InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Must be a phone thing. It works on my computer when I click it. You can search "cooking with cannabis" and it should come up there.

Okay .

It's Gold Leaf transplant day. Make or break time for this plant.

Here's how it went down:

Number 1. Get all your stuff together.


That's Dr Earth Pot of Gold soil and perlite.

Number 2. LOOK AT YOUR ROOTS and take a picture.


Number 3. Fill the new pot up to the level of the bottom of the old pot. Tamp it down lightly, don't compact it. Put the "root ball" on the new soil and lightly loosen the outside of the old soil to encourage contact with the new soil. Fill around the plant with new soil and compact that gently. Continue filling to the just above the old soil level.


Number 4. Water thoroughly and leave in the shade.


It will be in the shade during the day and in the house at night, but not in the clone box because it won't fit! After about a week of that I'll give it a bit more morning sun every day for another week and then into the shed it will go with the rest of the plants.

Chime in now!


Looks very well executed. Here's my 2 cents... looks great! The roots are... a little brown. But that's likely cause they were too wet for too long in the box...

"I am not a cloning pro, nor do I play one one tv"

.... but your plan sounds sound to me.

Give her as much light as possible right now shed. She could use some power to establish some new roots and take off. But glad to see there's roots. Agree with dabber they were wet too long and didn't get proper air flow and they turned a bit dark.
But glad to see it's not dead. Just the other day I was really wondering! Good call to save her :)

*Chime* Looks very well executed. Here's my 2 cents... looks great! The roots are... a little brown. But that's likely cause they were too wet for too long in the box..."I am not a cloning pro, nor do I play one one tv" .... but your plan sounds sound to me.

Give her as much light as possible right now shed. She could use some power to establish some new roots and take off. But glad to see there’s roots. Agree with dabber they were wet too long and didn’t get proper air flow and they turned a bit dark. But glad to see it’s not dead. Just the other day I was really wondering! Good call to save her :)

Thanks guys! The roots are even wetter now but with the perlite in there they should do standard root things now. I don't want to do direct sunlight so I'm doing bright shade now. At night I'll put them under the CFL in the office which is way brighter than the lamp over the clone box. Hope that's enough!


Thanks guys! The roots are even wetter now but with the perlite in there they should do standard root things now. I don't want to do direct sunlight so I'm doing bright shade now. At night I'll put them under the CFL in the office which is way brighter than the lamp over the clone box. Hope that's enough!


You definitely want a lot of light. It has roots. More light = faster growth. You def aren't going to hurt it with direct sunlight. And hey... what's this bright shade oxy moron thing your speaking about? Lol

You definitely want a lot of light. It has roots. More light = faster growth. You def aren’t going to hurt it with direct sunlight. And hey... what’s this bright shade oxy moron thing your speaking about? Lol

Har! Bright shade would be shade with reflected sunlight (what I have) or sunlight filtered by leaves or screening. I have moved plants from indoors to out and found that if you don't get them used to it the sun will burn them.

You think it would be ok on the edge of the LEDs at night then?

[edit: Just used the for-what-it's-worth lux app on my phone and got 3,200 lux in the shade and 22,000 lux in what I'm calling "bright shade"! The sun was at 123,000 lux.]

Har! Bright shade would be shade with reflected sunlight (what I have) or sunlight filtered by leaves or screening. I have moved plants from indoors to out and found that if you don't get them used to it the sun will burn them.

You think it would be ok on the edge of the LEDs at night then?

[edit: Just used the for-what-it's-worth lux app on my phone and got 3,200 lux in the shade and 22,000 lux in what I'm calling "bright shade"! The sun was at 123,000 lux.]

Yes man once my clones have roots I try to punch them with as much light as possible but the delicate nature this gold leaf has been, absolutely do what you feel best. It's your garden and you have the in person analysis the rest of us don't buddy

Walked past the AK-47 clone and said this has got to get pruned again! Went for the shoots that were going wide (the way I prune my pomegranates) and took the tallest off the top. Here's what went into the freezer:


And here is what it looks like post-haircut:


As Rooster said, this is going to have to be cut and cut and cut between now and April to keep it manageable. I hope the Gold Leaf gets to that point!

Yes man once my clones have roots I try to punch them with as much light as possible but the delicate nature this gold leaf has been, absolutely do what you feel best. It's your garden and you have the in person analysis the rest of us don't buddy
I do the same as soon as they take roots I put them in the brightest lights I can they are a lot tougher than the autos and can take a lot of abuse...I to some cutting from a plant that laid out in the cold one night next day cut me 5 and got 4 of the 5 to take root..

Walked past the AK-47 clone and said this has got to get pruned again! Went for the shoots that were going wide (the way I prune my pomegranates) and took the tallest off the top. Here's what went into the freezer:


And here is what it looks like post-haircut:


As Rooster said, this is going to have to be cut and cut and cut between now and April to keep it manageable. I hope the Gold Leaf gets to that point!
I'd take a few cutting them get them started them pick the best looking ones and flower the mother or trash her.

Great job ITS, I see the roots made at least one lap, that is promising. Lots of clippings for juuuice and cooking 4sure. Since you have quite a big clone there, how long will you stay in veg?

I'll find a use for them somewhere! Last time I tried to use the stems and roots in oil but I don't think they have any healing properties for that.

This is going to be an outdoor grow starting after the vernal equinox, so for now I'm keeping them under the lights/in the sun with the autos 20/4. In April they move outside until September 21st, at which point I will need to be able to move them into the shed at night for 12 hours of darkness that they can't get outside my house. It's gonna be cray!

Final pot size will be around 7 gallons.

I'd take a few cutting them get them started them pick the best looking ones and flower the mother or trash her.

Nah, no challenge in that! Also, cloning isn't my forte :).
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