my projected harvest date. The wonder woman is finally starting to yellow on the first leaves she got, so it's nearing the end of the cycle. Gonna hit them with molasses in the next few waterings and just give em another 1-2 fairly heavy feedings then will just give them plain water till the end.

Might let one of the wonder womans go a bit longer and get a lot of amber on her, especially if shes still green. The kush is gonna be the first to come down, I like chopping them early for some reason.

Picked up 1/4 of fruity pebbles a few days ago, some decent smoke for sure, but I just hate smoking stuff I didn't grow. It smokes harsh, has a great smell, but a fert taste and a really narcotic high that puts you to sleep if you smoke too much of it. Can't complain, it's still better than nothing, but I just can't wait to be blazing my own again.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

The hard part is just starting. That last few weeks of waiting for the finish is tough, especially when the stash is short. Sounds like she is sliding into a smooth finish.

Got some Afghani Hindu Kush beans on the way. They'll be my first kush grow.

There are few options locally when the stash runs out. Do you have dispensaries to get you through the dry times? I like a little couchlock now and then but it sounds like the fruity pebbles might be a little too much so.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

you'll like smoking kush if you like a little couch lock. The blueberry kush i have in there now is amazing stuff. When I first started smoking it, one hit and you're good for a couple hours. Smokes smooth and has a great taste. All around good stuff. I've grown over 20 plants of this strain and wish I had some seeds left over. I want to take some time off growing it for a bit and work with some other strains, but its just so good I don't want to lose the genetics. Might just keep one girl per cycle to hang on to it, maybe try to have her self pollinate a bit. Definitely want to try some other kush strains though.

Unfortunately don't live in a med state, so dispensaries aren't available, but pretty much all my friends smoke a lot, so finding it isn't ever a problem. Finding herb as high quality and carefully grown / trimmed / dried as mine though is very hard. You can definitely tell if the herb was grown for profit or for pleasure, it's as if the plant responds to the love you give them daily and produces sweeter buds haha
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Very nice lookin ladies crimson. I have grown the wonder woman before and it was very nute burn resistant, always looks healthy and vigorous. Nice strain to play with. Good luck,hope it smokes exceptionally well.:bravo:
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

thanks bro, thanks for your input on the wonder woman, I don't see many people growing it, so that was one of my main reasons to give it a try. I love how resistant she is. I gave her the same PH issues I gave my kushberries and she hasn't shown any signs of deficiencies. Now that I have it all sorted out though, the growth has exploded. My main cola is thicker than my wrist now.

I hit them with a dose of molasses yesterday, so I can't wait to see them plump up even more.
Re: Crimson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

My main cola never got that big. I had to cut that grow short,and only could flower 5 weeks. Was devestating because all 5 wondor womans were so beautiful. I know i could have gotten a great yeild off of them too. They get stocky looking. One thing i noticed about the wonder woman was that it stretched between nodes a bit too much compared to the other strains i had on that grow. (white widow,master kush,northern lights.)I'll try to find you a vegetation picture of it. I didnt take any flowering pics on that grow.
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